Chapter 591

" did you know..."

Lei Minghou's mood was even a little abnormal. If it wasn't because he was afraid of Zhang Rui's strength, he even wanted to grab Zhang Rui's hands.

Well day.

It was originally a small tiankeng developed from a karst landform. It was discovered by brothers Lei Mingdun and Lei Minghou when they were playing. At that time, Lei Mingdun was a teenager and Lei Minghou had just remembered.

Due to the settlement of human beings, they are restricted in the isolation area, and it is like a fantasy to be able to go to the countryside to play.

In the hometown where brothers Lei Mingdun and Lei Minghou came to, NT was not so rampant, so the boundary between the quarantined area and the outside world was not so strict, and compared with other strictly isolated areas, it was freer.

Lei Mingdun brought Lei Minghou into the small tiankeng, looked up at the palm-sized sky behind the top, and remembered the idiom of sitting in a well to watch the sky, so he named this small tiankeng Jingtian.

Only the two brothers know about this small sinkhole.

Only the two brothers knew the name Jing Tian.

Now that Zhang Rui mentioned this place name that only the two brothers knew, it was no wonder that Lei Minghou behaved a little abnormally.

In his opinion, this mysterious man must have some connection with his brother, otherwise he would not have revealed the secret between the two brothers.

"I'm friends with your brother."

Zhang Rui can also say the same.

"Oh... no, if my brother is still alive, he would be almost 50 years old now, you look so young, at most no more than 20 years old, and my brother sacrificed for more than 20 years, you will not have the opportunity to know each other, why? May be friends, who are you?"

Lei Minghou believed it at first, but reason eventually prevailed.

"The friends I'm talking about are not the ones who are inseparable and talk about everything. We have a close relationship."

Zhang Rui can only explain it in this way.

Really divine.

After the character is bound, accept the memory of the character during his lifetime, and fulfill the last wish of the character himself.

Saying that this is divine friendship, it makes sense.

Now Lei Minghou can't confirm Zhang Rui's words, which ones are true and which ones are false, so he can only continue to ask about some things about Lei Mingdun's life, especially before he joined the Guardian Guard.

Because after joining the Guardian Guards, identity information is easy to be found through various channels, and it is very likely that it will be used by people with ulterior motives.

The life experience before joining the Guardian Guards is generally rarely reflected in the resumes of work and enlistment, so it is relatively more reliable to check whether the other party is Leimington's old friend.

Of course, Zhang Rui couldn't be bothered. He told at least dozens of details about Lei Mingdun's life before he joined the Guardian Guards, which gradually convinced Lei Minghou.

Of course, it is not to dispel the suspicion that Zhang Rui is a suspected NT companion, but to believe that Zhang Rui and Lei Mingdun are divine friends.

clang clang...

The sound of neat combat boots trampling on the hard ground.

There is a large army coming.

It turned out that one of the guards at the entrance of YZ City had already sent a signal for help to the YZ City Branch of the Jingnan Command Center.

The large army moved quickly, filing out from the entrance and exit where Zhang Rui was located. They were all armed to the teeth, and even had masks on their helmets to prevent them from being contaminated by NT genes.

There are 300 people in this dispatch.

Regardless of the fact that there are only 300 people, the combat power of each guardian is equivalent to dozens of ordinary people. With the addition of tactical equipment, the strength is only strong but not weak.

"My friend, although I believe that you and my deceased brother are close friends, I advise you not to resist in the corner, but to surrender quickly and strive for leniency."

Although Lei Minghou has always been hard to let go of his deceased brother.

But in the end, reason trumps sensibility.

As long as you don't figure out the origin of this mysterious figure, you will never compromise.

"The reason why we have been talking well is because I am not your enemy at all. I don't want to hurt any of you, even the one I knocked down. He didn't suffer any injuries. I really just want to go to G City and help Everyone get rid of NT and close the plane bridge."

Zhang Rui tried his best to restrain himself, although he could be simple and rude, ask a person for the route to G city by torturing a person, then drive Wushuang in G city, and go back as soon as possible after completing the task.

City G is the battlefield where Leiming Dun died.

He was sent to the battlefield with a supersonic aircraft by the guardian guards back then, and the situation on the battlefield was relatively chaotic. Therefore, in Remington's memory, there was no ground route to City G at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't go through such a big trouble and be misunderstood as an enemy.

"My friend, is it so difficult to tell the truth?"

As the guardian guards of YZ City approached, Lei Minghou advised Zhang Rui again from the perspective of the leader of the situation.

At this time, Zhang Rui had let go of his consciousness, and the range was about [-] meters, including the approaching guardian guards.

After Zhang Rui successfully broke through to Danhai Realm, his strength increased ten times compared to before the breakthrough. Even if the weapons used by people in this world are much more advanced than those in his original world, they are not afraid at all.

There is a strange air machine.

Is this NT?
That feeling is like seeing a coquettish poppy in a sunflower field, it is very eye-catching.

The spiritual consciousness of a cultivator, like opening the eyes of the sky, not only has the function similar to radar scanning, but also has the function similar to perspective.

Even if the fish slipped through the net under the NT monitoring facility, don't even think about escaping Zhang Rui's eyes.


Que Lu sword flew out.

In the middle, one of the guardian guards, with a helmeted head, seemed to be blown away by the wind.


The headless body stood upright for a few seconds before falling down straight, and the head rolled more than ten meters away.


Lei Minghou and Ben didn't expect that Zhang Rui would attack the guardian guards.

Are you saying it's not an enemy?

Crack la la...

The sound of pulling the Q peg.

Three hundred Q-ports hit Zhang Rui's front center at the same time.

"Take a good look..."

Zhang Rui pointed to the headless corpse.

Several squid-like tentacles protruded from the neck section, wriggling like sea anemones...


Everyone gasped almost at the same time.

NT companions were actually mixed into the guardian guards?

But NT monitoring is so strict, especially the guardian guards, who have to go through monitoring almost three times a day. The combat equipment they wear also has a certain function of identifying NT companions. How could this NT companion be mixed in?

Before people could react, Zhang Rui's eyes froze, and the Quelu sword that had already cut off a head turned into a cold light again, cutting off more than ten heads one after another. All of these headless bodies protruded from the neck cavity Similar to squid-like tentacles, however, these NT companions have not yet matured, and gradually lose their activity as the host dies, like sea anemones dehydrated, gradually wilting...

(End of this chapter)

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