Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 610 Even if I am alone and helpless, I can’t serve cold salad

Chapter 610 Even if I am alone and helpless, I can’t serve cold salad

Let the planar bridge fall?

It's easy to say, but it's hard to do, or even harder.

It is thousands of meters high and has an average diameter of about 50 meters. The tower base covers an area of ​​more than [-] square meters.

Relying on Zhang Rui and Jinlong as an exhausted team, it is impossible to destroy the Plane Tower quickly, because the NT that is crossing the space-time rift and the new invasion cannot give Zhang Rui and Jinlong time.

"By the way, I'm not fighting alone, what about Lei Minghou and the others?"

Zhang Rui originally didn't intend to fight side by side with Lei Minghou, because City G is a restricted area for humans, and they can't get close at all.

The powerful brainwaves of the NT superbody are no joke.

But now Zhang Rui is in urgent need of foreign aid, but the scout drone is gone forever, and he doesn't have a communication tool to contact the human army, let alone relying on shouting.

Immediately, Zhang Rui understood that maybe the human beings around G City have fallen, because just now after the NT super body was hit hard, a majestic brain wave erupted, and even he and Jinlong were almost caught. It will be affected, unfortunately, of course, it is an ordinary person who is close to G city and has no defense against NT super body brain waves.

In other words, Zhang Rui is now in a predicament of being weak or even helpless.

I don't know how many moments of despair have experienced by human beings in this world?

Now the golden dragon deserted and returned to the ground to devour the remaining body of the NT super body. The Batwing Tiger was fighting bitterly with the remaining head of the NT super body and the NT that had newly invaded through the space-time rift.

Zhang Rui himself was left, not to mention the consumption of most of his strength. The only magic weapon, Quelu, had exhausted his sword intent and could not exert its original power. Now he could not shake the abnormally strong Plane Bridge at all.

How to do?
Anyway, it can't be cold.

Zhang Rui thought that since he could summon the small fish to eat the creatures of the big fish world without restriction, now is the time to make the best use of it.

With a thought, a light curtain jumped out in front of Zhang Rui's eyes, and the light curtain was densely arranged with icons representing the body of the creature.

He needs to find someone who is good at digging, it doesn't matter if he is strong or not.

Golden cicada and mole cricket?

Zhang Rui knew that the mole cricket was good at digging, but he didn't know if the golden cicada mole cricket that existed in the alien space was also good at digging, so he summoned it first.


A ruler-long body is golden, with cicada wings on its back, and a pair of forelimbs for digging soil on both sides of the copper head. It looks more like copper cast iron, with a metallic luster.

It looks very reliable!
It's just too small.

Because it was summoned by Zhang Rui, the golden cicada and mole cricket appeared, and immediately followed Zhang Rui's intention, waving its metallic forelimbs and burrowing into the ground.

The ground of the tower base of the Plane Bridge is all made of concrete of unknown composition. It is as strong as copper cast iron, and it is difficult to break. But to golden cicadas, it is like tofu, which collapses at the touch of a finger.

"Not bad!"

Zhang Rui knew he was right.

With such a hard ground, he and Jinlong couldn't do anything about it in a short time, but for the golden cicada and mole cricket, it was like a broken bamboo.

"Come on, Ollie..."

Zhang Rui also yelled at the hole left by the golden cicada and mole cricket.

But soon he felt unreliable again.

A bug as long as a foot is not small, but don't forget that the base of the planar bridge covers an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters, how big should the foundation be?How long can you dig close to a golden cicada and mole cricket?
There is not much time left for Zhang Rui now... To be precise, Zhang Rui has no time. There are already new NTs desperately tearing apart the space rift so that more of the same kind can pass through.

If more NTs swarmed in, then Zhang Rui's previous efforts would be in vain, the mission would fail, and he would have to re-bind another undead in this world to continue the mission...

While Zhang Rui was worried, the space where the golden cicada and mole cricket appeared just now shook like water ripples, and another golden cicada and mole cricket emerged!
Before Zhang Rui could react, golden cicadas and mole crickets appeared one after another, burrowing deep into the ground like broken soil.

Zhang Rui counted, and there were hundreds of golden cicadas and mole crickets.

From the looks of it, this thing operates in groups.

Gacha Gacha...

Zhang Rui could clearly hear the sound of golden cicadas and mole crickets digging hard. The sound was like bugs gnawing on the heart of cabbage.

And the sound rapidly expanded in all directions, obviously the golden cicada and mole cricket were advancing rapidly.

With the help of the gods, Zhang Rui put most of his heart down, and hurriedly greeted Jin Long who was deserting.

"Dude, get to work."


The golden dragon had just swallowed the remnant of the NT super body, and before he could even belch, he protested loudly, but obediently picked up Zhang Rui and flew to the sky above the plane bridge.


During the lift-off, Zhang Rui looked down and saw a situation that he no longer wanted to see in his life.

A large number of humans are gathering towards the downtown area of ​​G.

Zhang Rui's eyesight is excellent, and he can still see human clothes on the ground clearly at an altitude of several hundred meters.

They are the guardian guards led by Lei Minghou.

What Zhang Rui was worried about happened.

When the NT super body was severely injured by him, a majestic brain wave erupted, and almost all the guardian guards gathered around G City were affected, mentally traumatized, and almost lost their sense of autonomy, becoming a suspected NT companion body.

How to do?
Zhang Rui thought that the only way to wipe out the remaining head of the NT super body so that it could no longer generate powerful brainwaves was to save the collectively fallen Guardian Guards.

"Come on, dude!"

Zhang Rui slapped the golden dragon's mane violently.


The golden dragon let out a roar, carried Zhang Rui on its back, circled the bridge tower of the plane, and went up.

At this time, NT's super body is like a weird octopus, entrenched in the huge "radar" at the top of the plane bridge, with hundreds of tentacles, like the snake hair on the head of the Medusa banshee. .

The basic principle of the plane bridge is to use equipment similar to radar to emit powerful energy pulses to prevent the closure of the space gap, so that NT can pass through another plane and become the prey of human beings.

Now the NT super body uses the only remaining head, with the help of the powerful energy pulse of the plane bridge, to bless its own brainwaves and summon its companions to come quickly.

When Zhang Rui drove the golden dragon to the top of the plane bridge, the NT super body realized that the danger was coming again, and several tentacles grew violently, with the ends like spears, stabbing towards Zhang Rui and the golden dragon respectively.

The golden dragon opened his mouth and spat out, and a bolt of lightning shot out, hitting the stabbing tentacles in front of him.


The tentacles were charred black, and the rest snapped back like rubber bands.

Zhang Rui also shot out several wind blades casually, cutting off several tentacles that attacked him.


A tiger's roar resounded from above.

Then, a black shadow fell from Zhang Rui's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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