Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 679 Another Encounter

Chapter 679 Another Encounter

"Kong Gu, don't be like this. Could it be that in your heart, you only have hatred for me?"

As the empty voice echoed in the sky above Shuangxiu Peak, Min Yunxia's divine thoughts revealed a quite humane sadness.

The sound echoes endlessly like thunder in the clouds, which can quite disturb people's minds.

If you don't know the grievances between Li Konggu and Min Yunxia, ​​and if your own strength is relatively low, you might really be confused, and believe that Li Konggu is a scumbag who starts in chaos and ends up giving up.

"Min Yunxia, ​​you are like a turtle with a shrinking head. You dare not come out to meet the successor of Senior Konggu in person. It can be seen that you have a false name. What is ridiculous is that those dog legs under your command even boasted that you are Emperor Yunxia. You're just a poor bastard who pretends to be smart."

Zhang Rui believed that the reason why Min Yunxia separated a trace of divine sense was probably to test him.

Then take this opportunity to provoke Min Yunxia.

Regardless of whether it works or not, if you have dates or not, you should hit a pole first.


With a faint sigh, "Min Yunxia" shook her head.

"Why would Konggu choose such a vulgar thing as his successor? It's really sad."

Zhang Rui smiled and said:

"Min Yunxia, ​​don't talk about how noble you are. It's only been 1000 years, and you've forgotten how you betrayed Senior Konggu? In order to get the book of secrets, you must have put a lot of thought into it, and even sacrificed your own feelings. No, you may have never been emotional, otherwise you would not have colluded with Zhao Huayuan to form a pair of dogs and kill Senior Kong Gu, have you ever thought that one day you will get retribution?"

The face of "Min Yunxia" suddenly changed color.

Even the sleeves of the clothes and the black hair flew up as if encountering a gust of wind, which looked extremely realistic, even though it was just a wisp of divine thought, not a real entity.

"How did you know about the book of secrets?"

The existence of the secret book itself is a secret.

Not to mention the secrets recorded in the lost ciphertext in the book of secrets.

Apparently Min Yunxia didn't expect that Li Konggu's successor also knew about the book of secrets.

Li Konggu has been dead for thousands of years, how such a descendant emerged, Min Yunxia doesn't know.

But Zhang Rui uttered the book of secrets, which is enough to prove that he knows too much about Li Konggu.

"There's no need for me to tell you. What do you think if I still know the truth about the Tonggu Great Formation and the fact that you are about to hit the Dao stage and prove the way of the Empress?"

Zhang Rui saw that Min Yunxia's divine sense had a strong emotional fluctuation, so he knew that his method had worked.

With the spiritual thoughts condensed by Min Yunxia's spiritual consciousness, everything she sees and feels will be known to the deity immediately.

The Tonggu formation that enveloped Shuangxiu Peak also fluctuated with Min Yunxia's mood swings.

Using his spiritual sense, Zhang Rui had already seen clearly that in the largest square in front of Juxia Hall, hundreds of thousands of people had gathered, rubbing shoulders, and they were all preparing to witness the grand occasion of Min Yunxia's forty-ninth catastrophe in the Dao stage.

The most important thing is that these hundreds of thousands of monks have heard that participating in Min Yunxia's Enlightenment Conference will not only witness the birth of the once-in-a-thousand-year emperor, but also get a special opportunity.

As for the chance, Min Yunxia didn't disclose at all.

And no one knows even a little bit of information about it.

The vast majority of people came to the preaching conference with the idea that they would rather believe it.

Zhang Rui's words were more like a poisonous thorn, which made "Min Yunxia" no longer maintain her elegant demeanor, her eyes showed a serious killing intent, she made an ice pick with one hand, and then pointed at Zhang Rui, the ice pick seemed to have The sight usually shoots towards Zhang Rui.

With such a simple blow, it is of course impossible to deal with Zhang Rui.

But once the ice cone is launched, it quickly changes from one to three, three to nine, and nine to an extreme number...

It is denser than the hail that falls from the sky, and it far surpasses physical weapons in terms of flight speed, firmness, and sharpness.

This move is quite similar to Li Konggu's Sword Intent Nine Intent Transformation.

This also reflects that Min Yunxia's attainments in qi refining and cultivation have never been separated from Li Konggu's shadow.

Although the opponent was just a divine sense, Zhang Rui didn't dare to be careless, and quickly sacrificed the Quelu sword, which also changed thousands of sword intents to resist the ice cone like a storm.

The sword intent collided with the materialized ice cone, and the sound was as fine as hail hitting the roof.

Light and shadow intertwine in the sky, and over the entire Shuangxiu Peak, it seems that a storm is blowing, rolling up white sleet and snow.

"Look, what happened?"

"Maybe someone forcibly broke into Shuangxiu Peak and was blocked?"

"But why do I feel that Emperor Yunxia has made a move? This aura is very similar."

"Didn't you see that Emperor Yunxia is sitting on the cloud platform in the middle of the square? Now is the critical moment. No matter what happens, she can't leave."

"That's right, then who is going to forcibly break into Shuangxiu Peak, and who is going to resist this person?"

"Then you see, it's a fight, it's so strong!"

"Thousands of Sword Intent?"

"That's right, that's sword intent. What is the origin of the other party that can change so many sword intents?"

"It is said that a genius appeared thousands of years ago and created a sword technique called Jiuyi Huaji. Could it be that this person is the inheritor of this sword technique?"

"It's very possible. I heard recently that there is a descendant of this genius who uses this sword technique in the Qi refining world. Could it be him?"

"I've also heard that this person not only claims to be Li Konggu's heir, but also seeks Min Yunxia to punish Min...Emperor Yunxia on behalf of his master."

"I thought it was just that foolish man talking nonsense, but I didn't expect it to be true?"

"How about we go up and have a look?"

"Farewell, don't say whether this matter is worth our shot, now is the critical time, don't be distracted."


While everyone was discussing in the square in front of Juxia Hall, it seemed that there was a hail of snow in the sky. These were the debris that fell from the ice cone smashed by Zhang Rui with the Jiuyihuaji sword technique.

"Konggu, is that really you?"

When "Min Yunxia" saw the opponent's swordsmanship of nine intentions, she was a little confused, her eyes were watery, and her expression was coquettish.

"Min Yunxia, ​​if you have any means, just use it..."

While Zhang Rui was speaking, he left an external body to deal with Min Yunxia's divine sense, and he went straight to the square in front of Juxia Hall.

"Kong Gu, is that really you?"

"Min Yunxia"'s eyes were still full of affection, and her long hair grew wildly without limit. For a moment, it was like black clouds overwhelming the city, sealing off all the moving space around Zhang Rui's body. At the same time, Min Yunxia's pair of The affectionate eyes gradually became cold and sharp.

In the area covered by the long hair, the space seems to become thicker, and even the flow of time seems to slow down.


After Zhang Rui failed to break through the encirclement several times, he rubbed his palms together, and a black-purple lightning shot out from between them.

However, the purple lightning seemed to plunge into the boundless darkness and disappeared without a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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