Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 707 Confrontation between two parties

Chapter 707
"why why……"

Zhang Rui took advantage of the victory to pursue, and after beheading the demon emperor in front of him, he seemed to feel a sense of sorrow.

The demon emperor has strong mental power, and before he is beheaded and his life is completely gone, he can still convey his innocence to the alien who killed him.

Zhang Rui grabbed it from the air, and the severed animal head flew into his hand.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to kill indiscriminately, but I have to do it."

As he spoke, he threw the head into the superdimensional space.

As for the rest of the body, there were no other monsters to snatch it.

The demon emperor's aura is too strong, there are no other ordinary monsters staying within a hundred miles around, and other demon emperors or beast kings are farther away.

Zhang Rui approached the corpse of the demon emperor who was still warm, and felt the fierce aura that had not subsided. This aura was too oppressive for ordinary people!
Just like ordinary people facing a fierce tiger, not to mention fighting hard, they might not even have the thought of running away, and they would be shivering from fright.

"nice one!"

Zhang Rui simply took the corpse of the demon emperor into the hyperdimensional space.

Anyway, the super-dimensional space has become an independent small world, not to mention the corpse of a monster, if possible, it is not a problem to hold three thousand monster emperors!

Although he won the first battle, Zhang Rui couldn't relax.

Ordinary monsters and beast kings, he automatically ignores the past. It was only the first time he fought against the monster emperor, did he realize that the situation he was about to face was more severe than he had expected before.

Just relying on Lin Yi and those pig teammates of the Yin family, including other martial arts families and sects, plus the armed forces of the ordinary human world, for the demon emperor, the power to crush human beings is like kicking a kindergarten!
From this point of view, preventing the monsters from accumulating mines from invading became his own battle.

Although he had just beheaded a demon emperor, compared with three thousand demon emperors, it was not even a drop in the bucket.

Headache ah headache.

Zhang Rui felt that he had to try to strengthen the town gates around Buzhou Island as soon as possible. Even if he couldn't completely seal the space-time gap between the two worlds, he could at least delay the invasion of monsters and buy humans more time to become stronger.

Several powerful auras are rapidly approaching Zhang Rui's location.

It may be because the demon emperor who was beheaded by Zhang Rui attracted other demon emperors to snatch the territory after his aura disappeared.

So good!

Zhang Rui reacted quickly, buried the Quelu sword under his feet, and then drew amulets in the air, setting up a sword array of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, ready to kill for a while.

The first to arrive was a giant golden-backed eagle, with its wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun, with a ferocious aura that was even better than the snake-body monster that Zhang Rui had just beheaded!

The giant golden-backed eagle let out a long cry, and the vegetation on the ground couldn't even bear the pressure of the powerful breath and fell down one after another.

"The strength of this giant eagle is equivalent to the stage of transforming gods!"

Zhang Rui let out a sigh.

You must know that in the Wanfang Continent, Qi-refining monks in the transformation stage are very rare.

Now he easily encounters a monster whose strength is equivalent to that of the god transformation stage.

For the world where hundreds of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are located, this is like lying on a bag of dynamite.

Zhang Rui has already used his body to hide his body and suppress his aura, so as to avoid being discovered by the demon emperors and causing conflicts.

The Wanli Rivers and Mountains Sword Formation has already been set up, and they are waiting for the right time to close the net.


A beast with the head of a tiger, the body of a rhinoceros, and a tail of a leopard also arrived. Although its stature was not outstanding, the giant golden-backed eagle that had just landed was obviously very apprehensive.


The giant tiger-headed beast was obviously very dissatisfied. It raised its head and roared at the giant golden-backed eagle. The powerful energy caused ripples in the surrounding space.


The giant golden-backed eagle did not show weakness and let out a long cry.

It also uses sound waves to transmit powerful energy to fight against tiger-headed monsters.

But the two sides always keep an appropriate distance to avoid confrontation.

The strengths are equal, if they attack easily, not only may cause mutual damage, but also be taken advantage of by a third party, the loss outweighs the gain.

But neither the golden-backed giant eagle nor the tiger-headed giant beast would leave first.

The two sides were deadlocked like this.

Following a sound that seemed to be snoring or roaring from far to near, the four eyes of the giant golden-backed vulture and the giant tiger-headed beast showed extremely fearful expressions at the same time.

And as a brown hill gradually approached, a pair of giant yellow eyes and the sound of breathing like a bellows indicated that this hill was a living creature.

Although the giant beasts do not have the general intelligence of humans, they all know how to avoid risks.

Although the golden-backed giant eagle and the tiger-headed giant beast refused to give up their new territory easily, they couldn't help but retreat to avoid conflicts with monsters like this hill.

Grid-shaped lightning burst out continuously in the clouds.

The dazzling lavender thunder light illuminated the brown hill, and the black and oppressive panorama was presented in the field of vision of the giant golden-backed eagle and the giant tiger-headed beast.

This is a very large brown bear.

According to the visual inspection, it is more than dozens of elephants. It has long brown hair, and its roots are like needles. Every time it takes a step, the ground trembles slightly.

Such a behemoth obviously belongs to the power system.

Hum hum……

The giant bear had seen the giant golden-backed vulture and the giant tiger-headed beast a long time ago, and let out a syllable of dissatisfaction from its nose. It seemed to be walking slowly and clumsily, but in fact it had a ferocious aura, which actually overwhelmed the giant golden-backed eagle and the giant tiger-headed beast.

"This brown bear-like giant must have the strength of the middle stage of transformation. If it breaks into the human world of hundreds of thousands of miles away, with this strength, it only takes one blow to destroy a human city!"

Zhang Rui, who had hidden his figure, also secretly exclaimed.

The three-headed demon emperor.

Separate the three directions to form a confrontation scene in the shape of a character.

For the sake of territory, no one is willing to back down a step.

"If I can get them to fight, I will be happy to see it."

Feeling the powerful aura of the three-headed demon emperors, Zhang Rui felt that their combat power was stronger than that of humans at the same level of strength. Let alone facing the three thousand demon emperors alone, even if he faced the three-headed demon emperors, he would not be able to fight. will be easy.

Since the situation is so urgent, don't talk about Wude.

As Zhang Rui was thinking, a sheep-shaped demon emperor and a black bat demon emperor arrived almost at the same time, forming a confrontation between the five parties.

Unwilling to back down, yet afraid to fight?

Zhang Rui felt that it was necessary for him to push the boat forward and help these demon emperors make up their minds to fight for their own interests.


Zhang Rui, who had concealed his figure, suddenly slapped his palm in the air, causing a sonic boom.

The five demon emperors confronting each other were already tense, and no one could carefully consider who made the move, almost instinctively resorting to their respective combat skills.

For a while, wind blade, thunder light, sound wave, air explosion and other offensive martial arts were intertwined. In Zhang Rui's view, it was just five walking big killers fighting each other. Fortunately, it was not in the human world, otherwise, it would definitely give humans The world has caused a catastrophe!

(End of this chapter)

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