Chapter 1
The summer evening wind is sultry and hot, making people uneasy, especially in this countryside, with mosquitoes buzzing around the ears, making people feel a little more restless.

"What the hell, let no one sleep!"

Lin Yu sat up upset, and glanced at the time, it was only after eight o'clock, and wanted to go to the shop at the entrance of the village to buy a box of mosquito coils.

The store at the entrance of the village was opened by Widow Shen. Her husband had an accident on a construction site two years ago and lost his life. The boss gave him a pension of 10 yuan. With this money, Widow Shen opened a small shop. .

Although Widow Shen is married, she is only 23 or [-] years old. Her appearance is really attractive, and she has a good figure. When people look at her, they will lose their souls.

When Lin Yu saw the woman for the first time, his eyes were straightened, and his hala almost didn't flow out. He didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful woman in this small broken village. He had planned to hook up for a long time, but he never poured out effort.

Now that I have time and an excuse, I can't help but speed up a little bit, almost trotting towards the small shop.

It's a pity that the sky is not beautiful. When I came to the small shop, I found out that the small shop, which usually closes at [-] o'clock, actually closed early today!

Disappointed, Lin Yu planned to go home and sleep, but when he turned around, he saw from the corner of his eyes that the lights in Widow Shen's house seemed to be still on.

Lin Yu's heart was very hot at the time, and he glanced around, but saw no one, so he grabbed the edge of the wall and turned in.

When he entered the yard, he originally wanted to knock on the door, but he passed by the window and looked in casually. At that time, he froze in place as if he had been imbued with a talisman, and his eyes almost popped out.

Because he saw through the window that Widow Shen in the room was taking a bath, her long hair in the shawl was scattered on her round shoulders, Ruyu was holding a water scoop in her arms, and was pouring water on her beautiful delicate body .

Even though she was in the bathtub at this time, Lin Yu s throat couldn t help itching, and he swallowed hard.

The widow Shen in the room didn't know that she was being targeted, she just lowered her head and sighed while drenched in water, with a little sadness on her face, she was widowed at a young age, I'm afraid she was a woman, so she would inevitably feel bored Bar.

It's just why it's me, why is my life so bitter, I feel sad, even if I take a bath, I don't feel refreshed, so I don't wash it at all, I just reach out to get a towel, the original beauty of her movement is immediately blocked Most of the time.

Lin Yu was watching enthusiastically, but was suddenly blocked, how could he agree, so he stretched his neck and looked in, but his neck was stretched too long, which suddenly affected the balance of his body, and he staggered, He hit the window glass in front of him.

With the muffled sound of touching, Lin Yu broke out in cold sweat. He is a technician from outside. If he was caught peeking at the little widow taking a bath, he would definitely die.

Not to mention how the people in the village treated him, let the leaders in the city know, he will be completely stinky, let alone a calf after work, I am afraid he will have to go in and squat for a few days, do you think he is not afraid.

At that time, he turned around and wanted to escape, but before he could make a move, he heard a scolding sound from the room, "Who doesn't want to live, dare to peek at your aunt taking a bath!"

Widow Shen yelled, put on a long gown that could be concealed casually, and came out, and Lin Yu also looked embarrassed, knowing that he would definitely not be able to run, so he quickly explained.

"Sister Shen, I'm here to buy mosquito coils. Seeing that your shop is not open, I..."

Widow Shen's eyes turned slightly, her expression changed from anger at the beginning to blame, and then she didn't know what to think, her face blushed for a while, and she turned to give him a blank look.

"Buy things as soon as you buy them. What are you doing sneakily? You scared your sister and me. I thought there were some bad guys in here. Come in, my sister will get it for you."

Lin Yu saw that the other party didn't mean to blame, so he let out a long breath, thinking that this would be considered a escape, right? I am destined!
Followed into the house, after a while, Widow Shen came in with a box of mosquito-repellent incense, with a charming smile on her pretty face: "People in your city are precious, I have been buying this mosquito-repellent incense for half a year, and I haven't seen anyone buy it yet."

After speaking, she glanced at Lin Yu, but with this look, the woman's beautiful eyes were fixed on Lin Yu's pants in an instant, her little hand couldn't help covering her red lips, and at the same time a smear of red glow crawled on her face .

Lin Yu followed the woman's gaze and looked at himself, and was embarrassed at that time...

"No, Sister Shen, I, I..."

He wanted to explain, but before he could explain why, he suddenly saw a woman walking towards him, and pressed his lips with her hand, "You don't need to say, it's okay, sister understands, she is all from here I understand, you don’t have to be embarrassed!”

Lin Yu was embarrassed at first, and he was relieved after hearing what the woman said, but he didn't feel so flustered anymore, but suddenly remembered the soft little hand the woman pressed on his lips, and he sniffed fiercely by accident , sniffed the smell on that little hand!
The woman naturally felt Lin Yu's actions, and the little hand that was pressing on his mouth couldn't help trembling, and she quickly retracted it, and at the same time her face blushed even more.

You, you little bastard, why are you such a rascal, you are really not a good person The woman gave Lin Yu another white look as she spoke, but her appearance was even more shy and pleasant.

Lin Yu also felt that he seemed a little too much, but he didn't know what evil he had just been, "Sister, I, I..."

Seeing Lin Yu's embarrassed look, the woman couldn't help but covered her mouth, burst out laughing, stretched out her hand and tapped his forehead, and said angrily, "Look at your vicious but courageous look, Really, sister is not joking with you, see how anxious you are."

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but glanced at Lin Yu's body again, and then said, "You, if you really want to, well, sister, please help me, so as not to be like this for a long time, it will be bad for your health."

"Ah, ah? Sister Shen, what are you talking about?" Lin Yu didn t understand what he meant at first, but after he realized it, he could hardly believe his ears.

"Hey, you little bastard, didn't you understand it? What are you asking? Is it necessary? If not, your sister and I can go back to sleep." The woman looked at Lin Yu reproachfully and said.

"Ah, don't, sister Shen, you, you are the best, then, how about we go in the house..." Lin Yu asked tentatively.

"You little bastard, I know you have no good intentions." The woman said coquettishly, then turned around and walked towards the room with her waist twisted.

Lin Yu saw that the woman was not joking, so he quickly stepped up to keep up.

(End of this chapter)

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