I have ten thousand abilities

Chapter 376 Confronting Master Jiu

Chapter 376 Confronting Master Jiu

Master Jiu and Wu Qianqian all looked at Lin Yu at this time.

And Lin Yu here also twisted his wrist. The younger brother found that Lin Yu had broken free from the shackles, and was about to come over to grab Lin Yu again, but as Lin Yu turned around gorgeously.

Pressing it hard on the table, the wooden table was smashed into a big hole, and he took out the pistol from his waist neatly and pointed it at Master Jiu.

The gangsters with guns all drew out their guns and pointed them at Lin Yu.

"Don't move! Master Jiu, if you are buried with me, I will make a lot of money in this business."

In such a stalemate, Wu Qianqian also raised the gun and pointed it at Lin Yu. If she was asked to choose between her father and Lin Yu, she would choose Jiu Ye without hesitation.

Huang Ling was also untied, and hugged Lin Yu's waist tightly, trembling in fear, things did not expect to turn out like this.

Although the Jiuye here is gloomy, his face is getting more and more ferocious. Lin Yu really knows something, so there is no need for him to let Lin Yu live in this world.

"Lin Yu, it seems that you know a lot, but I'm sorry, you know too much!"

Master Jiu waved his hand, but his hand was holding his daughter's arm. With the sound of gunfire, Wu Qianqian became Master Jiu's shield in an instant, and the flames hit Lin Yu's side.

But a strange scene appeared, the bullets were blocked by something, as if frozen, staying in mid-air.

In a daze, everyone saw that there seemed to be a huge groundhog blocking the bullet.

"Damn it!"

Accompanied by someone's screams, the room became chaotic, but Wu Qianqian was stunned. She never thought that her father would use herself as a shield.

Fortunately, Lin Yu didn't shoot, otherwise he would have died. Wu Qianqian turned her head mechanically, looked at her father, and asked in disbelief, "Why?"

Master Jiu's eyes also dodged a little, and Lin Yu yelled at the surroundings suddenly: "What the hell, please be quiet for me! Otherwise, you will be killed!"

It was very easy to give an order. Everyone covered their mouths and did not dare to make a sound or even move.

Lin Yu looked at the father and daughter, took Huang Ling's hand, walked over, and came to Wu Qianqian's side. At this time, Master Jiu was even more panicked.

Why did such a weird scene happen just now, is this Lin Yu a man, a ghost, or a monster!
"The story still needs to unfold slowly, but ah, the things inside are quite interesting."

Lin Yu pulled the stool over and sat down, motioning for Wu Qianqian and Master Jiu to sit down. It seemed that it was time to reveal the truth.

"What the hell are you trying to say! Shut up for me!" Master Jiu yelled in fear, the extreme of fear is anger.

Wu Qianqian understood it all at once, and it seemed that Lin Yu knew it, a very important thing.


There was a gunshot, accompanied by Jiu Ye's screams, and he fell to the ground clutching his legs. The eldest brother Jiu Ye who used to be the biggest in Phoenix City now looks like this.

Lin Yu walked over to pick it up and put it on the seat, patted his face and said, "Master Jiu, actually, you are also a poor person, come on, our story can begin."

Lin Yu returned to his position, looked at Wu Qianqian and asked, "You know all the stories I told you, right?"

Wu Qianqian knew that Master Jiu was actually just a younger brother at the beginning. After raising Wu Qianqian, he gradually took over the power of Phoenix State.

Wu Qianqian nodded mechanically, it seems that her father's use of her as a shield has hit her hard enough.

Lin Yu leaned on the chair, and then said slowly: "35 years ago, a young man came to the city to work hard, thinking that he could go to sea by himself and return home with good clothes, but everything was too simple."

Master Jiu looked at Lin Yu, how could he know about this family matter, obviously everyone who knew about it was solved by himself.

"But there is a man who saved him, fed him, gave him shelter, and turned him into the most loyal horse~ boy, working for him." Lin Yu looked at Master Jiu's eyes, and there was indeed a change.

"This man is now the head of the Bai family, Bai Can!"

In fact, Lin Yu obtained this information by accident. If it weren't for his own eyes, he saw the pocket watch on Master Jiu and its origin, and it would be difficult for Lin Yu to guess.

Lin Yu said slowly here: "I told Qianqian the story of you and the former eldest sister, who is Qianqian's mother."

"In this story, I have always had a doubt, that is, why did you sacrifice your daughter to protect Wu Qianqian? Is it because of love? It seems a bit far-fetched."

In that story, Lin Yu's actions made it difficult for Lin Yu to understand. How many of the gangsters are particularly loyal?Most of them are mercenary, and Jiuye's way of doing things has nothing to do with loyalty.

In fact, Master Jiu has always been very loyal to the outside world. In fact, he is only loyal to one person, and even that loyalty surpasses everything else.

That person is the head of the Bai family, Bai Can!

"Jiu Ye, I really wronged you for the sake of the Bai family. My own daughter was killed and a puppet was left behind, who acted like a loving father and continued to play the role of your loyal person."

After hearing this, Wu Qianqian trembled all over. Looking at Master Jiu who was still breathing, he seemed to resign himself to his fate and said, "Mr. Bai! I failed. I didn't expect that we would all lose in the hands of this kid in the end."

Wu Qianqian asked Jiu Ye a little crazy: "Father, you have never treated me as a daughter, have you?!"

Master Jiu's face suddenly became grim: "Daughter? You are a tool! You are the daughter of that bastard, you are the cohesive force of Phoenix State, you can't die! You have to live, so that I can grasp Phoenix state!"

When Master Jiu thinks that his daughter is dead, and he has to play the role of a kind and kind father, he is really tired!

Anyway, the truth is revealed, so why not tell it all, Master Jiu roared madly: "If it weren't for that bitch, I wouldn't have killed my daughter to fulfill you! So I wish you would die even more! "

Speaking of which, Lord Jiu took out a remote control with a red button on it, and he laughed wildly and said, "You bastard, who doesn't have his head on his waistband? I have arranged remote control bombs here long ago. Knowing that I Why don't you leave here easily? Because we can die together at any time!"

Master Jiu is a lunatic, Wu Qianqian's expression changed drastically, and the younger brothers around her all showed despair, they never thought that they would die in the hands of their own people in the end.

Master Jiu laughed ferociously, with a crazy expression, but he smiled and screamed violently, a stream of blood spurted out, and the arm holding the remote control was only half left in the blink of an eye, and the bone at the elbow Still very vague with flesh and blood.

The groundhog was bitten off with one bite, Master Jiu looked at his hand in horror, screamed frantically, Lin Yu came over and pulled Wu Qianqian.

"Don't look, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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