Hope for luck

Chapter 10 Prices and State of the World

Chapter 10 Prices and State of the World

After realizing where he was at this time, Gao Pan sighed softly in his heart, thinking that Dantang County is really not a good place.

While thinking, while walking on the street, I asked the price from time to time.

The price that Gao Pan cares most about is the price of grain. After asking two grain shops, Gao Pan has a general understanding of the grain price in this era.

A bucket of rice only costs fifty copper coins, and a stone of rice only costs five hundred coins, that is, one tael of silver can buy two stones of rice.

Of course, this is just ordinary rice, and refined rice will be more expensive.

In this era, there are 16 taels per catty, and one stone weighs about 150 catties. One tael of silver is enough to buy three hundred catties of rice, which is enough to see the value of silver.

In addition to the price of rice, it is the price of cloth, and to Gao Pan's surprise, there is already cotton cloth in this era.

Common fabrics in the cloth industry include brocade, satin, silk, silk, damask, cotton, linen, etc., which made Gao Pan a little frightened, thinking that the cloth industry in this era has become so "developed"?

And only after Gao Pan asked, did he know that except for cotton and linen, the rest of the fabrics were very expensive.

The price of a garment made of ordinary brocade fabric is tens of taels, and the expensive ones are tens of hundreds of taels!
After Gao Pan knew the purchasing power of silver, he already understood that ordinary people would definitely not be able to wear such brocade and silk fabrics.

Cotton and linen are the choices of most people, but with cotton, it is not a problem to keep out the cold.

In addition to the cloth business, Gao Pan asked the steamed bun shop on the roadside, and only then did he know that a steamed bun or steamed bun only costs two yuan, and a good cooking cake only costs three yuan.

After learning about the prices of many things, Gao Pan basically understood the importance of silver in this era.

I thought to myself, no matter in any era, money is absolutely indispensable!

"Little bastard, dare to steal something? See if I don't kill you, don't run away..."

Just as Gao Pan was feeling emotional, someone suddenly chased a thief on the street.

Gao Pan reacted, and immediately gave the followers behind him a look. These followers understood and quickly stopped the escaped thief.

"Haha, let's see where you are going now. You are not very old, and you have learned to steal things..."

The thief was chased by a stallman, who was holding a medium-sized stick, ready to beat the skinny thief.

"Wait a minute..."

At this moment, Gao Pan saw the thief's slender body, with no flesh visible on his hands, which could even be described as skinny!

Even though he was caught by the yamen servant, the two stolen buns in his hands were still held tightly in his palms at this moment, as if he was afraid of being taken away, which made Gao Pan feel compassionate.

As soon as the shopkeeper saw these yamen servants, he already understood that he had met someone from the government. Seeing that Gao Pan called to stop, he quickly stopped, stood respectfully where he was, and said in a restrained manner:
"This official, you may not know that this kid comes out to steal every day, and if he doesn't beat him, he won't even know he's wrong..."

"Okay, how much he stole from you, I will give you for him..." Gao Pan said with a frown.

"It turned out to be the magistrate. The villain really has eyes that don't know Mount Tai. Since this kid fell into the hands of the magistrate, the villain thought, this is his blessing. I hope the magistrate can teach him and stop stealing from now on." , the villain's loss is nothing!"

After Gao Pan approached, the vendor recognized that he was the county magistrate who was passed on by word of mouth, and quickly bowed and said.

After Gao Pan listened, his expression froze, and he had some feelings in his heart. The stall owner seemed to be very simple.

He beat the thief not to vent his anger, but to educate the thief not to steal, which made Gao Pan take a look at the stall boy.

"Okay, since that's the case, leave it to me, you guys, go buy some steamed buns from him!"

Faced with such a stall owner full of "positive energy", Gao Pan felt that he could not be allowed to bear the loss alone.

Just before noon, Gao Pan sent someone to buy steamed buns and pancakes to satisfy his hunger!
Seeing this, the stall owner hurriedly saluted Gao Pan and praised Gao Pan, which also made many passers-by who saw this scene spread the news.

"Why steal? What about your family?"

Gao Pan came in front of the thief, seeing his dirty face, disheveled hair, ragged clothes, and dark skin, Gao Pan felt that a beggar was nothing more than that!
"Hmph! Dog officer, I won't say..."

The thief scoffed at Gao Pan's kindness.

Seeing this, Gao Pan didn't feel angry, but felt a little pity, so he bent down and looked at the thief carefully.

Looking at his appearance, Gao Pan guessed that he looked about twelve or thirteen years old, and he was looking at Gao Pan resolutely at the moment.

This made Gao Pan amused and touched at the same time, so he looked at him seriously and said:
"You know, if you steal something and get caught by the government, you will be jailed, aren't you afraid?"

"Hmph, I was caught by you dog officer anyway, so I have nothing to say..."

This thief, who is not very old, has a big temper, and he doesn't appreciate Gao Pan's kind reminder at all.

Seeing this, Gao Pan smiled casually, shook his head, looked back at Yin Weian who was following behind and said:

"Master Yin, find a restaurant, let's have lunch first! By the way, don't forget the money you paid for the steamed buns just now!"

Yin Weian originally looked at Gao Pan with a smile on his face, but when he heard Gao Pan's last words, his smile froze instantly.

"What? Did Master Yin forget that I have deposited the silver with you?"

Gao Pan looked at him seriously.

"My lord was just joking, how can I forget my lowly position, I'll pay you now... As for the restaurant, on this East Street, the most famous one is Xiangmanlou, it's not far ahead, my lord might as well go first!"

Yin Wei'an reacted, and quickly restored his smile and said to Gao Pan.

After Gao Pan listened, he nodded and signaled his followers to take the thief with him, while he continued to walk forward.

Seeing the back of Gao Pan leaving with a group of people, Yin Weian's face suddenly became painful, and he hurried towards the stall selling buns.

Afraid of being sent by Gao Pan's followers, he bought a few more steamed buns and cooking cakes, which cost tens of pennies, which made Yin Wei'an feel like bleeding!


And Gao Pan led the people to the Xiangmanlou that Yin Weian said first, and just as Yin Weian said, this Xiangmanlou is really a big restaurant.

It is divided into three floors, near noon, the lobby on the first floor is almost full of people coming and going.

The waiter in the shop saw Gao Pan leading a group of people coming, and quickly greeted them enthusiastically, and naturally recognized Gao Pan at a glance that Gao Pan was the magistrate of the county government!
Now the entire county is spreading the word about Gao Pan, and as the most well-informed restaurants and restaurants, naturally they have heard about it very early.

What's more, it's the waiter in the store, the smart guy, and hurried to the counter to invite the shopkeeper.

When the shopkeeper heard that it was Gao Pan who came in person, he didn't dare to be negligent, so he quickly came forward to accompany him.

(End of this chapter)

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