Hope for luck

Chapter 208

Chapter 208
Perhaps Gao Pan underestimated the spies of this era. After listening to Dong Pingzhang's words, Gao Pan realized the seriousness of the matter.

If they follow the clues, or if they were already clearly seen when they were beating someone, then there is no difference between him and Shen Jieli.

"This matter, the old man has discussed with His Royal Highness Lu Wang for a long time, and I think someone should be responsible!"

Dong Pingzhang said something very coldly.

This surprised Gao Pan and looked at him in horror:
"Who's in charge?"

"King Liang!"

Gao Pan was relieved by Dong Pingzhang's answer, but at the same time he was very surprised.

"Elder Dong, this King of Liang..."

Gao Pan didn't speak very clearly, but Dong Pingzhang understood what he meant. After glaring at him, his eyes narrowed:

"As the fifth prince, King Liang jumps up and down, it's time to beat him!"

These very domineering words, but in Dong Pingzhang's mouth, seemed very plain, as if he was saying something insignificant.

Gao Pan was stunned again, and then realized that the battle between King Lu and King Liang seemed to have begun!
"Don't meddle in this matter anymore, otherwise, if you get involved, it will be the result of smashing your body!"

Dong Pingzhang said, then looked back at Gao Pan and said sternly.

Seeing this, Gao Pan took a deep breath and said:
"Remember, boy!"

"Okay, it's getting late, let me have dinner with the old man before leaving!"

Seeing that Gao Pan finally bowed his head, Dong Pingzhang was very relieved and said softly.

After Gao Pan heard this, he naturally didn't dare to disobey, King Lu invited him to stay for dinner, it was a polite way, Gao Pan had to refuse.

But Dong Pingzhang sincerely wanted to keep him for dinner, Gao Pan naturally would not refuse.


After dinner, Gao Pan left Dong Pingzhang's mansion, took his own carriage again, and returned to Gao Mansion.

After returning to the east courtyard and looking at the family members in the courtyard, Gao Pan was suddenly touched in his heart.

"Fifth brother, are you alright? Why are you coming back now? King Lu didn't do anything to you, did he?"

The first to greet her was Gao Ruoqian, the elder sister, with a worried face.

"Brother Pan, don't be afraid. The Jingcheng Hou's Mansion has long since fallen. When did our family ever fear such a family? Your uncle doesn't care about this matter, I will take care of the fourth master!"

Then there was Gao Qibai, who comforted me generously.

There are also the gazes of Gao Guanglu, Gao Ming, Gao Lanshu and others, making Gao Pan feel the warmth brought by his family for the first time.

"Thank you fourth uncle. I'm fine. His Royal Highness King Lu is fine. He just talked with me for a long time and forgot the time. That's why I'm coming back now. I'm tired of worrying everyone!"

Gao Pan replied quite emotionally, his eyes were full of gratitude.

"Fifth brother, as long as you are fine, I said don't worry, His Royal Highness King Lu has praised you very much, how can something happen, haha..."

Gao Guanglu also patted Gao Pan's shoulder happily.

The rest of the people all showed smiles, which made Gao Pan even more touched. Seeing that it was getting late, he hurriedly urged everyone to go back and have a rest early, and he personally sent them out of the hospital.

After a while, the bustling east courtyard became deserted again. Gao Pan sat in the hall alone, thinking about something.

"Master, it's getting late, let's go to bed early!"

It was Lu Rong who came to remind him, and Gao Pan finally realized it. After looking at Lu Rong, he was very satisfied, and replied with a smile:

"Uncle Rong, you know, you should go to bed earlier, I have something to tell Lao Yang... Lao Yang!"

After saying that, Gao Pan called Yang Mingchun, and Yang Mingchun also heard the call, and hurried over. Seeing this, Lu Rong shook his head slightly, and left the main hall, only Gao Pan and Yang Mingchun were left in the hall.


Yang Mingchun came to Gao Pan's side very respectfully, and Gao Pan was taken aback for a moment, feeling that Yang Mingchun was being too respectful, he waved his hand and said:
"I don't need to be so polite in private... It's like this, if you want to set up an intelligence agency, how much money do you think can be established?"

Dong Pingzhang's words made Gao Pan react. At the same time, Gao Pan also understood that the consequences of poor information are very serious.

Therefore, Gao Pan thought that he would also set up an intelligence agency to control some important news, so that he could only see the appearance of everything.

"Intelligence agency, are you talking about a spy agency? If so, it depends on where you need information. For example, in Dantang County, Yang thought that 1 taels would be enough. If it was the capital... 10 taels, I'm afraid it would be too much." Disaster!"

Gao Pan was horrified by Yang Mingchun's answer:

"10 taels, did you tell what Lao Yang said? How could it be so much?"

"Young master, if a spy's monthly payment is five taels of silver, then one hundred is 500 taels, and one thousand is 5000 taels, and the capital is so big, a thousand spies are indispensable, and even less. , In addition, there are some up and down management, or venue expenses, which cost tens of thousands of taels a month!"

On the other hand, Yang Mingchun carefully settled the accounts for Gao Pan, which made Gao Pan a little speechless and a little headache.

But when he thought of some things, he must know, so he needs to have his own source of information, and this organization must be established.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Gao Pan gritted his teeth:

"No, tomorrow, I will go to set up a shop, Lao Yang, go to the dental shop to see if there is any clever boy, our news is too late!"

Seeing that Gao Pan seemed to have made up his mind, Yang Mingchun was also slightly taken aback, and then he promised that he would naturally not stop Gao Pan's move.


Early the next morning, Gao Qiyuan was surprised to find that the Marquis of Jingxi had sent a cousin to come to marry him.

Gao Qiyuan was very surprised by the fact that Gao Pan was the one to marry him.

At the winter solstice gatherings in previous years, from time to time, the son and the lady would see each other, and they got married afterwards, which is normal.

But Jingxihou is a noble with real power, and the Gao family is an old noble from the lineage of Taizu, there is still some estrangement between the two sides.

Regardless of the scruples in this regard, Jingxihou sent someone to say goodbye, and it was his own daughter. This made Gao Qiyuan slow down for a while before he came back to his senses, and quickly asked someone to call Gao Pan who was still sleeping .

Gao Pan thought about it all night last night, and didn't fall asleep until the fifth watch, so he didn't wake up early, and was still yawning early in the morning.

When he came to the main hall, after hearing Gao Qiyuan talk about the reason, Gao Pan woke up with a jolt.

Looking at the elders of Jingxihou's family, Gao Pan was at a loss. He naturally didn't expect that yesterday's limelight would make him popular?
"This elder, the boy knows that he is humble and not worthy of your lady, so he went back and reported to Lord Hou, saying that the boy has no such blessing!"

Seeing that Gao Pan is unkempt, but still polite, the elder from the Jingxi Hou Mansion was very satisfied, and quickly waved his hand and said:

"Hey, Mr. Gao underestimates himself too much. Don't say that you are the grandson of Mrs. Gao. Just yesterday, your absolute attitude has spread throughout the capital. You don't know how many literati and scholars are thinking about it. As for this pair of couplets, Mr. Gao is a great talent, and his family background is so prominent, he and my niece are a natural match!"

(End of this chapter)

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