Hope for luck

Chapter 26 Gradually Take Control

Chapter 26 Gradually Take Control
Gao Pan suddenly took Du Changhai down, turning the original homicide trial into a punishment for this subordinate who bent the law for personal gain!

And it did make many people watching outside become angry.

For Du Changhai's subjugation, many people applauded, and for Gao Pan, the young magistrate, they admired him even more!

"Unexpectedly, this magistrate, who looks so young, has only been here for a few days, and he has taken down one of these dead but not stiff subordinates..."

"Yeah, last time I went to work, these ordinary subordinates didn't have any filial piety, and they wouldn't even talk to you..."

"Okay, well caught, these damned subordinates should have been eliminated a long time ago, in the county government, it's these rat shit that broke a lot of things..."

Seeing that Du Changhai had been put in shackles, the people outside made accusations even more boldly!

Seeing this, Zhou Zhengxin's heart twitched, and his eyelids twitched, which made him very uneasy at the moment!

Xin Dao, this interrogation must be ended immediately, and then we can make a long-term plan, otherwise, the situation will be out of control!

Just as he was still thinking about how to end this out-of-control court trial, Gao Pan's faint voice reached his ears:

"Prime Minister Zhou, you have always been in charge of household affairs, money, food and fields, you know best, Du Changhai used his power for personal gain, acted boldly, corrupted the law, and I think as his boss, Prime Minister Zhou, you should be clear! Why? Didn't you report it earlier? Or did you instruct Du Changhai to do everything?"

Zhou Zhengxin jumped all over his body when he heard the news. He glanced at Gao Pan from the corner of his eye and saw that he was staring at him. Zhou Zhengxin was a little flustered.

"The lower officials don't know what Du Changhai has done, and I hope your lord will find out!" Zhou Zhengxin had no choice but to disregard the relationship at this moment, as if he didn't know anything.

"Hmph, Zhou County Prime Minister has really left everything behind. Then I will ask you again. Pi Chuxin killed Zheng Sanle and his wife. This is the first one. The property under his name has already exceeded the court regulations. This is the second!"

Gao Pan snorted coldly, looked at Zhou Zhengxin as he spoke, and seeing Zhou Zhengxin's face changed slightly, Gao Pan continued:

"As the person in charge of the county's land, money, food and taxes, Zhou Xiancheng should not know? This is the third? If Zhou Xiancheng didn't know about Pi Chuxin, why did he come forward to guarantee him? This is the fourth!"


Zhou Zhengxin wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and there were only these two sentences to say at the moment.

Watching the people outside, they suddenly saw Gao Pan criticizing Zhou Zhengxin. They all watched with great interest. This was the first time they saw that the officials in the county government made things difficult for each other!

"This week, the county magistrate seems to be smiling all day long, so he's not a good official..."

"Who says it's not? Knowing people, knowing the face, but not knowing the heart, there is no good official here..."

"Hey, that's wrong, this young magistrate is a good official..."

"That is to say, who knows if he is the same type of person as Zhou Xiancheng? Besides, he is young now, and in a few years, won't he be the same as these officials?"


Zhou Zhengxin was even more disturbed by the buzzing outside.

"My lord, the household affairs are indeed in the hands of the subordinate officials, but the subordinate officials are not aware of Du Changhai's actions, and the subordinate officials are guilty of negligence..."

With a steady mind, Zhou Zhengxin began to think about how to exonerate himself. Now it seems that whether it is Du Changhai or Pi Chuxin, he can't keep either of them!

"As for Pi Chuxin's murder, I just feel that the case is quite complicated. In order to avoid grievances, I came here alone to remind you. There is no other meaning!"

With Zhou Zhengxin's words, he picked himself up completely, and Gao Pan had no other way to take him for a while.

The crime of negligence is not big or small. If it is really a crime, Zhou Zhengxin and Du Changhai should also be judged as guilty.

However, if the crime is severely punished for this crime, it will leave a bad impression on the boss, and Gao Pan feels that it may be useful to keep Zhou Zhengxin for now.

And Zhou Zhengxin's good days seem to be gone from today!

"In this case, the matter of the house, let me personally take care of it..."

Gao Pan said calmly, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

Zhou Zhengxin said that his mood fell to a low point in an instant, but he couldn't refute Gao Pan's approach, so he nodded in agreement.

But I was thinking in my heart that it would not be too late to bring the household house back under my jurisdiction after a few days of Gaopan's catastrophe!
Thinking of this, Zhou Zhengxin felt a little better.

Immediately, he resisted everyone's scrutiny and asked Gao Pan to leave. Naturally, Gao Pan did not refuse, and watched Zhou Zhengxin leave the court.

With a sound of "pa", all the voices at the scene were suppressed again, and Gao Pan began to pronounce Pi Chuxin's crime.

Not only did Pi Chuxin kill someone, but the number of properties under his name had already exceeded the regulations. Gao Pan sentenced him to death and waited to be executed in the autumn.

Yin Weian's heart was a little numb at the moment, it was the first time he saw Zhou Zhengxin's deflated look!

It was still being eaten up in the hands of what they thought was a brat, which caused Yin Wei'an to stir up a storm in his heart!

Thinking in my heart, the magistrate in front of me will not really change the face of the whole Dantang County, right?

In Yin Wei'an's eyes, Gao Pan used Pi Chuxin's case to not only suppress Zhou Zhengxin's strength, but also uprooted Du Changhai.

The household house controlled by Zhou Zhengxin was taken back. As the county government's sixth room, the headed household house is the most important office.

It is also recognized by all the subordinate officials as the place with the most lucrative resources. Which subordinate does not want to drill into the house?
It is rare for subordinate officials to cross the ranks of Xu and become officials throughout their lives. Therefore, for their own interests, they will do everything they can to reap benefits, so naturally they have to go all out to do so!
Now Gao Pan took back Zhou Zhengxin's right to control the house, and Zhou Zhengxin had to accept this punishment in order to avoid suspicion. In Yin Wei'an's view, this is Gao Pan's brilliance.

Is this still the brat in their eyes?Yin Weian suddenly felt absurd in his heart!

Recalling Gao Pan's actions, Yin Weian remembered that Gao Pan had changed a lot since yesterday morning!
Faced with Xiangyong's persecution, Gao Pan took them to the back office and to the warehouse without any haste!

In Yin Wei'an's eyes, it seemed to be a suspicious move. It seemed that Gao Pan had known for a long time that there was something tricky in the warehouse, so he dared to bring those brave men into the back office!

Thinking of this, Yin Wei'an suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and when he looked at Gao Pan with a harmless face, there was a trace of awe in his eyes!
And it was useless for Pi Chuxin to cry at this moment, there were evidences and motives, and regardless of the crime of murder, even if the property under his name exceeded the regulations, it was enough for him to drink a pot.

What's more, the evidence and motive of the murder have been confirmed by each other, so it's useless for him to quibble!
(End of this chapter)

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