Hope for luck

Chapter 405

Chapter 405
In a hotel in Jeju City, Gao Pan was sitting in a guest room with the list given by Ye Haikun, studying how to stop these gentry newspaper groups from resisting.

Although Ning Yan turned upside down the gentry in Dongshan with a wave of his hand, but Jeju Prefecture is different. There are many famous families and powerful gentry landlords in the mansion.

In addition, during Liu Yuanliang's tenure, he listened to the greedy words and did not fully implement Ning Yan's instructions at all. Later, he simply stopped implementing them. On the contrary, he was very kind to these gentry.

As a result, when Ye Haikun took office and implemented the New Deal, he was immediately resisted by many gentry.

Although these gentry have no real power in their hands, many fields belong to them, and there are also many tenant farmers attached to them.

In addition, a famous family like the Kong family, as well as branch ethnic groups scattered in various places, have a greater voice than the local government. If they really want to resist the imperial government's decree, it is quite a headache for the government.

Under normal circumstances, the government mostly focuses on appeasement, and will balance the interests of the gentry, so as to achieve a situation where both parties can live in peace.

However, the emergence of the New Deal completely broke this balance. As for the gentry of the ruling class, how could it be possible to accept them to pay taxes?

This is only a small opportunity after experiencing a turmoil in Dongshan. Gao Pan thought, without this turmoil, and without Ning Yan's action of "beating the landlord and dividing the land", the New Deal may only stay on the lip .

Gao Pan believed that if all the gentry in the world stood up against the New Deal, Emperor Tianfeng, as a feudal emperor, would stand on the side of the gentry without hesitation and completely abolish all the new party members.

But now, what the New Party can bring to Emperor Tianfeng is huge financial revenue. Gao Pan also understands that this is the main reason why Emperor Tianfeng can still support the New Deal.

Once the civil uprising is triggered and many people oppose it, even the emperor who is the co-lord of the world will never watch the incident escalate and cause chaos in the country and society.

Thinking of Gao Pan here, I understand why Ye Haikun is in such a hurry. Dongshan's new policy represents all the hard work of the New Party. If it fails, then neither Ye Haikun nor Dong Pingzhang will end well.

Looking at the list in his hand, Gao Pan only felt extremely heavy. Looking at each word, Gao Pan seemed to see the gentry behind the word, rolled up their sleeves, pointed at his nose and scolded his mother.

Gao Pan understood in an instant that there was no retreat and no retreat in the current battle, and he must win at the same time, otherwise, what awaited him was only the darkest moment.

At the same time, he also cheated Dong Pingzhang, Ye Haikun and others. It was a series of new policies he proposed to Dong Pingzhang that made Dong Pingzhang stand up without any hesitation and mentioned these new policies to Emperor Tianfeng.

He has to do this, at least he can't let Dong Pingzhang step down in less than a year, right?
Thinking of this, Gao Pan's heart suddenly moved. He had forgotten one thing before, that is, what official position was Dong Pingzhang before he went to the field?
Why did you immediately become the chief assistant once you recovered?

Previously, Gao Pan subconsciously avoided this question and didn't think much about it, but at this moment he suddenly felt very interested.

Thinking of asking Ye Haikun tomorrow, Gao Pan couldn't sleep for a while looking at the night outside the window.

As for how to stop these gentry newspaper groups, Gao Pan already had a preliminary idea in his mind, but some things he just thought of made him feel a little uneasy, and his spirit was abnormally glowing.



In Dongshan in the early summer of June, you can already feel the scorching heat. The rich families in the city have prepared ice cellars, or go out of the city to escape the heat.

And in a gazebo in the Confucian mansion, Kong Qi, the successor of the contemporary "Yan Sheng Gong", is also lying on the summer chair with his chest exposed.

There are some ice cubes around, and the little maid is fanning him. The wind passing through the ice cubes is very cool, making Kong Qi squint his eyes comfortably, looking very comfortable.

"Master, there is a person who claims to be your student and asks to see you."

At this moment, a servant respectfully came to the outside of the gazebo, and carefully asked for instructions.

After Kong Qi heard this, he just raised his hand slightly:
"There are too many students who can be called old masters, see you there..."

After hearing this, the servant still did not leave, but continued to reply:

"Master, this man asked me to bring you a sentence. He said that the world will change. Which side do you want to stand on, sir?"

These words made Kong Qi's eyes wide open in an instant, his face full of surprise, he straightened up from the cool chair and said:

"This is interesting, invite him in to meet!"

After hearing the message, the servant hurriedly agreed, and turned around to invite someone.

Seeing this, Kong Qi rectified his appearance, sat on the cool chair, and instantly looked like a saint.

After a while, Kong Qi saw a slender young man in his twenties walking over.

I saw him with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, a dignified appearance, dressed in a blue gown, which perfectly complemented the scholarly elegance, and also carried a sense of nobility.

This made Kong Qi even more suspicious after seeing this person. From the appearance alone, this young man was enough for him to pay attention to.

"Gao Pan, a low-achieving student, has met Sheng Gong!"

The person who came was naturally Gao Pan, and respectfully followed the disciple etiquette to salute Kong Qi.

After thinking about it all night last night, he barely lay down until dawn.He fell asleep until noon, and he only woke up when Ye Haikun sent someone to remind him.

It was already afternoon, and Gao Pan started to do what he had thought about last night.

Wanting to prevent the Kong family from participating in the confrontation, the way Gao Pan came up with was to persuade him alone. Although he knew that the success rate was not high, Gao Pan was still willing to try as long as he had the opportunity.

"You don't need to be too polite. The old man is very handsome when he sees the young master. I don't know where he is so talented?"

Kong Qi looked at Gao Pan with a smile and said, with a peaceful face, coupled with an extremely rich brocade blouse, it is even more auspicious.

After Gao Pan listened, he smiled slightly:
"The student is not a talented person, but just an ignorant idiot. I came here to see the Shenggong to persuade the Shenggong. Don't go astray and shame the Kong family."

These words seemed very rude, offensive and bold, and Kong Qi was instantly unhappy, and replied lightly:

"Really? The old man should listen carefully. What kind of words can you, an ignorant fool, say? How can you not shame the Kong family?"

Seeing this, Gao Pan smiled again and said bluntly:

"Shenggong, your family is after the sages, and all dynasties have received the extremely honorable title of 'Yan Shenggong', but now, Shenggong is hooking up with a group of gentry who only care about their own interests and are full of copper stink. Excuse the students for their offense, such a thing is something that no saint can do."

(End of this chapter)

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