Hope for luck

Chapter 44

Chapter 44
"Master Qingtian, how can we live without money..."

"That's right, you can't suppress the master who borrows money. If they don't borrow money, we will live on..."

"Master Qingtian, please do me a favor, let Mr. Du go, and we can live in peace..."


At the gate of the county government office, many people knelt at the gate and cried, as if they had a great grievance.

And not far from them, there was another circle of spectators, pointing and pointing at these crying people.

As soon as Gao Pan left the door, he heard someone say that he asked Du Xiangming to be released, and he knew in his heart that this must be the person Du Xiangjun invited!
"I am Gao Pan, the magistrate of this county. How is it proper for you to block the entrance of the county government office? Is there anyone among you who can be a representative? If you have any needs, you can talk to me face to face!"

Since these people are not real common people, Gao Pan is not polite to them anymore. When he just walked to the gate of the county government, Gao Pan raised his voice and said.

Seeing Gao Pan coming out, many kneeling 'people' hurriedly gathered around and chatted in one go.

However, Gao Pan understands his appeal, he can't suppress those lenders, and can't interfere with the interest of loan sharks, let alone detain Du Xiangming and Mr. Du, he should be released immediately!

After Gao Pan heard this, he suddenly wanted to laugh in his heart. He thought that these people could really invite the common people to make trouble. If so, it would be a good move.

It's a pity that these people actually invited some 'extras'. These people are indeed common people, but they don't really need to borrow money to survive. It's just that Du Xiangjun and others invited them to make trouble!

"Quiet... Be quiet! Everyone, listen to what I said. You said that there is no money to borrow. From now on, no matter who you are in this county, regardless of men, women, or children, as long as your household registration is in this county, you can come to the county government to borrow money. The interest is only three percent!"

Gao Pan hurriedly raised his volume and said loudly.

Regarding this matter, Gao Pan had already planned in his heart, and he was waiting for Du Xiangjun and others to make a move!

At present, the silver and grain in the county government warehouse have appeared again. For Gao Pan, this not only solves the crime of being blamed, but also gives him a little more confidence when facing a squire like the Du family!
Since Du Xiangjun and others wanted to threaten him with borrowing money, Gao Pan came to the bottom of the pot. Those who want to borrow money can come to the county government, and they don't need to borrow usury from these unscrupulous squires!
This countermeasure simply completely and directly cut off the wealth of many squires!

Even these 'common people' who made troubles did not expect that they stopped talking for a moment, and were stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do next!
"What? Does this solution surprise you all? What's your dissatisfaction? If there's no problem, we'll break up quickly. As for Du Xiangming, he committed other things. I haven't tried him yet, so how can I let him go?" !"

With a smile on his face, Gao Pan looked at the many troubled 'people' very kindly and said.

After everyone heard this, they all showed embarrassment, and wanted to say a rebuttal, but they didn't know how to say it!
"If there is a problem, bring it up now. I will stand here and solve it for you. But if there is no problem, you should disperse immediately. If you surround here again, I will put you all in prison for the crime of gathering a crowd to make trouble!"

In the blink of an eye, Gao Pan turned his face faster than he could turn a book, and changed from a friendly look to a stern and selfless look, looking at everyone coldly and saying.

How did these people expect such a scene to happen? When they heard Gao Pan say that they should be arrested and sent to jail, some people left in a hurry.

After a while, the people surrounding the gate of the county government office all left in an instant as if the flood had receded, and the gate also returned to its original state, as if nothing had ever happened here!
This made many people watching the excitement feel a little surprised. Now the young county magistrate is getting more and more powerful. He repelled many troublemakers with a few words, and many people spread the word in amazement. The scene that appeared!
Among the crowd, Zhang Shunshan and the young man following him also happened to see this scene.

"Mr. Zhang, this Gao Pan is really powerful. He easily solved such a huge crisis!"

Seeing this, the young man couldn't help but praise him.

Zhang Shunshan frowned, shook his head lightly and said:

"It's not that simple. He just dealt with these troublemakers. The real interests are still to come. However, as far as the current method of coping is concerned, there are indeed some means!"

At this time, Gao Pan dealt with the troublemakers and was about to turn around and walk into the county government office. Zhang Shunshan stepped out quickly and shouted loudly towards Gao Pan's figure:
"Master Zhixian, please stay still, I have something to ask!"

When Gao Pan heard someone calling him, he stopped quickly and turned his head to look, only to find that it was Zhang Shunshan and the young man whom he had seen before.

"It turned out to be Mr. Zhang. Since we have something to ask, let's go in and talk!"

Gao Pan was very polite to Zhang Shunshan, and when he heard that he had something to do with him, he quickly invited the two of them into the county government office for a detailed discussion.

Zhang Shunshan and the young man were also courteous, and Gao Pan entered the Houya Zhengyuan, which was the government office where Gao Pan, the county magistrate, was located, and it was also his personal office.

"You two, I had a hasty meeting before, and I really wanted to make friends with you two, but I was busy with business, so I didn't have time to talk to you two. I didn't expect that you two came here by yourself today. I am very happy , I am also honored!"

Gao Pan led the two into the room, asked someone to make tea, looked at the two politely again and said.

"Master Magistrate is too serious. To tell you the truth, the two of us came from Shangning Prefecture just to find out about Mr. Magistrate!"

Zhang Shunshan first replied politely, and then told the story of their origin straight to the point.

Hearing this, Gao Pan raised his eyebrows and looked at the two of them, thinking, he was right. These two people have a lot of background, so he quickly asked calmly:
"I see. I don't know what position Mr. Zhang is in now? Who is this brother?"

After Zhang Shunshan and the young man heard this, they first looked at each other, then the young man cupped his hands and said:
"So that the county magistrate knows that in Xialu Jinping, he is not an adult, but just a white man. However, my father's name, my lord, should have heard that it is Lu Wencong, the magistrate of Dongning!"

Zhang Shunshan quickly took over the words and said:

"I'm not a member of the officialdom, I'm just a teacher next to Mr. Lu. I came to the alchemy hall this time to find out whether the autumn grain collected by the imperial court is still there!"

After hearing what the two said, Gao Pan was a little horrified, but very calm.

What was horrifying was that the prefect Lu Wencong sent someone to find out the truth, which showed that he did not trust the officials in Dantang County Yamen very much.

The reason for the calm is that Qiuliang is lying in the warehouse of the county government at this moment, so Gao Pan doesn't have to be afraid of Lu Wencong's questioning!

(End of this chapter)

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