Hope for luck

Chapter 462

Chapter 462
Twenty miles south of Tongjing City, there is a huge granary named Tongjing Granary. This granary is one of the few granaries in the world.

Only on this flat ground, the granary is surrounded by high walls, like a small city.

There is only one door to go in and out, and there are guards guarding the food around the high wall, so you have to check carefully when you go in and out.

And within this granary, there are towering granaries one after another, where grains transported from all directions are stored.

I saw Gao Pan came here with several officials under him today.

Holding the document from the Ministry of Household Affairs, Gao Pan walked in smoothly, with a calm expression on his face. Under the guidance of a warehouse ambassador, Gao Pan came to a certain grain warehouse to inspect the grain shipped from Dantang County, Dongshan.

The Ministry of Households is in charge of the money and grain in the world, and the silver in the taxation is directly sent to the treasury, while the grain is naturally transported to the major granaries.

Originally, Gao Pan, as the head of the household department, did not need to personally check and inspect this matter, but Wang Zhipu handed this matter over to Gao Pan himself, so Gao Pan had no choice but to check it out himself.

"Lord Gao, this is the grain shipped from Dantang County, totaling [-] shi. Take a look. If there is no problem, please sign here, so that the officials can put it into the warehouse and get the money!"

Ambassador Ku, the leader, came to Gao Pan with an account book, pointed to a large pile of grain in the warehouse, and asked for instructions respectfully.

Gao Pan raised his brows, looked at the pile of food, didn't count it, and said with a smile:

"In that case, I will sign it!"

After all, Gao Pan picked up a pen and wrote down his name. Theoretically speaking, the summer grain in Dantang County is completely handed over.

If it was an ordinary handover, Gao Pan didn't have to come to the Tongjing granary in person at all, it was the same to sit in the hall and sign.

However, in order to show that he attaches great importance to this summer grain, he naturally had to come in person.

"Okay, you guys dared to embezzle money and break the law, enriching your own pockets, and now you have been caught by this official!"

At this moment, a middle-aged official wearing a fifth-rank official uniform and an official hat suddenly came from all around, and brought many people to Gao Pan and Ambassador Ku.

This made Gao Pan raise his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth formed an imperceptible arc, and his heart finally came!

Ambassador Ku seemed to recognize the middle-aged official, hurried forward to say hello, and said doubtfully:
"My lord, how do you say this?"

The middle-aged official who suddenly appeared was Fan Dongrui, the grain transportation envoy of the Beijing granary, who was in charge of the operation of grain in various places.

"Chen Jinxi, do you still dare to quibble? This account book is ironclad evidence. Can you see that there are more than 5000 shi of grain here? How dare you say that there is no corruption and perverting the law? Filling your own pocket? Otherwise, where did the missing grain go?"

Chen Jinxi pointed proudly at a pile of grain not far away and asked loudly.

Chen Jinxi, the warehouse ambassador of the granary, couldn't stand still when he heard this, he hurriedly bent down, and replied tremblingly:

"My lord, I am wronged. These grains were delivered to the warehouse at six quarters of the unitary hour yesterday. It was getting dark at that time, and the lower officials did not count them, and no one dared to move them. The lower officials will accept as much as they report. There will be false!"

Gao Pan is standing still, watching with cold eyes. Ever since Wang Zhipu asked him to take over Xia Liang in Dantang County, he knew that this must be the shackles prepared for him.

I have been waiting, how Wang Xueqing and the others will frame him, and how will they reduce the original summer grain in Dantang County.

Therefore, as soon as he came today, Gao Pan knew the truth in his heart. As the so-called internal and external collusion, stealing the beam and changing the post, it is these 'rice bugs'!

Chen Jinxi's words seemed to have annoyed Fan Dongrui. Fan Dongrui's eyes widened and he reprimanded loudly:
"Absurd! Look for yourself, is this grain enough for [-] shi! Do you still need me to take someone to count it? Such a big loophole, you, Ambassador Ku, didn't even notice it at all?"

These words made Chen Jinxi speechless in a daze, and he froze on the spot not knowing how to answer.

Seeing this, Gao Pan knew that it was time for him to play, so he cupped his hands and said to Fan Dongrui:
"Gao Pan, the head of the household department of the lower official, has met the lord, and I don't know why the lord said that there is less food? It's not enough for ten thousand shi?"

After hearing this, Fan Dongrui put his eyes on Gao Pan, squinted his eyes and said:

"Master Gao, right? If you doubt it, I can ask someone to count the grain in person. If it's less than [-] shi, then I would like to ask Master Gao, what should I do?"

Gao Pan said very generously:

"If these grains are not enough for ten thousand shi, the lower official will immediately go to the upper official to plead guilty...By the way, I would like to ask, is your name taboo?"

Seeing that Gao Pan seemed to be hooked, Fan Dongrui was overjoyed, but his face remained calm:
"Fan Dongrui, the official food transport envoy...Master Gao, you said it yourself. If you don't have [-] shi, you have to make an apology yourself. It has nothing to do with our Tongjing granary!"

Gao Pan nodded firmly, unable to deny it.

Seeing this, Fan Dongrui was overjoyed, and hurriedly sent someone to count the summer grain shipped from 'Dantang County'.

Under the busyness of many small officials in the granary, they counted the grain in less than half an hour and came up with a number.

"My lord, the total weight of these grains is five thousand three hundred and twenty six stones and six dendrobiums!"

After hearing the report from the little official, Fan Dongrui's eyes lit up, he hurriedly turned around, looked at Gao Pan solemnly and said:

"Master Gao, did you hear that? There are only more than 5000 shi here, which is halfway to [-] shi, let alone [-] shi?"

After Gao Pan listened, he was shocked:

"How can there be such a difference? Master Fan, these grains are not summer grains from Dantang County in Dongshan, right?"

Hearing Gao Pan say that these grains did not come from Dantang County, Fan Dongrui's eyes flashed a little flustered, but it was only a flash, and then he said seriously:
"Nonsense! The food transported into Beijing from various places has been supervised layer by layer. Every time a checkpoint is passed, it will be reviewed again. There is absolutely no chance of mistakes!"

After Gao Pan heard this, he felt it was funny in his heart. If Fan Dongrui really had no ghosts in his heart, there was no need to explain so much to him, just say that it is impossible to make mistakes.

The more convincingly you talk, the more it shows that there is a problem.

Besides, Gao Pan had already prepared for it, knowing that the other party would make a fuss about it, so seeing Fan Dongrui's hard-working 'performance', Gao Pan was very happy.

However, his face is still calm, and his face is full of sternness:

"If so, will half of the food be lost on the way?"

Seeing that Gao Pan still did not give up, Fan Dongrui replied coldly:
"Master Gao, that's the truth. It's absolutely impossible for you to find other gaps. I'm afraid Mr. Gao has forgotten what you just said?"

(End of this chapter)

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