Chapter 123 Strong Girl
Get back in the car and ask the driver to drive to the appointed place.

On the way, Wang Qing also got out of the car and bought some ice cream to store in the car's refrigerator, to make his sister happy later.

While waiting, he flipped through his scarf to pass the time. Not surprisingly, what Zhang Zifeng said during the live broadcast of the fan carnival just now has been spread by the media and netizens.

"The love and killing between Zhang Zifeng and Wang Qing's brothers and sisters."

"Zhang Zifeng: This is my brother's revenge!"

"Old artist forced to go into business."

Various titles appeared on the bib with videos. After all, the bib is a relatively large public voice platform in China, and because the carnival was broadcast live, many people could clearly record it.

After a long absence, Wang Qing logged into his bib account.

The last scarf is still the small video that was posted at the beginning. The number of likes and retweets has exceeded [-], and the number of comments has reached nearly [-]. The content is mixed, some agree with him, and some criticize his self-righteousness.

After just a few glances, Wang Qing didn't read the previous comments, but clicked directly to the latest reply.

Because he only has this scarf, many people can only post comments about this live broadcast under this small video screen.

"Sure enough, as long as it's an older brother, it's impossible not to bully my younger sister, but can you bring me one next time? (狗头)"

"Damn, when I saw boys and girls rushing forward, I really thought it was my sister who bullied you. I didn't expect you to be the source of the crime."

"Good guy, I'm going to leave a message under my sister's scarf and ask her to report to you for survival in the wilderness."

Laughing, Wang Qing flipped through these comments.

He and his sister have a lot of fans in common. If you follow him, you also follow your sister.

"I'm just helping her lose weight."

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Qing sent out a new scarf to give netizens a place to comment, instead of occupying the comment area of ​​the previous small video.


"My brother is actually my sister's black fan."

"@张瓣风 Your brother dislikes you for being fat."

It was refreshed just after the editor posted it, and immediately there were several netizens who liked it, forwarded it, and commented in seconds, just like living in his scarf.

Ding dong.

I cut out and took a look at WeChat, my sister replied with an emoji, but there was no text, it seemed that I had already finished my trip and rushed this way.

Although he didn't make a direct call, Wang Qing was not afraid that his sister might not see what he posted. According to what he knew about his sister, he would basically never leave his cell phone in private.

Even if no one sends her a message, she will unconsciously refresh the message box, just to look busy and keep others from talking to her.

I looked at the fan group again, and there were quite a few people talking.

Because I said not to let fans pay too much attention, most of the people who are still in this group are Buddhist fans who accept Wang Qing's words and know that he will not come out for business often.

However, his studio is operated by someone, and the accounts of these studios are not managed by He Tuantuan anymore. The girl who is in charge of the operation often comes out to chat with these fans, revealing Wang Qing's daily life. Take a look at the activity.

"During this time, I have been filming on the set, and I just finished filming a few days ago."

Looking through the chat history, Wang Qing looked at the questions of his fans, and many of them were curious about what he was doing recently, so he simply replied.

All of a sudden, his reply blasted out many divers in the group.

The entire chat box was moving like a scroll bar. If it wasn't for his sharp eyes, he wouldn't be able to see exactly what these people were replying. emoticons.

After the 999+ news in an instant, people gradually began to try to interact with Wang Qing, and people began to ask him about his future arrangements, whether he has received a new movie, when the animal world will be released, and so on.

"Have you accepted a new drama? You have already accepted a new drama, and you will rejoin the group after the Chinese New Year."

"Will it be tiring to take on scenes so frequently? It's okay, I won't be very tired. I still enjoy the time of filming on the set. As long as I do what I like, it doesn't matter if I'm tired."

"Where is the release time of Animal World? Uh. I haven't received any notification about this yet. I will definitely send out a scarf if there is news in a while."

"Does Animal World look good? Of course it looks good. I'm still picky about the script, but because it's 3D and it's a movie with special effects, I suggest going to a movie theater to watch it."

"WeChat account? This... This must not be told to you."

After picking out a few questions that could be answered, Wang Qing answered them briefly and hurriedly yo-yoed.

It seems that because of showing their faces once in a while, the fans in the group are very excited and enthusiastic. Wang Qing can feel their excitement just from the text and emoticons across the screen.

But it seems that he still has a lot of female fans, all of whom are called by his mother.

Turning off the scarf with a helpless face, Wang Qing was a little puzzled, what's wrong, do fans nowadays like to be mothers directly?
Or is it that his fans are all older, and he is actually a woman killer?
dong dong dong.

Before Wang Qing switched back to WeChat to see if his sister had arrived, there was a knock on the door, and then the car door was opened from the outside.

A small head poked in from the outside and took a look. After seeing Wang Qing, the cautiousness on her face completely disappeared, replaced by an angry face.

"Didn't you dare to video with me these few days? Why, are you not afraid now?" Zhang Zifeng jumped into the car like a little tiger, and walked aggressively towards Wang Qing.

"Don't stop, we're even now." Wang Qing shrank back quickly.


She wanted to continue to say something, but she seemed to think of someone, so she quickly turned back and walked towards the car door, lying on the side of the car door and shouting outside: "Sister Xiaoxiao, come in, this is my brother's car!"

Anyone else?

Seeing her actions and words, Wang Qing was stunned.

As the voice approached, a sturdy girl with gradually foggy blue hair got into the car cautiously from outside the door. When she saw Wang Qing, she greeted Wang Qing politely.

"Chen Xiao?"

He recognized who it was, it was Chen Xiao who had just participated in the fan carnival with his sister.

Chen Xiao is a popular idol who came back after debuting as a trainee from Chaoguo. No accident, it should be Ai Qiyi who invited him to support the scene, the kind of star who has an announcement fee.

But why is she here?

"Is such that."

Chen Xiao looked at Wang Qing's puzzled eyes, and explained aloud: "Because I recently accepted a TV series, but the acting was not that good at the beginning, so I want to take this opportunity of meeting to ask Zi Feng for advice. skills."

"Don't ask for advice, don't ask for advice, sister Xiaoxiao, you are too polite, I am completely from a wild background." Zhang Zifeng said modestly, she still looks very well-behaved in the presence of outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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