Chapter 165 Punching
In the distance, the moaning and complaints of Chen Qiaoen and others had already spread to the mushroom house, and He Jiong, who failed to catch fish, rushed downstairs to pick him up.

"My God, you actually pulled out so many radishes, how many do you have?" He Jiong said, looking at several people in surprise.

Not to mention Wang Qing, He Jiong knew his strength, even if he carried two bamboo baskets full of radishes, he didn't think it was strange.

But the four female guests actually carried a full basket, which surprised him a little.

"Each of them has twenty radishes on their backs. There's nothing they can do. Pulling up radishes one by one is so powerful that I can't stop them. If the baskets are not full, they don't want to stop." Wang Qingtan spread his hands and explained. , the front and back baskets were carried on his back as if there were none.

"Ghost knows why these radishes add up to be so heavy. I didn't feel it when I pulled it out. It was easy to pull it up." Chen Qiaoen glanced at Wu Fang gratefully, and filled his back with radishes. His bamboo basket was unloaded and handed over to him.

All of a sudden, she felt that her whole body was light, and her jumping ability might be much higher than before.

"The main reason is why you have to carry so much at one time. In fact, it is divided into several trips." He Jiong said while helping Rong Zuer unload the bamboo basket on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's really heavy." He just unloaded the bamboo basket from Rong Zuer's back and planned to pick it up on his own, but when Rong Zuer withdrew his strength, he was suddenly crushed by the weight of the bamboo basket in his hand The body is half short.

While surprised on his face, He Jiong looked at Wang Qing with some confusion, and had a new understanding of his strength.

"No, no, no, one trip is enough. If I have to come again, I will die." Rong Zuer shook her head, and refused directly regardless of the camera.

"Although I really want to help Mushroom House earn more money, but I'm really tired." Chen Qiaoen spoke a little more tactfully, but the meaning was obvious, and he would definitely not go if he came again.

"Damn! You are so tired. If you don't go, don't go. We didn't catch any fish this morning. Let's go down and catch fish together." He Jiong comforted them with a smile.

"You are so kind, Mr. He." Chen Qiaoen suddenly came to life.

"It's really heavy." Zhang Zifeng squeezed out these words from her mouth, holding her breath. Although she had done what she could, she didn't directly take over from other people like Wu Fangfang and He Jiong, but stood by Wang Likun. I supported her from the back, but even if two people transported it to the mushroom house together, it was still very heavy.

"If you recite like this, walk slowly, otherwise the person behind will not be able to see the road, and will fall later." Wang Qing was next to him, helping Song Qianqian with his hands behind him, and saw them walking forward one after the other. , A quick reminder.

"Then I'll walk slowly." Wang Likun realized that he had to slow down after hearing his reminder.

The group of them helped each other transport all the radishes to the mushroom house.

Although the contact time was very short, Wang Qing had a better understanding of the personalities of these guests along the way.

Because Wang Likun doesn't often appear in variety shows, he is not very active. He Jiong was invited by He Jiong as a friend to support the scene. He belongs to the kind who works hard and doesn't talk much to show his face in front of the camera.

After all, Chen Qiaoen and Rong Zuer are of high seniority and have debuted for a relatively long time. They still have a good sense of variety. They are very good at finding topics and grasping the rhythm. I believe that after the filming of this episode, the two people will be featured in the main film. There should be more guests than guests.

As for Song Qianqian, she is in between. She doesn't express herself much, but she won't be bored either. However, she still has a bit of a womanly character. If it weren't for the old injury on her waist due to dancing, she might not let Wang Qing was behind to help carry it.

"120 Eight"

"120 Nine"


A group of people stood in front of the director's team, just surrounded a group of radishes, watching Wang Qing take them out one by one.

"It's amazing girls, 130 radishes, which is much better than many male customers, one radish costs two yuan, how much money does this give us for Mushroom House." He Jiong looked at the soft-handed couple with admiration. people.

"The main reason is that Xiaoqing memorized a lot, but his strength is really great." Chen Qiaoen said modestly, and looked at Wang Qing who looked normal in disbelief.

"Mr. He doesn't know. When he was on the mountain just now, he just picked it up."

She made a gesture and gestured with the empty bamboo basket, "Just put it on the back, as easily as if there was nothing in it, so we thought it was very light at first."

The others also nodded with deep understanding. They each carried twenty radishes from the mountain and got so tired. Wang Qing had thirty in the front and thirty in the back, and both hands helped Song Qianqian bear most of the burden. Weight, it was so easy that they couldn't believe it.

Hearing their compliments, Wang Qing didn't react at all, but Zhang Zifeng next to him was happy to hear it, with a smirk unconsciously on his face, as if other people were not praising Wang Qing, but her.

"Xiaoqing is a martial artist, don't compare yourself to him." Teacher He shook his head in disappointment, he still wanted to.
At this time, a person in the director's team suddenly asked, "So how many of these radishes are memorized by Xiaoqing?"



Chen Qiaoen wanted to answer subconsciously, but was interrupted directly by Wang Qing, "I only recited twenty of them, and the others were recited by my sisters."

He smiled and looked at the director team.

A carrot costs RMB [-] for a male, and RMB [-] for a female. No matter how he calculates it, he can't say more.

"As far as you mean, the four women came back with 110 radishes. On average, you don't memorize as many as them?" Wang Zhenyu stood up from the director's group with a kind smile on his face and wanted to Expose Wang Qing's lies.

"What's wrong with women? Can't women be stronger? Mr. Wang, you are obviously looking down on people!? Do you know the saying that women can hold up half the sky?" He Jiong also stood up from Wang Qing's side very imposingly step.

"That's right." Wang Qing also stood up beside He Jiong very loyally, "When I heard Mr. Wang's words, I was trembling with anger. My whole body was sweating in the hot weather, my hands and feet were cold, and tears poured down my stomach. Flow, our girl is coughing. Anyway, it’s right to be shivering and cold.”

"No. Xiaoqing, I also know that you practice martial arts. How many of the hundred or so radishes were carried back by you? I know very well that you are clearly talking nonsense with your eyes open." Wang Zhenyu looked at the two of them dumbfounded. .

"Where are you talking nonsense with your eyes open, don't you look down on us?" Chen Qiaoen and the others also realized Wang Qing's intentions and began to stand up for justice.

"In fact, Xiaoqing has reported too much. We four women each have thirty carrots in a basket. We carried 120 radishes back, and Xiaoqing carried the remaining ten."

"That's right, he paid too much. We carried 120 radishes. Each radish costs two yuan plus Xiaoqing's ten. The total is 250 and five yuan. Hurry up and pay!" Song Qianxi stretched out her hand aggressively.

"Yes, hurry up and pay!"

Unite the front with one voice, the sound scared Huang Lei who was cooking in the kitchen.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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