Chapter 438 3D Animation
"Old Liang, how are you doing with that anime?"

The end of the good life was much faster than expected. Wang Qing took the time to go back to Guangfu City during the spare schedule, and did not rush to the island country immediately.

"The content of the first twelve episodes is already in the final stage, and I believe it will be available to the audience on various video sites soon."

Qingfeng Film and Television, Wang Qing's office.

Lao Liang, the head of the special effects team of Qingfeng Film and Television, sat on the sofa opposite him.

After a period of time, after working in the company, others were not as cautious as before when facing Wang Qing.

"Very well, a related publicity plan has already been prepared. You can go to the planning department to communicate with them in the past few days. If it is suitable, the domestic side will follow this publicity plan." Wang Qing nodded in satisfaction. , this speed is not slow.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your help."

Hearing that the publicity plan was ready, Lao Liang stood up happily.

"Thank you. Although you are fulfilling your dreams, you are also doing things for the company. Of course I have contributed." Wang Qing also stood up and sent him to the door.

But suddenly, Lao Liang's footsteps stopped at the door.

At this time, he seemed to have just realized the main point of Wang Qing's words, "Wait...wait a minute, you just said...domestic?"

Seeing his unbelievable expression, Wang Qing laughed lightly, "Yes, domestic..."

The cultural background of Huaguo itself is indeed a millennium inheritance, and there are many cultures related to entertainment.

But among them, putting them abroad is easier for overseas people to accept, or there are fewer fresh ones.

"Xiu Xian?"

After a lapse of half a year, Wang Qing once again met some of his friends from the island country.

Takei Saki, Aoi Yu, Aoki Noble, and others will still be the same as the first one, and they will act together with him in the Kyoto fire arc of Rurouni Kenshin.

"Yeah, Xiuxian, this term should be familiar to everyone in Asia, right?"

Wang Qing smiled slightly and looked at Takei Saki and the others who were puzzled beside him, "People always have some second-year thoughts, hoping that they can obtain some extraordinary powers that ordinary people don't have."

In fact, not only in Asia, but also in other countries outside of Asia, they also have a vague understanding of the words "immortal" and "cultivation of immortals" recorded in Huaguo.

They will compare such people to gods, or to words such as mages.

Undoubtedly, compared with some more conventional folk cultures, this kind of novel, fantasy and fantasy stories are more attractive to overseas people and occupy a certain market overseas.

Wang Qing has thought about it. In terms of cultural output such as movies and TV dramas, they may still be popular in Asia. However, due to factors such as Asian faces and cultural differences, many movies are released. In more distant overseas countries, it really may not be popular.

Like... the movie Heroes of Fire.

As for firefighters, there is a profession in every country, and their social status should not be low. They are all on the same average as doctors and policemen.

But can the movie Heroes of Fire, which currently ranks at the top of the movie list in China, be popular abroad?No, it may not even be able to cover the box office. It is hard to say the cost of filming.

Why?Because of the influence of too many factors, for example, the relationship between people cannot be connected.

There are some things that make the Chinese feel very touching, but overseas, because of their completely different interpretations, can they empathize with them?Not necessarily.

If possible, what about different regions, different countries, and different cultures?
There are also similar cases. There are also several overseas fire-themed movies with high ratings that have entered the Huaguo market.

But it is clear that such sentiments cannot be shared.

Therefore, Wang Qing needs to consider commonality and selling points if he wants to develop not only in the Asian sector, but also in overseas markets.

Only when the selling points can be accepted by people in both the West and the East, can we carry out long-term cultural export.

And at this point, what he considered was transcendence.

If you can have superpowers, who doesn't want to, who doesn't want to be a superhero, a wizard, or a god.

Cultivation of Immortals is a subject that Wang Qing came up with.

"So, Xiaoqing, you are here this time, are you planning to talk about the screening of your Huaguo animation here?" Takei Saki's face was a little strange.

Looking at the other people next to her for a few more times, she shook her head, "This is much more difficult than entering the showbiz world alone."


Whether it is Takei Saki or others, they have no hope for Wang Qing's idea.

There are many places they are not optimistic about, the most deadly is the quality.

In their island country, the most famous thing is not movies or TV series, but otaku culture, animation.

Even their animation culture has gone out of the Asian section, making many overseas Westerners reluctant to part with it, such as Dragon Ball, such as One Punch Man and some other works.

Since they have the ability to go out of Asia, the animation culture of their island country is of course very excellent. It is so excellent that no country in Asia can compete with them.

There is no country, and this sentence may not be confident in other aspects, but in terms of animation culture, they have absolute confidence.

"Let's try it out. Didn't the animation under one person become quite popular on your side some time ago?" Wang Qing kept a smile on his face, without any emotion.

As an islander, they do have proud capital in this regard.

"But yours is different. You are taking the 3D route. For 3D... there is really no market here." Takei Saki continued, "There is basically no 3D animation in our island country, and it is all Most of the CG in the game."

"So this is an animation of our Huaguo."

Wang Qing replied casually, and looked not far away, "The director seems to be calling again, let's go and prepare."

He didn't intend to say more in this regard. He didn't use 2D production to occupy the market by imitating the painting style of the island country like One Man, and it was his deployment.

2D is indeed the mainstream of animation at present, but it does not mean that 3D is not good.

Even in the island country, 3D animation is also very popular, but these technologies are often invested in the game, and every frame can make the people of the island country linger, so it cannot be said that 3D animation has no market.

The real reason why Guoman has not occupied other overseas markets is the plot, quality, special effects, and modeling.

(End of this chapter)

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