Chapter 467 Stupid
"As long as we make up 20 yuan, we can travel around the world for a year."

A little aware of the details of life, Truman thought that he should leave this Taoyuan Island and go to the outside world to see.

But because he was shipwrecked when he wanted to leave Taoyuan Island by boat with his father when he was a child, he had shadows and fears about the outside world, and his life has always been stable, so his idea has been delayed until now.

And although he is getting older and his thinking is getting more mature, more and more details in his life make him have a lot of guesses that he shouldn't have.

These things are urging him to leave Taoyuan Island and go outside to see if the guesses in his mind are true.

"Don't act like an ignorant child, Truman."

But for this matter, his wife held an opposed attitude, "We still have a mortgage and a car loan, so how could we just leave."

"That's going to be exciting! You and me, the two of us traveling around the world!"

Truman was very excited and attached great importance to this idea, "Let's travel together, eat delicious food from all over the world, and watch the beautiful scenery that is only on TV. Feng, do you yearn for such a free life?"

Opposite him, Zhang Feng obviously hesitated at his words, but quickly controlled his emotions and forced a smile, "But didn't we make a plan? We plan to have a child."

"We have been married for almost five years, we have to have a child, and my parents also want to have grandchildren."

"This matter can be postponed. I want to go outside first."

Truman stood up and embraced her seriously, "We should see the world more while we are young."

This matter was indeed what they originally planned, but now he has a different idea.

If... If this world is really fake, then he will not let his children live in such an environment, he will not have children.

"This kind of thinking is very irresponsible, but you quickly dispel this kind of thinking. This kind of selfishness of not caring about other people's feelings and only doing your own thing, everyone has it at one time."

In his arms, Zhang Feng stretched out his palm gently, caressing his cheek, "You may have the opportunity to go outside and see another world, but not now, you still have a lot of things to do. "

Facing her words, Truman was a little distressed, he didn't know how to persuade his wife to go on a trip together.

But suddenly, the little fingertip of the palm on the cheek scratched him lightly.

When he looked back at his wife, he just met her eyes.

It was a...very complicated look.

"It's late, Truman, we should go to bed."

But before Truman could think about it, Zhang Feng was already talking, holding his hand and leading him into the house...

After today's shooting, Wang Qing and Zhang Zifeng went back to their room to rest early.

Both of them have been very tired recently, and this movie has had a great impact on both of them, both mentally and physically.

In this movie, Zhang Zifeng plays the role of the heroine, the wife of Truman, and the most important person who awakens Truman.

In the couple's life for many years, Zhang Feng in the plot undoubtedly fell in love with Truman. She gave her sincerity, and she didn't want him to be deceived in this way.

He is like a monkey in a zoo, at the mercy of others and prying eyes, without any right to privacy.

But as an actor, after signing the contract, Zhang Feng can only perform her own work according to the contract, and cannot reveal anything about the truth, otherwise she will suffer serious retaliation.

But even so, she still found a lot of opportunities to hint to Truman that something is wrong in this world.

"If this world is really fake, and I am one of the insiders, I will also hint at you like her, hint at Truman like Zhang Feng, and tell him the truth."

The room arranged by the crew was not small, but because of the nightfall, in the dark room, there was only one desk lamp emitting a faint light.

Suddenly, Zhang Zifeng, who had been lying flat and unable to sleep, turned his head, looked at Wang Qing, who was also not asleep, and spoke.

In the gloom, her eyes were bright and serious.

"Then... If this world is fake, you can hug me now."

Seeing her gaze, Wang Qing said helplessly, "But if this world is real, then you can kiss me."


Seriously observing Wang Qing's expression and confirming that he really didn't think about it any more, Zhang Zifeng snorted coldly, "If it's really like the plot, how can I hint at you if you say it like this, it must not be finished It was captured before."

But in her heart, she finally relaxed a little.

If you can joke, it means you don't really care about it.

Hysteria is a relatively complicated disease. In Wang Qing's case, as long as you don't dig into such weird things, your condition will gradually improve. This is the answer she got when she asked the psychiatrist.

"Obviously you said it first, you will hint at me." Wang Qing didn't know that she had secretly asked a psychiatrist to ask about the situation. If she knew, she would probably be even more dumbfounded.

"...Anyway, I won't lie to you! You have to trust me! Always trust me like before!" Zhang Zifeng stretched out a hand sideways, pulling his cheek and pulling it out, a little angry.

In the past few days, she has been afraid to show anger, because she is afraid that Wang Qing will overreact.

But in fact, from this matter, Wang Qing's suspicion really hurt her heart a bit. Obviously, the trust between the two was very high before, but now they actually doubted her.

"I know, I know, I'm mainly... very scared."

Facing her anger, Wang Qing also understood that what he did recently was inappropriate, and while explaining in a low voice, he held her in his arms, "I'm very scared, and I'm afraid that our relationship is also fake."

"You know, you are the closest person in my life like my parents. If your relationship with me is fake, then I may collapse directly."

"It must be true, I like you very much."

The person who has always been strong showed such a weak side, Zhang Zifeng's inner anger disappeared suddenly, as if coaxing a child, he patted Wang Qing on the back, "Besides, you liked me first, and you chased after me." If it weren't for your sincerity, I wouldn't agree to you."

"Even if this world is really as false as you think it is, then I must not know about it, otherwise it is impossible for me not to tell you."

"But it's also possible... Both of us are the protagonists? After all, it's possible to have a male and female protagonist. It doesn't have to be the same as the script I wrote. There is only one male protagonist."

She calmed Wang Qing softly, giving him some warmth and more trust.

"My wife, you are so kind."

Wang Qing was very touched by her tenderness, " do I remember that we were at the beginning, it seems that you took the initiative?"


(End of this chapter)

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