Chapter 170 Night
If Tang Muchen was still conscious now, he would probably laugh.

This is the Silver Dragon King.

Take off my shoes and socks like a little wife.

Take a look, take a look, isn't this a foil to my family status?

I sincerely wish every book friend who subscribes to have such a virtuous wife.

Of course, Tang Muchen couldn't feel it now.

So I accepted this experience.

The speed of taking off the socks was not fast, she took off Tang Muchen's socks.

Cough, a little sweaty.

She threw it away without disgust, and put it on his boots in a ball.

Then looking at her little hand, she fell into doubt.

After a while, she raised her head again and looked at Tang Muchen's face.

He reached out and put his little hand on his face.

Some inexplicably sneered.

She may feel that her hands may be stained with some smell of socks, and she thinks that maybe Tang Muchen can feel the smell of her socks.

Suddenly feel a little fun.

She wiped his face viciously.

A little subverted her glamorous image.

This scene is also a world famous painting.

You can even give it a name "My Silver Dragon King Can't Be So Cute".

Damn, this woman is so damn sweet.

Because of the redness all over his body, his body felt a little hot.

Worked for a while.

She finally succeeded in one fell swoop.

Gu Yuena, who finished her work, observed Tang Muchen.

Now his whole body is red, exuding a thick heat/gas.

The effect of the silver soul power that I sent just now also disappeared.

The situation is a little critical/urgent.

She quickened her movements.

First, he quickly took out a large number of ice cubes saved by the Wuhun Academy and put them on the surrounding utensils. This can fill the room with cold. Although it is not very useful for Tang Muchen, at least he feels better.

After quickly completing these actions, she returned to the soft couch.

Seeing that Tang Muchen's complexion began to change, his veins popped out, and his whole body was as hot as a boiled shrimp.

She sighed and went back to bed.

The clothes Gu Yuena was wearing were not thick, and she was wearing a black strong suit, which was a thinner type.

However, she chose this dress because it is suitable for action and can easily cover her snowy/white skin.

She doesn't want to be stared at by many people.

The person in front of him barely has this qualification.

Shaking his head, he waved away the thoughts in his mind.

Gu Yuena took action.

She whispered.

What Tang Muchen suffers now is mainly the pain of the soul.

He is being attacked by the Golden Dragon King's crazy will.

This is his life and death crisis.

Gu Yuena pressed close to his chest, feeling the heat, and buried her pretty face in her chest.

Increased soul power transmission.

Not only Tang Muchen's soul power flowed into his body, but also her spiritual power.

This situation can only be done by entering his spiritual world.

Gu Yuena's spiritual power is very strong, and it is easy to connect with his spiritual power.

The two began to make contact.

Less than one breath.

Gu Yuena only felt that she had come to an environment filled with golden light.

Is this the spiritual world?
She was sure right away.

Because there is Tang Muchen's figure here.

and Xiaojin.

Tang Muchen was whispering in pain, and he couldn't help rolling over, while Xiao Jin beside him was very nervous, but he half stretched out his dragon claw and didn't know what to do.

Urgent situation.

Gu Yuena came quietly.

Xiao Jin was very vigilant when he saw a stranger, but Gu Yuena had a familiar aura about him, so he relaxed again.

Plus Xiao Jin felt her kindness.

Gu Yuena said softly: "I'll solve it."

"Now shrink your body and go outside to protect us."

Xiao Jin nodded cleverly, quickly shrank, and rushed out.

Immediately out of the spiritual world, came to the outside.

Gu Yuena stared at its back.

"It really is……"

What happened next was left unsaid.

Her gaze returned to Tang Muchen.

Just like the outside, he was wearing a pair of pants, and the scorching heat spread throughout the space.

Her eyes were slightly blurred, and she walked towards him slightly.

On the other side, Xiao Jin shrunk his body, stepped out of the spiritual world, and hovered in the air, feeling very worried about Tang Muchen who was fainting on the bed.

But it has nothing to do. If it fights, it can rush to the front, but if it cures the disease and saves the patient, it can't do anything.

It screamed a little, stretched out the tip of the dragon claw, lifted the blanket on the ground, and covered the two of them neatly and squarely.

Immediately afterwards, it fell to the ground to protect the safety of the two people.

In Tang Muchen's space.

Gu Yuena is trying to help Tang Muchen.

(End of this chapter)

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