Douluo's Martial Soul Forging Master

Chapter 177 Poseidon 3 Dent

Chapter 177 Sea God Trident
Sea Dragon Douluo stood in the middle, and the other six Sea Douluo stood on both sides. Wan Xuan brought Bai Qingqing to stop in front of Sea Dragon Douluo.Bowing slightly, he said, "I have met all the seniors."

Hai Long Douluo was on one side, not receiving his courtesy, looking at him with somewhat complicated emotions: "You two, please come with me."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the Sea God Hall first.

It has been several years since I came to Sea God Island, but this is the first time Wan Xuan has been so close to Sea God Temple.

Various patterns were engraved on the huge stone pillars in front of the Sea God Temple, some were sea spirit beasts that Wan Xuan and the others had seen before, but more were creatures they had never seen before, presumably it was the sea existence in.

Walking into the Sea God Temple, the inside is dark. There is not a single window in the whole hall, and naturally the light from outside cannot be seen. The inside of the hall is very empty, and there are no buildings to be seen. This hall can be described as simple and unsophisticated. You can also use the word simple. Wan Xuan never thought that there is no decoration in the majestic Sea God Temple, and it is so dark.

Just a few steps forward, Sea Dragon Douluo stopped in his tracks, and said respectfully to the inside: "My lord, Wan Xuan and Bai Qingqing are here."

"Well, you go out." Bo Saixi's voice came from inside.

"Yes." Sea Dragon Douluo bowed respectfully inside, then made way for the passage, and walked out from the side, passing Wan Xuan.He nodded slightly to Wan Xuan, and then walked out.

Without the obstruction of Sea Dragon Douluo's burly figure, Wan Xuan was able to see the scene inside the main hall. In this main hall, there were no redundant buildings, only eight platforms, and the outer seven platforms formed a circle. The style of each platform is different, like a reduced platform of the Seven Sacred Pillars, except that there are no holy pillars here, only the seven platforms.

And in the center of these seven platforms, there is a huge platform that can be seen from between the two outer platforms in front. This platform has three floors in total, and it is several meters higher than the seven outer platforms. , the entire platform is circular, and the area of ​​the platform near the top is smaller. Due to the darkness in the hall, it is only possible to vaguely see a long stick in the center of the top platform, but it is not very Regular, large top, conical, whole body pitch black.

Bo Saixi was sitting in the center of the front of the first floor of the platform, with her legs crossed, her palms facing upwards, each making a strange gesture.With his eyes closed, if it wasn't for Wan Xuan's extraordinary eyesight, he wouldn't even be able to see these things.

"Wan Xuan, come forward." Bo Saixi's calm voice sounded, echoing in the empty hall.

"Yes." Wan Xuan agreed, striding forward, his eyes fixed on Bo Saixi calmly, Gujing Wubo in his heart, if Bo Saixi wanted to pay him, it would be a matter of little effort, since he came here, he would naturally Nothing to worry about.But in his heart, Wan Xuan didn't like the feeling that his fate was in the hands of others.

Passing through the outer platform, Wan Xuan led Bai Qingqing until she was five meters in front of Bo Saixi before stopping.

"I've seen you, senior." The two bowed and saluted.

Bo Saixi received the courtesy of others, Wan Xuan found that the Bo Saixi he saw this time seemed to be a little different from the one he saw in the sixth test a few days ago, if the Bo Saixi at that time Bo Saixi gave him the feeling that it was as deep as the ocean, but at this time, Bo Saixi was just like a kind old man. Although her appearance was still so young, noble and beautiful, her eyes full of vicissitudes However, her eyes were full of kindness. If she was an insurmountable mountain when we met last time, then the feeling she gave Wan Xuan at this time is more like the feeling of a master who regards himself as his own when he often looks at him. look.

Bo Saixi smiled kindly and said, "Before you take the seventh test, let me tell you the story of the ocean. Do you know how big the ocean is?"

Wan Xuan shook his head blankly.The question was no longer within the purview of his knowledge.

Bo Saixi said: "The area of ​​the sea is four times that of the land, that is to say, the sea is as big as four Douluo Continents, and in this vast sea, there are far more people living than on the land. If these creatures in the sea lose their restraint and continue to wage wars, then they will be even more chaotic than the land."

"Many, many years ago, the sea was so chaotic. As the saying goes, heroes come out of troubled times. Among the many sea soul masters, there appeared an astonishingly talented genius. Every corner of the sea, holding a trident, conquered one race after another in the sea by virtue of its powerful strength and unparalleled personality charm. After one thousand and one years, it finally unified the sea and was respected as the god of the sea by all sea clans. Created an immortal myth."

"Sea soul masters are also human beings, senior, can human beings live as long as 1000 years?" Wan Xuan asked.

Bo Saixi smiled kindly: "Call me High Priest. Of course ordinary humans can't live that long, but when a person's strength breaks through to the Title Douluo level, they can have a lifespan of about three hundred years. After that, every If you raise one level, you can live for another 100 years, that is to say, at my level, you can live for thousands of years, and the Lord Seagod used to conquer the sea with the strength of level 99."

Bo Saixi laughed at herself: "Do you think I can reach level 99 entirely by my own strength? No, you're wrong, I don't have that ability, I'm only over 100 years old this year.

How can it be possible to cultivate to level 99? Don’t think that you have already broken through level 95, and the road ahead will be easy. When your soul power exceeds level 95, according to normal cultivation, the time required for each level to increase Based on a hundred years, it takes 96 years from level 100 to level 96, and another 97 years from level 100 to level 97. Unless there is a special opportunity, it will take at least 200 years to upgrade to level [-] .

However, this is not the most difficult part. There should be many strong soul masters in your mainland, but I can be sure that, except for Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen, none of them can break through to level 97. That is an absolute bottleneck. According to Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for human beings to cultivate to level 99, because it takes 97 years to reach level 98 to 300, and it takes 98 years of non-stop hard work for level 99 to 600 , and Qian Daoliu and I are both under the shadow of our ancestors, so we have the strength we have today. Only Tang Chen, like the Lord Sea God, has cultivated to level 99 entirely by his own strength. I know how he and Lord Seagod did it, but when Tang Chen reached level 99, he was three years earlier than Lord Seagod. He is also the only one who has the hope of becoming a god with his own strength. "

For Wan Xuan, what Bo Saixi said in front of him could be said to be the secret of secrets, he didn't interrupt, just listened quietly.

Bo Saixi continued: "Back then, after I passed the top eight exams, I came to the glory bestowed by Lord Seagod and was promoted to the high priest. Most of my strength in this body was bestowed by Lord Seagod. Since he has cultivated to level 50 in just 99 years, Qian Daoliu is in the same situation as me, except that what he got was the shadow of the God of Angels. It can be said that the strength of the three of us is almost the same, but On a fair platform, Tang Chen is the most powerful, because his strength is entirely based on his own cultivation. However, the competition between us can never be fair. On the sea, they Not my opponent, on land, Tang Chen is the strongest, but in the sky, Qian Daoliu has an advantage."

Bo Saixi said: "But more importantly, even with Master Hai's strength, it would take a thousand years to break through level [-] and become a god. Do you know why?"

Wan Xuan shook his head.

Bo Saixi said: "Because of the rules, the Sea God said that our world has its own rules, and the strength of the 99th-level Title Douluo is the upper limit of this rule. At this level, don't even think about making progress. Breaking through this level is equivalent to breaking the rules, surpassing the rules, that is, the so-called gods, which can no longer be accomplished by relying on individual strength. The Lord Sea God relies on tens of millions of sea spirit beasts. The power of faith of the sea soul masters is the breakthrough, that's why we need so many, and I, as a believer in Sea God, and Qian Daoliu as a believer in seraphim, we are no longer qualified to accept the power of faith, so naturally It is impossible to become a god. Only when the power of faith reaches a certain level can there be a possibility of breaking through the rules. This is why it is said that your great-grandfather has a chance to become a god, but in reality, this chance is so slim. Of course, there is another way to become a god. A shortcut can be taken, that is to get the approval of the gods of the ancestors and inherit the existing gods. Gods will not die but after becoming gods, they can only exist in this world for 100 years. After 100 years, they must leave here. As for where to go, it is beyond my knowledge, and before they leave, they will keep part of their spiritual sense, because their divine slander is still there, and they will stay in our world. When they get their approval, through a special method, there is the possibility of inheriting the gods and becoming a god again. There are only two ways to become a god at the hundredth level. Relatively speaking, the second way is much easier Yes, and you, who accepted the Seagod's Nine Trials, are the chosen one, the one chosen by the Lord Seagod. When you pass the Seagod's Nine Trials, you will inherit the Seagod's position and become a new generation of Seagod, who will rule the sea for thousands of years. In the time of tens of millions of people."

When it came to the end, Bo Saixi's emotions became visibly agitated, and her voice became high-pitched, constantly echoing in the temple.

Wan Xuan and Bai Qingqing were already stunned. What Bo Saixi said was something they had never heard of, but Bai Qingqing would be taught this knowledge in the future, and the one who taught her would naturally be the ancient golden tree .

Bo Saixi's passionate voice echoed in the hall for a long time before it slowly dissipated, and her sitting body also stood up.

"Wan Xuan, I'm telling you this now because you have passed the first six tests of the Sea God's Nine Tests, which are also the basic tests of the Sea God's Nine Tests. The next thing you will face is the real test from God. Compared with the first six tests, the last three tests may be much simpler, but it may also be as difficult as climbing the sky, it depends on your good luck, the one inserted upside down on this Sea God's Platform is the weapon that has accompanied Lord Sea God all his life , is also the place where part of the Seagod's power is condensed. Pulling it out is your seventh test. Only with its approval can you truly take a crucial step towards becoming the Seagod. My reminder to you is only two words, The decree left by Lord Seagod said that only those chosen by him will have the chance to pull out the Seagod Trident with their persistent beliefs. If you pull it out, the two of you will pass all seven tests. Otherwise, I will not be able to control your ending. of."

There is no need for Bo Saixi to explain, Wan Xuan also understands what the ending means. Bo Saixi has already revealed the secret of Sea God Island. After passing this test, the ones who know the secret are the new successor of Sea God and his partners. , then, the dead will naturally not tell the secret.

Raising his head, Wan Xuan's gaze focused on the long black stick erected in the center of the Sea God Platform. No wonder it looked like a stick. It turned out that the Sea God Trident was inserted upside down. This was the long handle of the trident.

Bo Saixi had stepped aside at this time, looking at Wan Xuan, her eyes were full of encouragement.

Focusing on the Seagod Trident, Wan Xuan walked towards the stage step by step, with Bai Qingqing closely following him.

Here, there is no pressure, but Wan Xuan's steps are very heavy, his gaze never leaves the Seagod Trident, the reason why he moves slowly is because he is concentrating all his mental power on it. On top of the trident.

Through spiritual experience, Wan Xuan discovered that the Seagod Trident was like a piece of dead metal without any breath, but its heavy feeling was very obvious. The center of the platform, the center of the Sea God Temple, and the center of the entire Sea God Mountain, it seems that the entire mountain exists for it.

Stepping up to the third floor, he finally faced the weapon left by the sea god. The exposed handle of the trident was about a foot long, as thick as a child's arm.It was pitch black and dull, and only a thin layer of lines could be vaguely seen on it.

"Leave the rest to me." Wan Xuan said in a deep voice.

Bai Qingqing stopped, closed her eyes, and prayed devoutly for Wan Xuan, then a ball of green light flashed in Bai Qingqing's hand, the green forest goddess scepter appeared in Bai Qingqing's hand, and the green gemstone in the center of the scepter exploded The bright light was increasing and improving Wan Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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