Agent of a certain comic

Chapter 701 Bargaining

Chapter 701 Bargaining (the fifth change at every turn)


If it weren't for Hulk's face, Mark would have snapped his fingers and given it to Banner.

Are famous physicists amazing?
This is no reason for him to disrespect people.

Mark is still a god.

But Mark has always treated people with courtesy and reasoned...


Betty in a black and white dress appeared on the lawn with a bag on her back and a cup of coffee in her hand.

Banner, who was still in a state of embarrassment and anger, was hooked away when he saw that beautiful and lovely person.

But Banner dared not step forward.

He fears.

Or Banner is afraid that Hulk will hurt Betty again like in the big bang a year ago.

But Mark is not afraid.

Mark got up and blew a whistle to Betty who just sat down on the leisure seat not far away and took out his mobile phone and said, "Hi, Betty."

Betty, who was arranging the small bag, looked up.

next second.

When Betty saw a man in a baseball cap sitting next to Mark, her whole face became agitated...

Betty threw the coffee that got in the way aside and quickly pulled her bag and ran towards Mark.

Banner hastily lowered his hat, ready to pretend to be a hurried passer-by, turned around and left.

But it didn't work out.

Banner looked up at Mark in surprise, feeling his disobedient body.

Mark shrugged and said, "What? Do you think you are special?"

Banner wanted to nod.


Betty is here.

Betty skipped over Mark and hugged the windy Banner like Sand and said excitedly, "Where have you been this year?"

Banner's heart was beating violently.

Just indulged in the joy of reunion, after less than a second, Banner quickly recovered and pushed Betty away nervously, as if pushing away some scourge.

Betty was dumbfounded.

Banner was also slightly taken aback, then he stuttered and hurriedly explained: "Sorry, I'm not..."


Banner, who was originally not good at words, was at a loss for words in this flash.

Mark, who was watching the play next to him, smiled and said to Betty, "Niece, did you forget to say hello to your uncle when you saw your ex-boyfriend?"

Betty directly gave Mark a supercilious look.

From the time Mark met Betty for the first time, Ma relied on his relationship with Ross to emphasize the relationship between the elders and the younger generation with Betty.

But Ross seems to be enjoying it.

Very strange.

After Mark finished teasing, he glanced at the sweating physicist and said lightly: "Your ex-boyfriend is mainly afraid that the big guy in his body will come out and hurt you."

"Ex-boyfriend?" Betty frowned, then looked at Banner, who was relieved after Mark finished explaining, and said, "I never said I broke up with you, do you think we broke up?"


Under Betty's words.

Banner once again fell into a tense state and couldn't extricate himself.

Mark next to him also pointed to a man in a vest looking at him not far away and asked, "Then who is this guy?"

Betty turned around and took a look, then said blankly: "It's just someone who pursues me."

Mark nodded to accept the explanation.

After half an hour.

On the edge of the lake inside the Culver campus, Mark looked at Betty who could be the master of the matter and asked, "Betty, what do you think? Let your boyfriend join my FBI?"

Banner, who was holding Betty's hand next to him, was just about to speak.

Betty was the first to say: "But my father..."

Mark interrupted directly with a smile: "There is no need to worry about Ross, I will solve this matter."

Betty's face relaxed.

Mark then said, "But I can't solve the matter between you and Banner."

Betty frowned and said, "Mark..."

"Call uncle."

"...Uncle Louis."

"Hey, this is a good girl."

Betty took a deep breath and resisted the urge to turn her boyfriend into a green giant and said to Mark: "I called, then me and..."

"Can't do it?"


Betty could not wait to slap someone Ma who was smiling even more, and the urge to call out a certain green giant was getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Banner next to him was in a daze.

This is obviously his own business.

But why do I feel like I don't count?
After Mark teased his eldest niece Betty, he extended his right hand to Debbie standing next to him.

Debbie understands.

Mark took the mobile phone that Debbie handed over and directly flipped the cover to call General Ross.

The call is connected.

"Good morning, Mark."

"Morning, Rose, there is something I want to tell you."


"Dr. Banner is going to join the FBI."


After Mark finished speaking, there was a second of silence on the other side of the phone, and then General Ross's loud voice came out directly: "Mark, we are allies."

"Yes. We are and will always be allies, and I have no intention of making our relationship a stranger."

Mark once again affirmed his relationship with General Ross.


Mark glanced at the couple who stood in front of him nervously, as if they were about to die in the next second, and then turned to Ross on the other side of the phone and said: "You want Dr. Banner to analyze Dr. Banner's blood, right? "

"...I'm going to dissect him." General Ross, who was planning to meet a certain elite soldier who boasted that he was comparable to Frank, slapped his table hard and moved towards his hands while gnashing his teeth. the phone roared.

This resentment.

This hatred.

There is a feeling of dumping the entire Hudson River and washing it clean.

Betty and Banner looked at each other.

"Let's run away."

"...Okay, I'll listen to you."


Betty and Banner were communicating with each other about their elopement, but Mark said directly and indifferently: "Ross, there is nothing shameful in admitting that you are a daughter slave, on the contrary, it will be very helpful for you to step into the position of Minister of National Development .”

Ross didn't speak.

Mark smiled and glanced at Betty and Banner.


"Two tubes of Dr. Banner's blood in exchange for your forgiveness and not being involved in the relationship between Banner and Betty."

"...Twenty Guan Banner's blood revoked his arrest warrant, but he must stay away from my daughter just like you."

"Three tubes of blood, revoke the pursuit warrant and Betty's relationship."

"You're too much."

"Hehe, how about the five tubes of blood?"

"Not much, I'll drain his blood after I catch him."

"Ross, there is a saying in Dongguo that killing a chicken and taking its eggs is unacceptable. Even if you drained his blood, what if you still can't make a super soldier?"


After some haggling.

Mark hung up the phone and looked at the stunned two people in front of him, and then said to Betty: "Five tubes of blood in exchange for revoking the arrest warrant for Dr. Banner, and Banner must hand in one tube of blood when I see you. The best conditions that can be obtained.”

Betty: "..."

Dr. Banner who can't decide his own affairs: "...MMP!"

(End of this chapter)

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