Chapter 404 Heavenly Eyes
The angle of view of the OB screen was on the Berserker, and when the Berserker leaned out from behind the tree and was about to fire at Gu Yan, he suddenly remembered the sound of a gunshot.


This is the sound of the m24 gun.

At the moment when the gunshot sounded, the berserker who had just leaned out had a blood mist splashed on his head, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

"The player used the m24 to kill the berserker with a headshot"

As the berserker fell, a kill prompt appeared.

The commentator and the audience were stunned when they saw the berserker who fell without warning.

How did the Berserker die?

Isn't Gu Yan driving a vehicle to transfer?The Berserker just leaned out from behind the tree, how did he kill the Berserker the moment he leaned out?

How did Gu Yan do it?
Because the OB screen just now was from the perspective of a berserker, and there was no Gu Yan in the screen, the commentator and the audience naturally didn't know how Gu Yan completed this wave of operations.

At the scene of the game, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Fuck, how did the Berserker die?"

"M24 headshot? Isn't Gu Yan driving a vehicle? How did he get a headshot?"

"The berserker died so suddenly..."

"The director replays it quickly to see how Gu Yan killed the berserker."

"That's right, replay, replay!"

The audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room discussed curiously, wondering how the berserker died so suddenly.

At the commentary booth, when Brother Ang was about to speak and asked the director to play back quickly, the ob screen had already started to play back.

The OB screen playback, from the OB screen, you can see Gu Yan at this moment, driving a flaming Maserati, rushing towards the safe zone, the distance between Gu Yan and the Berserker was quickly shortened.

At the moment when the berserker's body began to lean out from behind the tree, Gu Yan, who was driving a Maserati, slammed on the brakes and jumped off the car. Holding the m24 in his hand, he opened the mirror instantly and aimed at the berserker behind the tree.

After Gu Yan finished the series of operations of braking, getting out of the car, cutting the gun, and switching on the mirror, the berserker behind the tree poked his head out.


Gu Yan in the revisiting screen shot a 7.62mm bullet and landed on the second-stage head of the berserker behind the tree.

The Berserker's second stage head exploded and he was killed on the spot.

In the OB screen, the whole process of Gu Yan killing the Berserker has been played, so that the commentator and the audience can see clearly.

However, after watching it, the commentator and the audience were silent for a while.

This wave of operations by Gu Yan is a little unclear, or rather, I don't understand.

How did Gu Yan know that the Berserker would lean forward at that time, and at the same moment, Gu Yan jumped out of the car and buckled a shot?

This instant shot was so fast that it could be called a blind shot, because Gu Yan pulled the trigger within a split second of opening the shot.

"What's going on? I don't understand. How did Gu Yan know that the Berserker leaned forward at that time?"

"That's right, I didn't understand either."

"It's as if Gu Yan knew in advance that the Berserker was going to lean forward. This is a competition, so there's no way to turn on the clairvoyance."

"Before Gu Yan killed the old cunt who touched his back with his backhand, you felt like a lock, but now you killed the berserker behind the tree in an instant, and you said see-through, can't you have some confidence in Gu Yan's strength? ?”

"I want to know how Gu Yan knew that the Berserker leaned forward, please replay it again."

Audiences, how Gu Yan knew that the Berserker was leaning out from behind the tree caused a great controversy. If this was not a competition, some people would really think that Gu Yan had opened the clairvoyance.

The commentator didn't understand Gu Yan's operation, so he asked the director to play it again.

The director did as he did, and the three commentators stared at the OB screen.

After the second playback, Brother Ang looked back at Brother Ang, then at Asuka, and asked them both, "Do you understand?"

"If there is no accident, I should understand." Ang Ge said.

"I guessed it too, but I just don't know if it's right." Asuka looked at Brother Ang and said, "Brother Ang, tell me your opinion."

Ang Ge said, "The reason why Gu Yan was able to know in advance that the Berserker was going to lean out from behind the tree, as if he had turned on the perspective hanger, was because when the Berserker leaned forward, the part of his body that was first exposed betrayed him."

"Look carefully at the slow motion picture. The berserker is leaning forward. Because Gu Yan is moving, his body is also moving. A part of his body is exposed from behind the tree. Gu Yan just found a part of the berserker's body exposed. , presumably he is going to lean forward."

"So Gu Yan braked at that moment, predicted the position of the berserker's head when it came out, and sent a blind sniper shot, taking the berserker away like this."

After hearing what Ang Ge said, Asuka said, "Don't say I'm an afterthought, my thought just now is the same as Ang Ge, because Gu Yan is moving, and the Berserker has to adjust his position, which is good for firing. A little bit of his body was captured by Gu Yan, and he predicted that he would be killed by a blind sniper."

After Ang Ge heard what Ang Ge and Asuka had said, she rubbed her chin, "From the ob screen played back for the third time, it seems that it is really what you said, but Gu Yan, who is driving the vehicle, and the Berserker Although the distance is not far, but it is not close, at this distance, can Gu Yan really capture the trace of the berserker's exposed body so quickly?"

"It's definitely possible." Ang Ge said with a smile, "Why do you think Gu Yan can get one head after another? Apart from his accurate marksmanship, his eyes must also be very keen in insight. Didn't Berserkers have heavenly eyes before?" Is it the title? I think this title seems to be more appropriate for Gu Yan now."

"That's right." Asuka said, "Gu Yan, who has shown wave after wave of extreme operations, is really not an exaggeration to say that he is the eye of the sky."

"The eyes of the sky care about the face?" Brother Ang said with a smile:
"Is this another title of Gu Yan after 'm24 Gu Yan is online', '24 Gu Yan, let me know', 'Sniping God Gu Yan'?"

The analysis of the commentary also let the audience at the scene and the live broadcast room understand how Gu Yan showed off this wave of operations.

And the facts are just as analyzed by the three commentators.

The reason why Gu Yan drove the vehicle that was about to explode before was to get closer to the berserker. When driving, Gu Yan's Ziji Divine Light was exerted to the limit, watching the position of the tree where the berserker was.

When the Berserker adjusted his position and was about to lean forward, he was captured by Ziji Divine Light in an instant, and then he got out of the car and shot a blind sniper with prediction, taking the Berserker's head.

Gu Yan's operation in this wave has some elements of luck, but more of it is his strength.

If he doesn't have the most fundamental strength, he won't be able to show off his extreme operations again and again.

"It turns out that the berserker was killed in this way, Gu Yan is really a big critic."

"This is an invincible show. Although blind sniper headshots have an element of luck, I believe it's more about strength."

"Of course, Gu Yan relies on strength for anyone who can rely on luck to achieve the current results."

"Empire Sky Eye Gu Yan, haha, this title is not bad, and it is well-deserved."

"This wave of operations turned me into a fan, and I will be Gu Yan's fan from now on."

"Upstairs, I'm an old fan. Gu Yan's competition is okay. He usually drifts away. He usually doesn't see anyone. When he starts broadcasting, he can wait until the flowers are gone. I think you will be like me sooner or later. Powder spray."

"Based on Gu Yan's operation, when he swells in the future, I will definitely restrain myself and try to avoid scolding as much as possible."

"Sky Eye Gu Yan, understand."

In the invitation letter competition, Gu Yan has already demonstrated extreme manipulation many times.

This wave of blind snipers killed the Berserker, which can be said to be the most eye-catching one.

The commentator and the audience were discussing about Gu Yan's extreme operation, and the berserker who was once known as the eye of the sky, sitting in front of the computer, also watched the death replay~.

For the commentary that Gu Yan is more suitable for the title of Tianyanyan, Berserker's heart is very complicated.

In the game, after Gu Yan blindly killed the Berserker, he sat in the smoking Maserati and headed towards where the Berserker was.

(End of this chapter)

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