Chapter 122 Tech Tree, Climb, Climb!
(PS: The dialogue between Conan and the protagonist in Chapter 119 has been modified, so that Conan did not reveal Xiao Ai's identity.)
Hearing Conan's anxious voice, Miyano Hashi smiled slightly.

"Well, I have already received a reply. Unfortunately, Kudo-san, the other party does not have the formula and antidote for that medicine. Instead, the other party provided a new message."

Conan lost his excitement in an instant. He originally hoped that Miyano-sensei would have some good results here, but in the end there was nothing.

"What news?"

"The other party said that the scientist who studied the drug in the Black Organization recently defected from the organization. It seems that her sister was killed by the organization, and the Black Organization is currently trying to find her. The scientist seems to be called Miyano Shiho, and I have the same surname as me. "

Conan: ? ? ? ?

Isn't that the original gray?
Why does it feel like this organization is not as powerful as imagined!

Or is it that even such a powerful organization has nothing to do with that black organization?
However, the news that the organization in black is trying its best to find Huiyuan is worth noting.

"Miyano-sensei, is what you said true?"

"Well, that's right. So we can try to find that person named Miyano Shiho. In this way, maybe you can return to your original appearance sooner."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched slightly, I wanted to say that that person was already by my side, but unfortunately, Haibara didn't let me reveal her identity.

However, I still feel that Mr. Miyano already knows the identity of Haibara, so I will go to test it with Haibara in two days.

"Miyano-sensei, although I didn't get the answer I wanted, thank you anyway. By the way, how much did you spend on this matter?"

"No, this time I will help you for free."

"I'm so sorry."

"If you're embarrassed, you owe me a favor."

"Well, okay, but your request can't be too much, such as breaking the law or something"

"Don't worry, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Miyano Yushi lay on the bed, thinking about this favor, how many times will he ask Conan to pretend to be a woman? !
The next two or three days passed so peacefully, and Miyano Yushi felt it was unbelievable.

When has Mi Hua been so peaceful?
After preparing in the office, Miyano Hashi went to the classroom. The first class today is the class meeting.

"Ahem, it's time for the class meeting again today. Let's analyze everyone's results as usual. The exams two days ago, everyone's results are very good, and they have improved a lot compared to the past. Everyone will continue to work hard in the future."

"Well, other words, do you have any good suggestions, suggestions that are beneficial to class construction."

Suzuki Sonoko was the first to raise his hand when he heard the words, Miyano Hashi saw this and asked Suzuki Sonoko to stand up and express his opinion.

"Miyano-sensei, I think we can build a place for everyone to communicate with each other in our class. Isn't it very popular to make friends online recently? We can discuss issues with each other together."

Miyano Yushi was taken aback for a moment. Am I outdated by the times?
How come I don't know about this kind of thing?
Seeing Miyano Hashi's puzzled look, Suzuki Sonoko asked in amazement.

"Miyano-sensei, you don't know about this, do you?"

Miyano Hashi coughed twice, I am more familiar with this kind of thing than you, isn't it just making friends online!
"Well, Suzuki-san's suggestion is very good, I will leave this matter to you."

Suzuki Sonoko blinked her eyes, why did the matter leave it to me?Shouldn't it be your homeroom teacher's business?

Just seeing Miyano Hashi's eyes, Suzuki Sonoko finally agreed from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, Miss Ben has been making friends online recently, so she is more familiar with this matter, otherwise she would shoot herself in the foot.

Speaking of making friends online, Suzuki Sonoko thought of the Doi Tucker tree he met in the magic hobby group.

His conversation is not only polite and elegant, but also full of wisdom, and sometimes shows his excellent literary accomplishment.

Don't even think about it, he must be a beautiful man with both talent and appearance.

In Sonoko Suzuki's fantasy, a class meeting just passed by.

"Okay, everyone, the next section is physical education class. Today we are going to do body sides. The boys are 1000 meters, and the girls are 800 meters. Go down and gather!"

The classmates in the class were dumbfounded for a moment, they didn't expect Miyano Yushi to make a surprise attack.

As a result, there were wailing sounds one after another in the class, among which Suzuki Sonoko was the loudest.

"Miyano-sensei, don't you want it?!"

Miyano Hashi saw that Suzuki Sonoko was the loudest, so he planned to shoot the first bird.

"Suzuki-san, do you have any comments?"

"Can you not run?"

Miyano Hanshi looked at Suzuki Sonoko with a kind smile on his face.

"What do you think?"

Suzuki Sonoko immediately stood up and said after seeing Miyano Hashi's kind look.

"Okay, Miyano-sensei, I'll go down and get ready."

Seeing that Suzuki Sonoko had gone down, the others followed him downstairs.

The body side scene of Class B, Grade [-], Didan Senior High School.
Mao Lilan looked at Suzuki Sonoko who stopped to rest and cheered loudly.

"Yuanzi, come on, there are 100 meters left, and we will pass with a little effort."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Mao Lilan, gritted his teeth, and finally ran the last 100 meters.

Seeing that he had run 800 meters, Suzuki Sonoko sat on the ground tired.

Mao Lilan hurried to Suzuki Sonoko's side, "Sonoko, are you okay?"

Miyano Yushi also came over, after all, she was his sister-in-law, so nothing could happen.

"Okay, get up quickly. After strenuous exercise, don't sit down and rest, or it will be bad for your health. Get up and walk for a while."

Suzuki Sonoko asked Mao Lilan to help him up when he heard the words, and then walked slowly aside.

After the body side was over, Miyano Hashi finished counting the results, and asked everyone to go outside for a while before returning to the classroom.

Miyano Hashi returned to the office and just sat down to take a sip of water when he received a call from Kaito Kuroba.

"Miyano-sensei, I have investigated the person you mentioned called Harada Erying."

Miyano Hashi thought to himself that Kuroba Kaito moved quite fast, but he didn't know if there was any result.

"How about it?"

"I found information about Pandora gems in a note hidden by Harada Erying. It is said that Pandora gems once appeared on a certain mountain. But I think that it is very likely not the Pandora gems themselves, but one of the fragments .”

Kaito Kuroba paused at this point, "Well, Miyano-sensei, let's go and look for it. I just happen to be attending a party recently, and the place is at the villa on the mountain."

After listening to Kuroba Kaito's narration, Miyano Hashi frowned. He didn't expect that there would be fragments of Pandora gems on the mountain.

It seems that some legends on the Internet need to be read carefully, maybe those things are true.

"No problem, but what party are you going to?"

"It's a magician's hobby alliance. I went because a person who had died suddenly reappeared, so I was puzzled, so I planned to go and check the situation. But it won't affect our affairs, so don't worry."

 In Chapter 119, the dialogue between Conan and the protagonist has been modified, so that Conan did not reveal Xiao Ai's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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