Conan: I really don't want to be near the god of death

Chapter 164 Renye Karasuma Is Still Alive?

Chapter 164 Renye Karasuma Is Still Alive?

Three days, three more days!

The things in Conan are really cleverly arranged, and everything happened during the public holiday.

No, not right!

To be precise, there are too many holidays in the world of Conan. Basically, there are only two or three days of classes in a week, and the rest of the time is rest.

Miyano Hashi complained for a while, then sat on the sofa and thought about the problem quietly.

Ren Karasuma? !

But it doesn't matter if I don't know, as long as the system is clear.

Now that I have saved two query opportunities, I can ask twice in a row.

I just wanted to ask about Renye Karasuma.

"Use query opportunities."

"Ding Dong, you currently have two chances to inquire, please tell us your question."

"I need to know everything about Renya Karasuma."

The display interface of the system came sooner than Miyano Yushi imagined. Originally, Miyano Yushi thought it would take a few minutes, but he didn't expect it to come out in less than half a minute.

Karasuma Renye, a Japanese billionaire half a century ago, his family crest is in the shape of a crow. Whenever people see that crow, they always feel that it brings ominous.

The Twilight Annex where he lived during his lifetime was a villa made of gold. Renye Karasuma passed away 40 years ago. At that time, celebrities from all walks of life in Japan gathered in Renye Karasuma's mansion to divide up his collection left behind.

But unfortunately, they were drugged by two men in black and killed each other. In the end, the whole villa was splashed with blood.Judging from the judgment, it is suspected that the power of the Pandora gem has been used - illusion and confusion.

This skill belongs to the rubbish skill of Pandora Gem, which can only make ordinary people fall into illusion, so it is not displayed in the original ability introduction of Pandora Gem.

The same goes for the skills curse, scout, stealth you get.

In addition, Renye Karasuma is the boss of the black organization, and his life reaction can be detected at present. The specific location cannot be detected, but the approximate range is in Tottori Prefecture.

The mysterious drug obtained by the Black Organization at the beginning is speculated to have a 99.99% possibility of being produced by the Pandora gem, and it is the most important property left by Renye Karasuma.

"Ding Dong, the message you asked for has been conveyed, do you want to continue to use the inquiry opportunity?"

Miyano Hashi looked at the news displayed by the system and was completely numb. That old Renye Karasuma is still alive?

Moreover, the system's explanation this time also shows that the winery and Pandora gems do have a certain connection, and it is even possible that the winery has fragments of Pandora gems in its hands.

If distilleries have shards of Pandora gems, what about zoos?

Does this organization that has been searching for Pandora gems also have fragments of Pandora gems?
It seems that my other problems have to be moved to the back first, and I will solve this problem first.

"Go on, I want to know if the zoo has a piece of the Pandora gem?"

This time the waiting time of the system was a bit longer than before. About 1 minute later, the system message finally came.

"Dingdong, I have found the addresses of all the zoos in Tokyo for you, but they are far away from you, so it is impossible to detect whether there are fragments of Pandora gems."

Miyano Yushi was stunned when he saw the news from the system, his face was full of question marks, what the hell are you doing?
Grass (really a plant)!

People are really numb, and it will really become numb after a long time!
You can't rest without rest for half an hour.

What rubbish system, is this zoo the zoo I'm asking about?
Your mentally handicapped system is wasting my opportunity to inquire. The next time I have to wait for two days, it is really laborious.

The angry Miyano Hashi didn't even have a good dinner, so he went to bed directly.

The next day!

Miyano Hashi came to the school early. The first class today was the class meeting as usual. When he walked into the classroom, Miyano Hashi found that Kudo Shinichi had come to class?

"Huh? Kudo-san is back to class?"

Kudo Shinichi scratched his head and said to Miyano Hashi with a smile: "Miyano-sensei, I'm still a student in the class after all, so I will definitely come to class!"

Miyano Hashi nodded, "Okay, it's time for our class meeting again, this time it's okay, just say a few words."

Then Miyano Hashi directly skipped a class, until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Miyano Hashi walked out of the classroom full of enthusiasm.

Seeing Miyano Hashi go out, Kudo Shinichi lay down on the desk and complained.

"Why didn't I realize that Miyano-sensei talked so much before? He kept talking for a whole class. It's amazing."

Nakamichi, who was sitting in front of Kudo Shinichi, turned around when he heard what Kudo Shinichi said.

"Kudou, of course you don't know if you're not here. Miyano-sensei is such a miserable person. Not long ago, I muttered something in a low voice when he was talking, and then alas!"

The corner of Kudo Shinichi's mouth twitched slightly, I know better than you what Miyano-sensei's tricks are like.

But speaking of it, Haibara's medicine is really powerful, and it lasted for such a long time. Maybe I don't need to change back this time, and I can get rid of Conan's identity in the future.

Thinking of this, Kudo Shinichi is very excited!

It just so happened that he finally recovered this time, so Xiaolan must be completely taken down.

What happened yesterday can be said to make me angry and headache, no, I will confess my confession tonight and go to the place where my parents decided to live forever.

After taking down Xiaolan, I can hug and kiss as much as I want, and kiss as much as I want?
On the other side, Miyano Yushi walked to the door of the office and met Shinide Tomoaki
Seeing Belmode, Miyano Hashi felt helpless for a while, I said big sister, can you be okay and not run to me?

There is also an FBI here. Since you came, I found that you have never looked for anyone other than me. You are easy to be misunderstood.

Or is it true that I guessed right, we don't really have any special relationship, do we?
Seeing Miyano Hashi come back, Belmode smiled and walked in front of Miyano Hashi.

"Oh, Mr. Miyano, I came to look for you. I saw that you were not in the office and was about to go back. I didn't expect you to come back."

Miyano Hanshi forced himself to laugh, and then said to Belmode.

"Is there something wrong with the new doctor looking for me?"

Belmode followed Miyano Hashi into the office, "I just came to ask about Kudo-san. I saw him in school today. Is he coming back?"

Miyano Hashi poured a glass of water for Belmod and handed it to Belmod.

"I don't know, I just know that he is coming back to class now. As for what will happen in the future, who can say for sure, there may be another case in the future, and then suspend school!"

"Oh, it seems that Miyano-sensei knows a lot about Kudo-san. Could it be that Miyano-sensei has been in contact with Kudou-san for so long?"

Hearing Belmod's words, Miyano Hashi glanced at Belmod, testing me?
"As Kudo's class teacher, I will naturally contact him occasionally. Although he has suspended school, has he still not dropped out? Why is the new doctor asking this?"

Belmode smiled and waved his hands and explained: "Because I saw you yesterday not surprised by Kudo-san's appearance, it seems that you knew in advance that he would come."

"You said this. That's what I asked Conan to call. After all, Mori-san is looking forward to seeing him so much, and I also want to fulfill my student's wish, so naturally I won't be surprised by Kudo-san's arrival."

Bellmode smiled slightly when he heard Miyano Hashi's explanation. The answer was similar to what he expected, but what I want to know next is what I want to know, Xiaoyu.

"Speaking of yesterday's incident, it's really surprising. There are such similar people in the world. At that time, I thought it was Kudo-san, but I didn't expect someone else to pretend. Did Miyano-sensei stay in Ekoda before? Listen Yuanzi said that you knew those two people."

Seeing Belmode mentioning this matter, Miyano Yushi complained in his heart about that eighth woman Sonoko, who has such a big mouth, and said everything out.

"I met by chance, and then I became acquainted with it after coming and going. Besides, I have never stayed in Jianggutian, but only a few times. New doctor, do you have anything else? If there is nothing, I can only say sorry , because I still have class next, so I have to prepare the content of the next class."

Hearing this, Belmode said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, Miyano-sensei, to bother you. If this is the case, then you should be busy, and I will leave."

Seeing Belmode leave, Miyano Hashi's face became serious. She has been leading this place to know about me. Could it be that that matter is true?

If this is the case, many of my previous judgments will go wrong.

Belmode walked out of Miyano Hashi's office, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, it seemed that those two people didn't need to investigate anything.

In addition, Xiaoyu must have been involved in Shirley's matter, and the worst thing she had imagined happened.

Xiao Yu, you really created a problem for my aunt!

However, if you knew that the couple were the murderers who indirectly killed your biological parents, would you still work so hard for their daughter like you are now?
I would rather risk the danger of being discovered by the organization, but also save Shirley.
Not long after Belmode left, Judy walked out of the office, and said in a low voice, this was already the fifth time.

Looking at Miyano Hashi's office not far away, Judy took out the phone to find a place where there was no one and called.

The call was quickly connected, and Akai Shuichi's voice came from the phone.

"Judy, what happened?"

Judy looked around and said to Akai Shuichi after making sure that there was no one.

"Xiuyi, I'm basically sure now that the purpose of Belmode sneaking into this school is for that Miyano teacher."

Hearing Judy's words, Akai Shuichi was silent for a moment.

"Are you sure? If it is true, then I will start investigating him. I believe that something will be found out soon."

Judy was still a little uncertain, but the frequency with which Belmode came to him was indeed too frequent.

"There is no direct evidence, it's just my guess. Since I came to this school, Belmode has taken the initiative to find him alone, and it has been five times including today. Although the relationship between the two is indeed relatively Okay, but the current situation is full of weirdness."

Akai Shuichi said after thinking for a while based on the clues given by Judy.

"Okay, I see. I'll check it out in the next period of time. It doesn't matter if it's wrong, but if it's related, we can follow the clues and get a lot of information we want."

Seeing that Shuichi Akai had made a decision, Judy hesitated and said.

"Xiuyi, you have to be careful, if something happens, please contact me in time."

"Don't worry, I'm still very confident in my strength. Even if I face gin, he won't get any good results. That's it, you continue to keep an eye on Belmode in school and see if you can No other leads could be found."

(End of this chapter)

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