Conan: I really don't want to be near the god of death

Chapter 167 Xiaolan, don't be afraid, Dad is here!

Chapter 167 Xiaolan, don't be afraid, Dad is here!

Miyano Hashi looked at the clock, could it be that there is some mechanism involved in this villa, once it is touched, the whole villa will collapse?

After everyone was seated, the veiled person spoke.

"This time I invite everyone to come over, mainly to ask everyone to help me find the treasure hidden somewhere in this villa. It took me a long time to get this wealth, even if I tried my best to find it. "

Kaito Kuroba pretended to be puzzled and looked at the mysterious man and asked, "Did you die?"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of a car exploding came from outside the villa.

Hearing this voice, Miyano Hashi's mouth twitched slightly, the car was really blown up.

Fortunately, I didn't drive my own car. The car rental company only needs to pay for the damage.

"You don't need to be so surprised, I just want to block your way. You have been chasing me in the past, and let us switch places with each other occasionally! In addition, the suspension bridge you passed by when you came is also It has been destroyed by me."

"So don't think about running away now, just honestly help me find the treasure hidden in this villa."

Hearing what the mysterious man said, Mao Lilan looked worriedly at the mobile phone in her hand that had lost signal, what should she do now.

"Dad, there's no signal on the phone either."

Kuroba Kaito froze for a moment, and didn't react for a while, but fortunately Kaito's reflex arc with an IQ of 20 was shorter than that of Conan, otherwise, according to Conan's reflex arc of more than [-] seconds, he would definitely be finished.

Kuroba Kaito grabbed Mao Lilan's hand and comforted Mao Lilan.

"Xiao Lan, don't be afraid, Dad is here!"

Hearing what Mao Lilan and Kuroba Kaito said, Miyano Yushi suddenly felt awkward, it was too grassy.

At this moment, the mysterious man continued to speak his own words.

"So, it is impossible for you to seek help from outsiders now. But as long as someone of you helps me find the treasure, I will not only give him half of the treasure, but also tell him the way to leave here."

But Haruhime Mogi couldn't bear it any longer when he heard the outrageous words of the mysterious man, got up and walked behind the mysterious man, snorting coldly.

"I'm not interested in you, especially you, a guy who dares not meet people."

After Mogi Haruki finished speaking, he lifted the purple gauze covering the mysterious man, and then saw a dummy with a loudspeaker installed.

Seeing this dummy, Miyano Yushi also proved his conjecture just now. It seems that the person behind the scenes is most likely among the people on the scene, but he doesn't know which one it is.

But according to the development of the plot, since such a big battle has been set up, and the seats are so particular, he will definitely want to kill one of them, and that person is probably his accomplice.

As the saying goes, there is no hatred for no reason, and there is no love for no reason, everything has a reason in it, and if you find that reason, many things will be solved easily.

And if there is no accident until now, the time to act is the time to eat.

After everyone finished eating, the mysterious man spoke again.

"It seems that everyone had a pleasant dinner this time, so let's get down to business. You must be wondering why I spent so much money to buy this annex. First, please take a look at the tableware around you."

Mao Lilan picked up a spoon and saw the emblem of Karasuma Renye's family on it, "There is a bird with a very large beak on it, and the whole pattern makes people shudder."

"It looks like a crow, doesn't it?!"

Seeing that everyone had spoken out, the mysterious man didn't intend to hide anything.

"It seems that everyone has already discovered it. It is the family crest of Karasuma Renya, a millionaire who died half a century ago. There is a treasure left by that millionaire. Your task is to help me find it. That treasure."

"Otherwise, I don't mind letting you repeat the tragedy of 40 years ago. But it is really difficult for you to find things in such a large villa, so I will give you a hint."

"The two travelers in a hurry looked up at the sky at night, and the devil descended on the castle. The king took the treasure, and fled. The princess wept and dropped the Holy Grail, praying for mercy. The soldiers killed themselves with swords, and the earth changed color."

Hearing this reminder, Miyano Yushi frowned. What is the so-called treasure of this code?

What could be taken away at that time must have been taken away, but what could not be taken away would be regarded as a treasure, and it seemed that the only thing left was this villa made of pure gold.

That is to say, the treasure that this code refers to is this villa, and the clock not far away is the mechanism to open this treasure.

When the mechanism is activated, the villa will show its true appearance.

Then wait a while, while everyone is looking for the treasure, look for it in this villa to see if there is any message left by the organization.

If not, anyway, he has earned enough this time, not only got a piece of Pandora gem, but also such a big villa.

Although because Baimatan is here, it is very likely that they cannot take all of it, but with the ability of the Suzuki family, at least part of it can be divided.

Miyano Hashi was thinking while preparing to pick up the black tea that the maid had just served, but before Miyano Hashi had touched the teacup, the system message popped up again.

"[1] Do you want to try the power of potassium cyanate? Then pick up a cup and drink tea. Death must be very happy to see you. Completion reward: all skills increase by [-] point."

"[1] Potassium cyanate, the most common poison in Conan's world, is still far away from you? Completion reward: increase any skill by 10-[-]."

Seeing the options from the system, Miyano Yushi's pupils shrank instantly, this tea is poisonous!

Just when he wanted to tell everyone, Miyano Hashi saw that everyone else had already drank it, but seeing that nothing happened after everyone drank it, Miyano Hashi was relieved.

It seems that the poison was not put in the tea, where could it be?
On the teacup?
But just now everyone has wiped the teacup, so it shouldn't be poisoned.

But let me tell you first, after all, there is indeed a problem with this tea.

But before Miyano Yushi could say it, he saw Zhu Shan, who was still biting his thumb just now, fell down clutching his neck.

Ding~ The firearm value is increased by 1 point, the current firearm value is 106, and the next level of master still needs 44 points.

Seeing that the others were fine, except Osami Zhushan who was biting his finger died, Miyano Yushi understood what the murderer was using.

When the other people saw Dashang Zhushan fell, their expressions changed, and they gathered around him to investigate the situation, but in the end everyone announced Dashang Zhushan's death sentence.

Although everyone has judged that Dashang Zhushan died of potassium cyanate poisoning, there are still doubts about where Kidd put the poison.

Everyone looked at the tea, and there was no poison in the tea. As for the cup, everyone had wiped it before.In addition, everyone was extremely surprised that Kidd actually killed someone. This kind of thing had never happened before.

Only Conan looked at Dashang Zhushan's fingers with a pensive expression on his face, and then judged that the murderer should be among the people in the villa.

At this time, everyone wanted to verify whether the car and the suspension bridge had been blown up as the person said.

Unfortunately, everyone's cars were blown up, only the maid's car parked in the backyard survived.

At this time, Qianjian Jiangdai said that he wanted to confirm whether the suspension bridge had been blown up.

Conan stood up with a smile at this time and asked everyone to guess the coins to see who passed by. It happened that he had a few coins on him.

Seeing Conan's actions, Miyano Hashi shook his head helplessly.

"I won't go, I plan to find some evidence in the villa."

Seeing this, the others didn't say anything, and began to make their own choices.

Qianjian Jiangdai chose the coin farthest away from him, and other people also took one at random, and then guessed pros and cons.

Finally, Kaito Kuroba, Haruki Mogi and Yoyo Chima set off in the only car.

Seeing this, Mao Lilan whispered, "Dad, be careful."

Seeing the three leaving, Miyano Hanashi turned around and walked towards the villa.

Seeing this, Conan caught up with Miyano Hashi and asked in a low voice.

"Miyano-sensei, have you found the murderer?"

Miyano Hashi glanced at Conan, this guy has already found out who the murderer is, and even came to ask me.

"Isn't that obvious? I have to choose a coin that is so far away from me, isn't it because I'm afraid of exposing my skills! Well, I'm going to go back and see if there are any clues."

The two walked into the villa and searched separately. Miyano Yushi walked into a room where the piano was placed. After looking around, he found no clues and was about to leave when the system message popped up again. .

"Ding dong, found the fragment of the Pandora gem. Do you authorize the system to absorb the power of the Pandora gem? Note that after this absorption, the handwriting left on the piano will be cleared."

Seeing the system's message, Miyano Yushi immediately walked to the piano and looked it over again, but still didn't find anything.

It's really strange, why can't I see any words?

Miyano Hashi carefully read it again, but still didn't find any handwriting.

Now it's interesting!

I don't know if the detection can be used. Although it is used to check people, the system does not introduce other uses. Why don't you try it?
With the launch of the investigation, the skills originally used to detect acquaintances or people he had met suddenly saw the words left on the piano.

Miyano Yushi's face changed after seeing the words on it clearly, because it said that those were a group of lunatics, and they must be stopped.

Could this be the handwriting of someone who left behind 40 years ago?

To stop him, did you mean Renye Karasuma?

It's just such a sentence, and there is no other information at all. This anticlimactic matter is really confusing. What is it that makes this person stay with such a sentence?

It's just that after Miyano Yushi walked around, he found nothing but the blood writing left by a person also surnamed Qianjian.

After confirming that there was no other information, Miyano Hanshi let the system absorb the fragment of this Pandora gem.

"Ding Dong, you have authorized the system to absorb the power of the Pandora gem fragment, and the absorption has been completed. There is still a Pandora gem fragment in your position, please deal with it as soon as possible."

Miyano Hashi walked out of the piano room, and after searching in other places, he found no useful clues, so he was about to leave here.

After the round with Conan, Mao Lilan and others, Miyano Yushi authorized the system to absorb the fragments of the Pandora gem on the clock.

As the system absorbed it, the villa also heard the sound of vibration.

When everyone heard this voice, they immediately ran outside.

After everyone in the annex came out, they all opened their mouths wide open looking at the situation outside.

The outer wall of the annex is falling down, revealing the golden color inside.

Conan widened his eyes and said in disbelief.

"Could it be that this annex is made of gold?"

Baima explored the annex and thought for a while, then looked thoughtfully at Miyano Yushi.

"Miyano-sensei, how about entrusting this matter to our family? I think the Suzuki family should have no objection?"

Miyano Hashi smiled, and then said to Tan Baima.

"I can't decide this matter. You have to discuss it with those two, but I will talk to them about this matter."

Hearing Miyano Hashi's words, Hakuba Tan couldn't help but sighed, it seems that this matter can only be shared with the Suzuki family.

(End of this chapter)

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