Chapter 185 The Passing Akai Shuichi
At this time, the waiter also began to serve the dishes one after another. When the waiter finished serving all the dishes, Suzuki Ayako said to the waiter.

"Please don't disturb us at random in the next time."

The waiter said to Suzuki Ayako after hearing the words: "Miss, don't worry, unless you go out to find us, or press the call button in this private room, otherwise, we will not bother you."

After speaking, the waiter left.

Seeing this, Miyano Hashi raised his cup, which was filled with drinks. After all, he had to drive back.

"Okay, to celebrate our first family reunion, here's a, um, drink."

Suzuki Ayako, Miyano Akemi, and Haibara Ai immediately laughed when they heard Miyano Hashi's words, and then raised their cups cooperatively.

"Come on, cheers!"

The time passed while the few people were talking and laughing. Around eight o'clock, the few people heard the sound of a police car coming from downstairs.

"Huh? Yuzhi, is there a case happening across the way? I see that many policemen have entered that Conan Doyle building."

Miyano Yushi turned around and saw a few policemen walking in quickly.

"It seems to be, but it has nothing to do with us, let's hurry up and eat, after all, we finally got together."

Suzuki Ayako looked at Miyano Yushi suspiciously, but didn't say anything, after all, it wasn't the first time Yuzhi saw a case and didn't get involved.And for me, it would be best for Yu Zhishao to be involved with these cases.

Every time I save myself, I have to worry about him, such as the Twilight Villa some time ago, and the mermaid island last time.

Every time I make myself worry, it's best to stay away from those cases.

"Alright, I'll ask the waiter to serve some fruit and dessert."

By the time everyone finished eating, it was almost nine o'clock.

After looking at the time, Miyano Hashi said to several people.

"It's getting late, let's go back!"

"OK, all right."

As soon as they walked downstairs, they saw a policeman running out of the opposite Conan Doyle Building with Mao Lilan in his arms, followed by Conan and Mori Kogoro.

Seeing this, Miyano Yushi frowned. Is it really Conan, the god of death?
Suzuki Ayako also saw Mao Lilan who had passed out, and said anxiously to Miyano Hanshi.

"Yuzhi, let's hurry over and check the situation! Seeing Xiaolan's appearance, it seems that something happened."

Haibara Ai stared at Conan tightly for a while, how could he meet him everywhere!

Miyano Akemi whispered into Haibara Ai's ear and said, "Shiho, are you in the same class as Conan now?"

Hui Yuanai glanced at his sister and replied in a low voice.

"Sister, what exactly do you want to say?"

Miyano Akemi smiled slightly when she got her sister's answer.

"It's nothing."

Looking at her sister's back, Hui Yuanai was speechless for a while, really, why did my sister start to gossip.

Shaking his head and throwing out the thoughts in his mind, Haibara Ai followed Miyano Yushi and the others.

It's just that when Miyano Yushi arrived, Conan had already boarded the police car and walked towards the hospital.

Seeing this, Miyano Yushi said to Suzuki Ayako: "Ayako, let's go and have a look. I remember that there is a hospital opposite the nearby bridge. After all, she is also my student. As her class teacher, I can't I don’t care if I see something happen to my own students.”

Both Suzuki Ayako and Miyano Akemi nodded, and then followed Miyano Hashi into the car.

Seeing that everyone was coming up, Miyano Hashi started the car and drove towards the hospital.

After a few people arrived at the hospital, they found Mao Lilan's ward after asking the nurse.

Conan was watching Mao Lilan anxiously in front of the hospital bed, for fear that something would happen to Mao Lilan.

Although the doctor said, it was only because of fatigue that Mao Lilan couldn't take it anymore.

But I was very worried in my heart, after all, Xiaolan's complexion was really bad at that time.

At this moment, Conan heard the sound of opening the door of the ward, and turned his head to look.

Seeing Miyano Hashi and others walking in, Conan said in surprise.

"Miyano-sensei, sister Ayako, and Haibara, why did you come here?"

Miyano Yushi walked to Mao Lilan's hospital bed, looked at Mao Lilan who was still in a coma, and said solemnly.

"When we came out of China Street after dinner, I saw you running out of the Conan Doyle building and looking at the unconscious Maori classmate. I was a little worried, so I wanted to come and have a look."

Conan nodded, and then looked puzzled at a woman who was behind Miyano Hashi and holding Haibara Ai's hand. It seemed that she still looked somewhat similar to Miyano-sensei.

After hearing Miyano Hashi's words, Mouri Kogoro walked up to Miyano Hashi and complained to him.

"Mr. Miyano, what's the situation in your school recently? Xiaolan fainted today because she was too tired from studying."

Miyano Yushi looked at Mao Lilan lying on the hospital bed, but he didn't expect this to be the reason.

Could it be because of the exam this week?
Is Xiaolan so desperate to avoid being punished by herself in order to avoid a decline in her test scores?

Thinking of this, Miyano Yushi felt helpless for a while, this is too hard!

"Mr. Maori, it may be the reason for the exam this week. Maori is under pressure! After all, this is a very important national mock exam, and the school specially took up the winter vacation time for this exam."

Kogoro Mouri immediately reprimanded, "The leaders of these schools are too good at oppressing students. Otherwise, Xiaolan wouldn't be like this."

Conan saw Mori Kogoro complaining endlessly in front of Miyano-sensei, so he quickly persuaded him.

"Uncle Mao Li, didn't the doctor say that sister Xiao Lan will be fine once her fever subsides."

Mori Kogoro snorted, pouted and said.

"I know, otherwise I would have to go to school to ask them to lead a theory."

Seeing that Mao Lilan was fine, Miyano Hashi was relieved, "Since Mao Li is fine, then we will go back."

"Miyano-sensei, did you come out for dinner on purpose?"

Seeing that Conan had been staring at Miyano Akemi, Miyano Hashi stepped forward and rubbed Conan's head and said.

"That's right, our family went out to eat. Well, you stay here with Maori-san, we're going back."

Conan watched Miyano Hashi and others leave the room, and guessed who the woman was, it seemed to be Haibara's sister Miyano Akemi.

Is the family out for dinner?
Are you not afraid of being discovered by the organization?
But Conan immediately thought of Miyano Akemi's dress, and remembered that the doctor once told him that Mr. Miyano had asked him for two voice changers, which seemed to be for Miss Akemi.

On the other side, Miyano Hashi, Suzuki Ayako and others walked out of the hospital, looking at the rain that was still falling outside, Miyano Hashi said.

"Wait here for a while, I'll drive over."

Suzuki Ayako looked at the back of Miyano Hashi, and suddenly expressed emotion.

"I discovered something. Every time I came out with Yuzhi, I would encounter a case. Then I lost all my original good mood, and I don't know what happened."

Hui Yuanai heard sister-in-law's words, and turned her head to look at the hospital behind her, sister-in-law, you forgot one thing, that every time a case happens, it happens after meeting those people.

Otherwise, if he simply came out with Brother Yu Zhi, how could he encounter a case.

Even when we children went out, we always encountered cases!
Miyano Akemi looked at Suzuki Ayako in disbelief, "Sister-in-law, no way, do you mean that you and brother Yuzhi encounter cases every time you go out?"

Suzuki Ayako nodded, "Well, I remember that when Yuzhi and I went out for the first time, we encountered a case, and then the second time, and the third time. Anyway, it was quite evil, and every time we went out, we would encounter a case. Conan and them."

"Sometimes I suspect that what Yu Zhi said about Conan's child is like a death god who is performing a mission in the world, this sentence is very likely to be true."

After Suzuki Ayako finished speaking, she looked at Miyano Akemi, but found that Miyano Akemi's eyes were fixed on the outside of the hospital.

Following Miyano Akemi's eyes, Suzuki Ayako noticed a tall man with a knitted hat and a cigarette in his mouth passing by the hospital entrance.

"Mingmei, what's the matter? Have you seen someone you know? Do you know that man?"

Miyano Akemi recovered after hearing the words, and said quickly.

"No, I don't know, sister-in-law, I just took a casual look. Brother Yuzhi is here, let's go there quickly!"

Suzuki Ayako glanced at Miyano Akemi, feeling very puzzled, and took note of the man's appearance in her heart, and told Yuzhi about it when she came back.

Looking at Mingmei's eyes, it is clear that she knows that man, and that look is like seeing her boyfriend who has been away for a long time.

Haibara Ai also found something wrong with Akemi Miyano, who is that man?

Wait, looking at my sister's appearance, is it possible that that person is that Akai Shuuichi?

Thinking of this, Haibara Ai glanced in the direction Akai Shuichi left, why is that man here?
Are you following Brother Yuzhi?
Or did he find out that his sister was not dead, so he came here to confirm her identity?

No, no, my sister's current appearance is disguised, so she shouldn't be here to find her.

Then there is only one possibility, he came with Brother Yu Zhi, so doesn't that mean that my sister's place has been exposed?
No, I have to talk to Brother Yu Zhi about this matter quickly, otherwise my sister's safety will become a big problem.

Miyano Hashi parked the car in front of Suzuki Ayako and the others, seeing the strange expressions on the faces of the three, Miyano Hashi asked inexplicably.

"What's the matter with you? I just went to drive a car, why do you act like you have some secret?"

Haibara Ai looked at her sister and looked in the direction Akai Shuichi left from time to time, that feeling of longing was already written on her face.

No way, sister, have you forgotten that it was because of him that you were killed by the organization?
If Brother Yu Zhi hadn't saved you, I'm afraid I would never see my sister, and it is very likely that I would never meet Brother Yu Zhi.

"Brother Yuzhi, we just now."

Haibara Ai's words were interrupted by Miyano Akemi, "Brother Yuzhi, it's fine, let's go back quickly!"

Suzuki Ayako also felt something was wrong at this time, Mingmei's reaction was very abnormal, and she seemed to be very afraid that Yuzhi would know about that man.

Could it be that there is something else I don't know about it?

Mingmei and that man ever fell in love?

I just don't know why the two separated?
Depending on the situation, Yuzhi also knows about this matter, he is still on the opposing side, that's why Mingmei is so worried that Yuzhi will find out about that man.

Miyano Hashi looked at Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai in the back row, and frowned. This kind of thing is simply self-inflicted.

Mingmei, you and Xiao Ai are really the same, the more you don't want to be known, the more you will reveal something.

You can't even hide it from your sister-in-law. You still want to fool me?
"Okay, Mingmei, tell me, what did you see? If you don't tell me, I'll ask your sister-in-law directly, and your sister-in-law should have seen it too."

Miyano Akemi saw that Brother Yuzhi asked such a question, and knew that she could no longer hide it, so she let go of the hand covering Huiyuan Ai.

Hui Yuanai took a few breaths, then looked at his sister resentfully.

Sister, you almost smothered your sister to death.

(End of this chapter)

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