Conan: I really don't want to be near the god of death

Chapter 289 Zhang Yi triggered by the case

Chapter 289 The Memories Triggered by the Case

Mori Kogoro put one hand in the windbreaker pocket, and said calmly, "It seems that the black and white chair and this red wall are the death messages left by the dead. I thought the red wall refers to the name in the name. There is Akashi Shusaku who is red, but since the deceased is him, what is the meaning of this red face?"

"We didn't get any clues either." Dahe Dahe paused for help, "This is where we want to use your wisdom. How about it, Maori Detective, do you have any ideas?"

"Ah, this." Mori Kogoro curled his lips, you are embarrassing me, "I still can't figure it out for a while, the key is that there is too little information."

Conan rubbed his chin and nodded, his uncle was right, there were too few clues, and he had no idea what these things were trying to show.

I'd better ask Mr. Miyano, I hope there will be some.
But when Conan looked up, he found that Miyano Hashi was staring at the black and white chair, as if he was thinking about something.

Conan rolled his eyes, could it be that the key lies in this chair?

So he leaned over to the chair and stared at it, trying to find any clues.

At this moment, Miyano Yushi stared at the black and white chair for a while, always felt that this thing was very familiar, and a memory hidden deep in his mind surged up.

When I was over three years old.
"Xiao Yu, my aunt came to teach you chess today. Have you seen the chess pieces in front of you? We are half of us. You take the white pieces, and I take the black pieces. The white pieces go first. Whoever checkmates the opponent's king first wins. Did you understand what I just said?"

Belmode held a chess piece and looked at Miyano Hashi who was sitting opposite with a smile.

"Yeah." Miyano Yushi stared at the chessboard seriously, "Then I'll come first."

A few minutes later, Belmode held down Miyano Hashi's little hand, "Xiao Yu, you can't play tricks, you can't regret your move."

"But... I just went wrong." Miyano Yushi raised his cute face, blinked his eyes, "Auntie, just let me go again."

Belmode looked at Miyano Hashi quietly for a while, and finally sighed helplessly, "Well, it's only allowed this time."

Miyano Hashi nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice, "Okay."

And the result is obvious, even if Miyano Hashi regretted a move, he still lost in the end.

"No, no, come again."

Belmode smiled and rearranged the chess pieces, "Xiao Yu, I can't regret this time."

"Well, not anymore."

A few minutes later, when Miyano Hashi saw that there was no chess piece in front of him, his little face was full of displeasure.

Seeing this, Belmode walked to Miyano Yushi and took his hand, "Okay, don't be so unhappy, my aunt will take you out to buy something to eat."

"Really?" Miyano Hashi raised his head, his face changed from cloudy to sunny, "Go, go."

Belmode was pulled by Miyano Hashi to the door, seeing him cheering and jumping, she wanted to stay at this moment forever.

"Slow down, don't touch"



At this time, Miyano Hashi was recalling the last emotion on Belmode's face in his memory, he seemed guilty and confused.

At this time, Miyano Hanshi heard Conan's voice, recovered from the memory, and saw Conan, Suzuki Ayako, Mori Ran, and Uehara Yui staring at him worriedly.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter, just now Conan called you several times and you didn't respond," Suzuki Ayako looked at Miyano Yushi worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Shaking his head, Miyano Yushi comforted Suzuki Ayako, "It's okay, I just overthink things, don't worry."

Although Miyano Hashi explained this way, Suzuki Ayako was obviously not relieved, just now she saw Miyano Hashi's face was normal and then ugly.

Mori Kogoro turned his head in displeasure, "Miyano-sensei, do you feel scared when you see this wall? If so, then you should leave early, I am enough here."

"Father, what are you talking about." Mo Lilan scolded Mo Li Kogoro, "Why is Miyano-sensei afraid of this thing?"

Miyano Hashi looked at Mori Kogoro speechlessly, and asked Conan to give him an injection no matter whether the case was solved or not.

Seeing that the crowd did not gather around Miyano Yushi, Conan leaned over and asked, "Mr. Miyano, what's wrong with you? Did you think of something? Just now I saw you staring at these two chairs, I I thought it was some key clue, but after looking for a long time, I didn’t find anything.”

Miyano Hashi didn't expect that Conan would imitate him to look at that chair. He stared at it because he recalled the past, but he should also be grateful for this memory, which allowed him to find the solution to this mystery. Method.

According to Yui Uehara's introduction just now, when the deceased was found, he was sitting on a white chair, facing the red wall and died.

If things were as he speculated, the deceased wanted to transmit information through the rules of chess, then he needed to do it on the white chair first, and then the second message, looking at the red wall.

After that, Heizi left again, that is, he turned to the black chair and looked at the white wall.

Miyano Hanshi narrowed his eyes, and in his eyes, green spots appeared on the white wall.

Seeing this thing, the corners of Miyano Yushi's mouth rose slightly, as expected.

Next, he needed to confirm things so that his reasoning could not go wrong.

Conan on the side saw Miyano Hashi's smile and tugged at his clothes, "Miyano-sensei, did you find anything?"

"I have a little idea, and I will go to those people who have lived here to have a look." Miyano Yushi turned to look at Mouri Kogoro, who was harassed by Yamato, "But aren't you going? Maori It seems that the gentleman can't solve the case."

Conan stared at Miyano Yushi resentfully, he felt that the other party was mocking him, and he wanted to help, but the point is that he has no thoughts at all, how can he help?I can only watch Uncle Maori being attacked.

"Tell me what you think, two people think faster."

Seeing Conan's expectant eyes, Miyano Hashi directly pressed Conan's head and turned to the other side, "You really think, when I catch the murderer, I will tell you."

Conan slapped Miyano Hashi's hand off his head. He felt very bad, the gap was too big, why didn't he find anything?

At this time, Yamato Kansuke rushed directly in front of Mori Kogoro, his voice raised a few decibels, "Hey, I didn't invite you from Tokyo just to hear such a bad answer."

Mori Kogoro sneered, he didn't have any thoughts in his head at all, he could only smile awkwardly at Yamato's questioning, and at the same time he was curious, why didn't the other him in his body come out at this time?

Yamato Gansuke wanted to say something else, when a man's voice came from outside the door, "If you want to see a sage but don't follow his way, you want him to enter and close the door. The husband's righteousness, the way, and the ritual door. Only A gentleman can follow the road, and the door is the door. It is indeed a beautiful thing to drive to meet him instead of calling. But your words and deeds to the Maori detective just now are disrespectful. As your old friend, I I'm really ashamed, Officer Yamato."

Yamato Gansuke turned his head and gritted his teeth to look at Zhu Fu Gaoming, "What are you doing here? The people in the jurisdiction go back for me. Now it's time for the headquarters to handle the case."

"No, no." Zhu Fu Gaoming's expression remained unchanged, "This is also the jurisdiction of our Xinye Department, how can I just walk away?"

The corner of Miyano Yushi's mouth twitched slightly. It turned out to be Zhu Fu Gaoming, Zhu Fu Jingguang's elder brother, Kong Ming, the military adviser in the Nagano trio.

Conan caught a glimpse of Miyano Hashi's slight movements again, "Miyano-sensei, do you know this person?"

Miyano Yushi was very speechless, this little detective didn't stare at his wife, why did he always stare at himself?
"Through their conversation, can't you see it? This person should be the opponent of Police Officer Yamato. I have heard of Kong Ming, a military adviser in the Nagano County Police, and I have seen a real person today."

"Kong Ming?!" Conan turned his head to look at Zhu Fu Gaoming, "The military adviser that Police Officer Uehara mentioned is him, really."

Suzuki Ayako stood aside and felt that the case was even more mysterious. From Chibi to the forest outside the villa called Wu, now there is another Kong Ming. Is it really going to be the Three Kingdoms here?
Zhu Fu Gaoming didn't want to talk to Yamato Gansuke any more, and walked directly past Yamato Gansuke to Miyano Yushi.

"Excuse me, are you Miyano-sensei? I have been hearing about you in the police station, and I am deeply impressed by the wisdom you have shown in those cases. My name is Zhu Fu Gaoming. This is the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

Miyano Hashi smiled slightly, and it was comfortable to talk to these cultural people, "I have heard about Kong Ming, the military adviser in the Nagano Police Station, and I have always wanted to meet, but unfortunately I have never had the opportunity, and today I finally got my wish."

"You are too much, compared to Mr. Miyano, my wisdom is not worth mentioning." Zhu Fu Gaoming looked at the broken window, "Did Mr. Miyano find anything here?"

"I have some clues, but there is still something missing." Miyano Yushi also looked at the broken window, "Does Officer Zhufu know what happened to that window? I see the paints of various colors on the table over there." There are, but all that's left in the house is the red spray paint."

Zhu Fu Gaoming took a deep look at Miyano Yushi, and he admired this rumored very powerful Miyano Yushi even more in his heart.

"Miyano-sensei's guess is correct. The deceased threw out other paints through the broken window from the inside. Not only paints, but also painting tools and colored painting materials were thrown out through this window."

"There is another point," Zhu Fu Gaoming walked to the red wall and squatted down, "The victim bit his own finger and wrote his signature under the red wall with his own blood. I hope that these clues can be found again." Seek advice from famous detectives and Miyano-sensei."

Miyano Yushi nodded, he also saw that signature, this is also something he didn't think clearly, since the entire wall has been painted red, why...
wait, it won't be
A bold guess arose in his mind that the deceased was an illustrator, and when the illustrator completed each work, he would sign his name on it.

If his guess is correct, did the deceased regard this wall as his last work?
Miyano Yushi was shocked by his idea, but after thinking about it, he still felt that the possibility was very high. There is no way to say about the murderer's guess yet, but this point can be revealed.

"Officer Yamato, Officer Mobu, if it's that signature, I think I already know what's going on."

Everyone at the scene looked at Yushi Miyano in shock, except Kogoro Moori who was still stuck in the story of Liu Bei's visit to the thatched cottage that Mao Lilan just said.

"Nani? Really, Miyano-sensei?"

"Yeah." Miyano Hashi walked to the table in the corner, "The deceased Akashi Shusaku was an illustrator. As far as I know, every illustrator will write his name when he completes the work. I think The same is true of the red cliff in front of me, the deceased regarded it as his last work in the world, this should be the pride of the artist, and the message of death is conveyed through the work.”

Conan opened his mouth wide and looked at Miyano Yushi in disbelief. The gap is so big that he doesn't know anything. Although he is also very puzzled about these things, he hasn't figured it out yet.

Damn it, why didn't he think of such a simple thing?
Conan tapped his head, trying to wake up his brain through this step.

Zhu Fu Gaoming and Yamato Gansuke walked to the middle of the room, looked at the red cliff in front of them, "It is indeed as Miyano-sensei said, looking at it this way, it looks like a finished work. Thank you very much, Miyano-sensei, you are Provided me with a big clue. Do you have any ideas about this Chibi matter?"

Conan is also staring at Miyano Yushi, he already knows the truth, right?Obviously, the time between the two people arriving in this room was less than 1 minute, how could there be such a big gap?
"I haven't thought of it yet." Miyano Yushi smiled apologetically, "How much do you know about the deceased?"

Yui Uehara introduced what the police knew to Miyano Hashi, "Mr. Akashi Shusaku and Miss Kohashi Aoi lived in this villa. At that time, Miss Kohashi Aoi went to the warehouse to find something and had a heart attack. It was not until half a day later that Akashi Shusaku Mister just discovered Aoi Kohashi's body."

Conan clasped his hands behind his head, wondering: "Could it be that Miss Xiaoqiao Aoi's relatives knew about this and did it?"

Miyano Hashi had already ruled out Conan's idea in his heart. If it was someone from Gunma County or the Metropolitan Police Department, he might still ask this question, but if it was from Nagano County, this matter should have been ruled out.

"No, Conan." Yui Uehara put his hands on his knees and explained to Conan, "Ms. Xiaoqiao Aoi's parents have already passed away. She is an only child, so it is impossible for them to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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