Chapter 87 Conversation with Kidd
Seeing Kuroba Kaito looking around, Miyano Yushi knew that this guy must not be telling the truth to him.

"Say it quickly, it's not like your style to be moaning."

Kuroba Kaito looked at Miyano Yushi pretending to be calm, "Ahem, I just think I'll stay with you first, and if something unexpected happens, I can start at any time. By the way, hide from someone, haha...ha."

Miyano Hashi automatically skipped the previous words, and looked at Kuroba Kaito speechlessly.

"You have a very rich life, so you've offended your childhood sweetheart again?"

Kuroba Kaito froze in place for an instant, as if hit by a silent spell.

Seeing Kuroba Kaito's silent expression, Miyano Hashi knew that he had guessed the situation.Then he got up and walked towards the bedroom, and waved Kuroba Kaito by the way.

"Okay, you can stay here for the next two days, the guest room is behind you, sleep honestly at night, if you dare to do the same thing as last time, Kaito, I guarantee you will end badly."

Saying that, Miyano Hashi stopped, turned his head and stared at Kuroba Kaito calmly.

Kuroba Kaito was taken aback by Miyano Yushi's words, and quickly reassured Miyano Yushi.

"Well, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who can play pranks."

Miyano Hashi quietly glanced at Kaito Kuroba, then turned and walked into his bedroom.

Kuroba Kaito watched Miyano Hashi enter the room, and patted his chest.

"I'm really scared to death. It seems that what happened last time was quite serious! Forget it, let's go to rest, I will go to the battlefield soon."

The next day arrived as promised, Miyano Hashi got up and looked at the room that hadn't changed in any way, and nodded in satisfaction.

After breakfast, the two of them ate something casually, then went downstairs and set off.

Kaito Kuroba sat on the co-pilot and kept complaining to Miyano Yushi, "I said, is it necessary for us to go so early? Isn't it the next day that we will meet the people from that organization?"

Miyano Hashi answered Kaito Kuroba coldly while driving the car, "That's my sister, if something like this happened to Miss Nakamori, would you still stay at home honestly?"

Kuroba Kaito said without any hesitation: "If it was Qingzi, I would have killed the opponent's house long ago. However, you are different. The opponent is a powerful organization, so that is another matter."

"Where are we going now? You don't want to do it when the other party does it, do you?"

Miyano Hashi looked at Kaito Kuroba like an idiot, "Aren't you a genius who claims to have an IQ of [-]? You still make such a mistake? I want to create a fake death to make the other party believe it's real, like this Only then can Mingmei’s crisis be resolved.”

"For now, let's go to the vicinity to check the situation first. According to Mingmei, they will act at noon, and I have to watch carefully to avoid accidents."

Kuroba Kuaito yelled at Miyano Yushi angrily: "I'm not fake, but it depends on who I'm chatting with. By the way, I always wanted to ask when did you have a younger sister? Don't know? It won't be yours."

Although Kuroba Kaito didn't finish his sentence, Miyano Hashi glanced at Kuroba Kaito, seeing his beaming expression, he knew what he wanted to say.

"If you want me to throw you out of the car, you can just say so."

Kuroba Kaito immediately grabbed the handle of the car, and looked nervously at Miyano Hashi.

"I'm just joking. I have to say that with a brother like you, your sister must feel very safe."

Miyano Yushi laughed at himself when he heard Kuroba Kaito's words.

"Okay, let's just wait here."

Seeing Miyano Hashi stop the car, Kaito Kuroba stretched out his head to look at Mitsubishi Bank, from this position he could just see what happened in that bank.

It's just that it's only eleven o'clock, and there is no movement near the parking lot of Mitsubishi Bank, and everything seems very quiet.

At this moment, Miyano Hanshi received a call from Makoto Asai.

"Hey, Miyano-sensei, I saw Conan, Mr. Mori and Miss Xiaolan here, do you need to take care of them?"

"No, just hide it yourself, especially that Conan, pay more attention to him, don't let him find you. Do the rest as we said at the time."

Seeing Miyano Yushi hang up the phone, Kuroba Kaito didn't ask any more questions.This kind of thing is also normal, every time I go out, don't I ask Grandpa Terai to help?

Kaito Kuroba shook his head and continued to look at Mitsubishi Bank, but he felt bored after watching for a while. This kind of thing can't be compared with when he was dispatched.

The kind of standing high in the sky enjoying everyone's cheers and making fun of the police who came around is so exciting!

It's really sleepy to just stay here like this.

After a long silence in the car, Miyano Hashi turned to look at Kaito Kuroba, the co-pilot.

"What is the Pandora gem you've been looking for?"

Kuroba Kaito was taken aback when he heard Miyano Yushi's words, and then he sighed.

"Pandora's gem, I don't know what's going on. I only know that there is an organization that has been looking for the whereabouts of Pandora's gem. My father was killed because he hindered that organization."

"I have always wanted to avenge my father, find that Pandora gem one step ahead, and then smash it to destroy the plan of that organization."

"It's just that it's been so long, I haven't found any Pandora gems, and I don't know if it's true. It is said that Pandora gems can make people live forever, oh, longevity, what an illusory thing."

Miyano Hashi immediately remembered the murdered professor whom he met last time, Harada Erying.Although he didn't finish what he said at that time, combined with what Kaito Kuroba said now, it's not difficult to guess what the other party wanted to say.

Pandora gems are things that can live forever!
And the distillery in Conan also seems to be chasing the torrent of time reversal. Will there be any relationship between the two?

If there is a relationship, then what is the medicine Belmode took?

When Belmode was taking the medicine, it seemed that the development of the silver bullet hadn't started yet?
And even when it was developed later, tissue was used as poison.

In other words, there was a mistake in the silver bullet developed at that time, which led to a deviation from the original research and development goal.

And Belmode hated the entire Miyano family because of the Miyano couple's development of the silver bullet.

Probably, perhaps, it seems that if my identity is known by Belmode, he will also
No, no, I was thinking about getting closer to Belmode in the future.

If you look a little farther away from her, at least you can't get close to her until you've decided on something.

When Miyano Hashi was thinking about something, Kuroba Kaito grabbed Miyano Hashi's hand and shook it vigorously up and down.

"Look, there was a car parked there just now, and it has been 10 minutes since it left, and the people on it haven't come down either."

Miyano Hashi recovered from his thoughts, and quickly looked in the direction Kuroba Kaito was pointing at.

When he saw the car clearly, Miyano Hashi's pupils changed.

(End of this chapter)

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