villain king

Chapter 20

Chapter 20
The filming of Ji Yun's part is finally over.

He is one of the most relaxed in this crew. Although he plays a first-class master, there are not many circuses, and even the wire shots are pitifully few.

Ji Yun often complains to Yu Min that other people's heroes are high-spirited, but he is a freelancer, which is boring.

"Just make sarcastic remarks, and don't look at Hu Jun, the circus Jiaweiya, just take a shot and lie down for a long time." Yu Min took a drag on his cigarette and stared at Ji Yun who didn't know what to do. "Your role is also finished, it's time to go."

"Tomorrow's ticket is booked, go back to Yanjing first." Ji Yun nodded.

"It's okay, tomorrow is a holiday, and I will buy a meal for you today, so that you can go on the road with peace of mind."

"Bah! A dog can't spit out ivory." Ji Yun spat.

At night.

It's still the same barbecue stand, but the crew often come, and the boss also added a shed.There is too much rain here in Dali, and it can also provide a little protection from the wind and rain.

Hearing that Ji Yun was going to leave, Hu Jun personally drove a large group of people to the barbecue stand, and the owner who watched was smiling.

"Yo! Are you here too?"

Hu Jun said to Zhou Xiaowen while rubbing the bloodstains from Diao Weiyale.

Zhou Xiaowen raised his eyebrows, and said angrily, "I'll just drive behind you, those two eyeballs of yours are light bulbs?"

"Why are you so angry?" Yu Min sat down, patted his shoulder and asked.

"It's nothing. I don't know which investor was involved in the filming today. I don't even know how to move. I said that this industry will sooner or later make them such a mess." After finishing speaking, he took a sip of beer Eat it immediately.

Ji Yun immediately picked Thumbs up, the old man has a vision.

Several people were chatting, and there were several car horns outside the door.

A van stopped slowly, and when the door opened, several handsome men and women came out of the car.

The person in the lead is Lin Zhiying, a classmate of Pogu.

With a smile on his face, "Why don't you invite me when you're leaving?"

Ji Yun hurriedly went up to him, "Isn't this because you are afraid that you are busy, so you can take a day off so that you don't take up your rest time."

Behind him, three more people appeared.

Jiang Xin, Ma Yuhe and Liu Yiqian.

Liu Tao and Shu Chang had already wrapped up. Jiang Xin didn't sign any company, and didn't receive any new dramas. He might as well hang out on the set when he was free at home. When he heard that Ji Yun had finished, he hurried here to grab a meal.When I got out of the car and saw this dilapidated barbecue stall, my enthusiasm was halved immediately.

As for Ma Yuhe and Liu Yiqian, they came here entirely out of gratitude.

Ji Yun helped them find a role, and they should give him a ride because of their feelings and reason.

"Stop looking, sit down."

The boss came up and happily put together a table, and the crowd squeezed together before sitting down.

Everyone happily sat down, Hu Jun raised his glass, "Today is mainly about Ji Yun's finale, and everyone knows that he has signed a contract with Huayi. From now on, we will be both brothers and colleagues. Let me toast him first."

Hu Jun gulped down and burped.

Ji Yun also raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Daxia Qiao is a good drinker!"

"Brother Murong didn't give in too much!"


The crowd burst into laughter.

As soon as the two opened their mouths, the atmosphere heated up. It was a sense of ceremony, and there was nothing sad or not.

"Let me toast." Yu Min lifted the glass with some embarrassment. "It's been a long time for you."

Ji Yun's head shook like a rattle, "It's neither bitter nor bitter."

Yu Min has the pride of an artist, but not the face of an artist. Once he bullies Ji Yun, he always thinks of doing something to make up for it, which makes Ji Yun feel embarrassed.

"If you want to shoot well, we will become popular even with you. Let's take this page off. If it goes wrong, Ji Yun will block your door and scold you." The atmosphere was relaxed, and Jiang Xin also stepped forward and handed a sentence wisecrack.

"Guaranteed to be popular!" Yu Min patted his chest, "If this one isn't popular, I'll grab my head and kick it for you."

"Alright!" Ji Yun responded immediately, "We'll go out to play football in the future, and we won't even save the ball if you want to come."

"Why is your mouth so poor!"

The table was full of laughter.

Yu Min's brows and eyes are full of joy, this is his own team.

With a smile, he gulped it down in one gulp.

Ji Yun was also unambiguous. After drinking two glasses of wine, he vomited out a long belch.

"Don't be idle, toast quickly." Yu Min just sat down, and urged everyone to pour Ji Yun. "When he becomes popular someday, maybe people won't even look at you when you pick up the wine glass."

A figure stood up with a bang, which startled everyone.

Everyone looked at it intently, but they were even more surprised.

The one who stood up turned out to be the bully Lin Zhiying.

"Ji Yun, I offer you a toast."

Seeing the surprise in Ji Yun's eyes, he said with a smile: "Your Murong Fu really opened my eyes. I have seen several versions of Tianlong, and it belongs to you. Of course, our other seniors also played it." It's very good, but you, Murong's comeback, are really penetrating."

Everyone was a little embarrassed. Isn't this a disguised way to say that their acting is not as good as their predecessors.

The atmosphere cooled down a bit.

It's time to embody emotional intelligence, Hu Jun laughed: "He's playing Murong Fu, of course he's three points into 'Murong'."

"The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the shade. I also learned from their experience."

What Ji Yun said is correct, he has seen all the versions of Tianlong, and the accumulated experience has created such a unique image of Murong Fu.

Hu Jundao: "I'm also quite surprised. Aren't you Huang Lei's apprentice? You should learn the Sri Lankan style of education in your school. Why do you have the taste of expressiveness?"

Most of the people present here are actors, and no matter how many topics they talk about, they still cannot do without this one-third of an acre of land.

When everyone heard Boss Hu's words, they also thought about it, and listened attentively, waiting for Ji Yun's explanation, thinking that they could learn from him.

Those who are good at acting come first, and there may be a young actor who can inspire you with a single sentence, let alone Ji Yun, who is a genius in the eyes of everyone.

Sri Lankan-style education is the culmination of the experiential school, which emphasizes in-depth roles.

Just like Hu Jun present here, he is the master of the experiential actors. He has the shadow of Qiao Feng on his body now, obviously he hasn't stepped out of the role yet.

But Ji Yun's face was clear, and there was no sign of playing Murong Fu at all.

Ji Yun took a sip of his wine, "I read some expressionist books and found the theories in them to be very useful, so I used them in my own performances."

"This is not the right path after all."

Today’s people’s horizons are not as broad as those of later generations. People have learned the experience school for most of their lives. It’s nonsense to tell them that different paths lead to the same goal.

Just like programming, I said java is the best language, you come and kill me!

"Taking the essence and discarding the dross, it's always good to learn more." Ji Yun shook his head. He couldn't say that he played too many villains in his previous life, so that his temperament of the villain would soar just by making a face.

"That's right." Hu Jun slammed his mouth, and suddenly realized that the topic was a bit far away, "Drink, drink!"

 Tianlong finished spreading flowers.

  Pong friends, let's order some tickets fa
(End of this chapter)

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