villain king

Chapter 28 Changes

Chapter 28 Changes
"Mr. Wang, I think there should be additional publicity expenses."

In the office, Wen Dong was proposing to a middle-aged man.

This man has a beardless face and thick eyebrows. It is Wang Zhonglei, the boss of Huayi.At this time, he was sitting on a chair and looking down at Wen Dong, with a slightly unhappy expression on his face.

"You proposed 300 million before, and the company has fully implemented it."

"I don't think it has met expectations yet."

"Hasn't met expectations yet?" Wang Zhonglei slammed the newspaper on the table, "Look at these pages, it's all about the promotion of this album, it's been a month and there are no duplicates! Isn't that enough?"

Wen Dong said with a blank expression, "I suggest raising the publicity fee to 500 million."

"Five million?" Wang Zhonglei raised his eyebrows and suppressed the anger in his heart. "Do you know how much Feng Dapao spends to make a movie? You asked me to invest 500 million for just one album?"

"The income of movies is short-term in nature. If we launch this combination, the long-term returns will increase day by day. I think these investments are inevitable."

"Inevitable?" Wang Zhonglei narrowed his eyes, "Do you really think of yourself as a prophet? Look at how those singers commented on these songs?"

He took out a newspaper, which was full of abuse of these songs, "The words are too watery, without depth, and moaning without disease. The page of this statement is even bigger than the page we promote."

"This is part of the propaganda." Wen Dong glanced at it and said flatly.

"Hmph! Don't say 500 million. If the 300 million can't be paid back, I'll see how you end up."

Wen Dong's face jumped, he felt that he was playing the piano against the cow.

This guy doesn't understand music at all, and he doesn't understand the music market.

However, if you want to apply for these funds, you still need the approval of this person.

"Now is the rebound period of the market. Our publicity has taken up many singers' publicity opportunities. They have improved themselves by belittling this album. It is inevitable to gain popularity. Just like brain black gold advertisements, brainwashing publicity will always cause market shocks. Dissatisfaction. But ultimately we have to speak through hard power.”

He took a deep breath, "You should have heard this album."

Wang Zhonglei's face froze, he lit a cigarette, noncommittal.

Seeing that the other party's attitude has loosened, Wen Dong immediately added fuel and jealousy: "The combination of Yuquan can occupy such a large market share, it is because we made a lot of money to spend money, and now the return is more than [-] times that of the original. I am very optimistic about the Xingchen band, their achievements should not be lower than Yuquan."

"Just because you are optimistic, the company will bear the risk with you?"

At the beginning of their business, based on the principle that bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, they were willing to give it a go and bet on the prospects of Huayi's entire music market on Yuquan. At worst, they would give up the music market in the future and concentrate on film and television.But now that their family has a big business, and it affects their whole body, they want to give it another go, but they don't have the heart.

Besides, even if money was spent, it would only give Huayi an extra jade spring.

And the emergence of a group that is on an equal footing with Yuquan will also threaten Yuquan's status and slightly tilt the resources of the music market.

Wen Dong sighed secretly and struggled: "Our company is about to go public and needs some fresh blood."

Wang Zhonglei pinched out his cigarette butt, and said word by word: "It is because the IPO is imminent that we can't take this risk. The 300 million has already been sold. This is the company's final bottom line. Whether it succeeds or fails depends on them. There is no need to talk about it.”

"Okay." Wen Dong turned around abruptly.

At the same time, he has already confirmed a sentence in his heart.

Hua Yi, we can't wait any longer.

Strolling out of the office, he kept thinking about the way ahead.

In his view, the current brokerage industry is deformed.

The current actors are all attached to the agent, and the agent holds the power of life and death of the actor. All audition invitations must go through the agent's hand first, which is similar to a parasitic relationship. The agent sucks the actor's blood.

In his thinking, actors and agents should be in a symbiotic relationship. Coordination and industry, agents and actors perform their duties, which is the path of sustainable development.

The senior executives of Huayi may have sensed the turmoil and are eager to withdraw the actor's contract. They also realized that the agent now has too much power. Once they leave, the castle in the sky of Huayi will collapse in an instant.

The contracts of many artists under him have been withdrawn by the company in various ways, and Ji Yun is the last treasure in his hands.

Thinking of this, he took out his cell phone and dialed Ji Yun.

"Hello, Brother Dong?"

"The bad news is that Huayi is no longer planning to invest in publicity funds."

Ji Yun, who was far away in the courtyard, frowned.

He was currently arranging the MV for the song, and Liu Che and Huang Bo beside him felt a little bit wrong when they saw his expression.

"It's okay, the publicity at this stage is almost done." Ji Yun thought secretly, feeling that it was almost time to close the net.

The audience's appetite has been mobilized a lot, and if they continue to fish like this, their sense of expectation for this album will be greatly reduced.

"I think so too. How about the plan for shooting the MV? If the company doesn't pay, the cost of shooting the MV will be discounted."

"I'll think of a way." Ji Yun also had a bit of a headache, but he didn't expect the company to drop the pick at a critical moment.

"I still have some deposits, but not much. If there is not enough money, I can make up for it first."

"Well, I'll think of a way first, if not, let's make it together."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Yun sighed.

"What's wrong, Yunzi?" Liu Che asked.

"The company pulled the crotch and refused to pay."

"That's nothing, let's pay for the publicity ourselves." Liu Che smiled, "What do you think it's a big deal, I'm surprised, the money is easy to talk about."

"It's not that simple." Huang Bo said in a low voice, "The biggest impact of Huayi's picks on us is not money, but resources. Take the male and female protagonists of the MV as an example. If Huayi came forward, we might not need to spend money." For a penny, Hua Yi's actors can come to guest star for free. More importantly, this matter is half-finished, and it will not be easy to divide the share in the future."

"Then what should we do!" Liu Che didn't expect that there was such a layer inside, and immediately scratched his scalp and said in distress.

"Let me contact the actress of the MV first."

Among the male actors she is familiar with, there are only a few veterans, and none of them fit the theme of this album.At the center of the album are boys whose ages don't quite match up in the first place.

If you really can't do it, you can do it yourself, after all, you don't need any acting skills in the MV.

But for the actress, he has kept a lot of mobile phone numbers.

Open the phonebook.

It lists all the beauties of the Tianlong crew.

(End of this chapter)

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