villain king

Chapter 415 I Came To Learn How To Hide From You

Chapter 415 I Came To Learn How To Hide From You
"Can you get the filming permit?"

"more or less."

Wen Dong babbled, "I have three strategies."

"Let's talk about the best policy first."

"You sell your ass."

Ji Yun sighed, he shouldn't have expected anything from Wen Dong's thoughts.

"The medium strategy is hard grinding. There are lessons learned from no man's land. If we try hard to apply for three or two years, the higher authorities will always let go."

Ji Yun nodded his chin, this was the best way he could think of.

To be honest, even if this film is not expensive, not many people are willing to make it.

The main reason is that there is too much investment. There are all kinds of money-burning points in the movie.

So much so that based on a rough calculation of the investment, Zhou Runfa's salary is not considered a big one.

The investment in this film is a level that Ji Yun Studio has never reached since it made the film.

But this also strengthened Ji Yun's idea of ​​wanting to make this movie.

First of all, this is indeed a good book.

Secondly, the studio was criticized for its low-cost production method, and he didn't want his gang of crouching dragons and phoenixes to become the next hot cannon.

Besides, the small steel cannons are about to switch to filming big scenes, and they are still wandering around in this acre of land, and they can easily become the targets of those idlers.

If Little Steel Cannon makes low-budget comedies for a lifetime, it really won't even be able to touch the side of the national teacher.

They are also, happy twist movies are indeed making money, the kind that make a lot of money, but they definitely have little effect on the training of ability.

Movies in the future are going in the direction of special effects. They not only need to go to the forefront, but also work hard to develop and enrich this market.

Now that we have reached this point, we naturally have to bear a little burden.

This is also Wen Dong's core idea of ​​persuading the third master.

We don't just shoot low-budget comedies, big-scene movies are the direction we're going to shoot.

"Let's talk about the next strategy first."

Ji Yun still wanted to get Wen Dong to express some constructive opinions.

"The next thing to do is to modify the ending."

"Huh?. Oh."

Ji Yun suddenly realized that this film touches on too many points, and what Wen Dong meant was whether he could make up for it by modifying the ending plot.

In the original film, the main character Li Wen cheated the police. Although he was eventually killed in the sea, he also conveyed an unreasonable direction.

What I want to see above is that no matter how you make counterfeit banknotes, you will definitely be punished by the law in the end.

"How do you want to change it?"

Since Wen Dong proposed this, he naturally had a blueprint in mind.

"Uncover the role of Nguyen Van and put her in jail."

Ji Yun rubbed his brows and began to think.

The general context of the story is that the counterfeit banknote group headed by the doctor used Li Wen's superb drawing ability to make counterfeit banknotes, but the identity of the doctor was created by Li Wen out of the blue, diverting the police's attention and thus out of the police's control.

In fact, the doctor does not exist at all, and the identity of the heroine Nguyen Van is even more mysterious. She is painting in the last scene, and the light is turned, but the content of the painting quietly changes color, indicating that she is using color-changing ink for printing counterfeit banknotes, implying that she is Is the black hand behind everything.

In the original plot, there is a suspense here, and Wen Dong means to directly uncover this suspense.

"not too good."

Ji Yun struggled for a while, but still shook his head silently. "It makes for less discussion about the movie after it's released."

"The problem is that it can't be released now."

"Let me think about it again. You go and apply with your superiors first to see what needs to be rectified."

"it is good."

"Knock knock knock."

The door opened with a creak, and Jiang Wen was wearing a nightgown, big pants and a pair of slippers, with a cigar in his mouth, looking very decadent.

Looking at Ji Yun at the door, he widened his eyes, "Nephew, why are you here?"

"Ha ha."

Jiang Wen didn't care about Ji Yun's plain attitude at all, "Hey! You came here empty-handed."

"Where's Miss Yun?"

"She's at an event."

Leading Ji Yun to his seat, Jiang Wen skillfully opened a bottle of wine.

"If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, tell me, what do you want from me?"

"I don't know how to change a notebook, and I want to ask you for advice."

Ji Yun knew very few screenwriters, especially most of them were comedy screenwriters.

The group of them didn't look right in the book, especially Yue Xiaojun, who was assigned to the film to change into crazy counterfeit money.

"Bring it to me to see."

Without hesitation, Ji Yun took out the script from his bag and handed it to the other party.

He wasn't afraid that the other party would play tricks, Jiang Wen had a high opinion of himself, and he generally looked down on scripts written by others.

"Uh oh."

The script is actually quite boring. There is no vivid description, just dry voice-over and dialogue.

But a bullish director can build a general context in his mind after reading the script.

The most powerful is Wang Jing, who can even estimate the approximate box office after reading the script.

Jiang Wen wasn't that powerful, but he could still tell the difference between a good book and a bad book.

After dusting off the cigarette ash, his brows were tightly knit together.

Put the cigarette in the ashtray, pick up a pen and paper and start writing and drawing.

Ji Yun took a look and saw that the other party was drawing a scene script.

It's ugly.

Rao has seen so many directors' storyboards, and Jiang Wen is considered the ugliest one.

After writing and drawing for a long time, Jiang Wencai let out a long sigh of relief and put down the pen in his hand.

"There are not many details, but the story is good, and there are quite a lot of reversals."

There are generally two kinds of thoughts interspersed in the script in the movie, one is the meaning of the movie itself.

The other is the value output of the director or screenwriter itself.

Commonly known as private goods.

Jiang Wen is the type who likes to add private goods, and he is very clever.

If so, what's the use?That's basically nothing.

It can make people look awesome.

Just like letting the bullets fly in the opening scene, Jiang Wen holds a gun and aims at the train. In the flashing shot, a line of numbers, 9853, can be seen engraved on the gun.

The whole shot is barely enough for the naked eye to catch a blurry flashback, which can't be seen at all in the cinema.

This is not looking for details, it is all looking for Leeuwenhoek.

"What advice do you have?"

"The movie is a good movie, but it can't be released."

Ji Yun gave a thumbs up, "Master Jiang, tall!"

"Don't call me Master, you are inferior."

Ignoring the other party's blank eyes, Jiang Wen continued, "Isn't it blurry about the way the counterfeit banknotes were shot? This screenwriter has a lot of time to spare. Did he go undercover to the counterfeit banknote group? Are you writing so meticulously?"

In fact, the two also understand that even if the counterfeit banknotes are made in such a meticulous manner, it is impossible for the audience to switch to making counterfeit banknotes immediately.

How can I make counterfeit banknotes with this skill? The method of making atomic bombs can also be found on the Internet. How good it is to directly make atomic bombs.

"This can't be blurred."

Ji Yun shook his head. There are only a few selling points in this movie, and it would definitely hurt his vitality if he cut one with a knife.

Jiang Wen said with a smile, "Then hide it."

Ji Yun patted his thigh, "By the way, I'm here to teach you how to hide!"

(End of this chapter)

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