villain king

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

The performance was unexpectedly smooth, and it can even be said to be hot.

When Guo Degang saw the enthusiastic applause and cheers from the audience, his heart finally returned to his stomach.

This way works.

It seems that the cross talk circle and the entertainment circle are not completely missing the intersection.

He glanced at Ji Yun who was bowing and bowing, and sighed secretly, but there are a few young men in the entertainment circle who react so quickly.

The audience wanted to watch the encore, but Ji Yun was really unprepared.

Cross talk lovers and cross talk talkers are two professions. Although he has heard many cross talks, he doesn't think he can handle them well.

Even if it is to tease and call a son, it takes ten years to learn to make a promise, and the padding and rhythm need to be accumulated over many years.

"Thank you for the support from the audience." Ji Yun bowed again, "After all, I was rushing to the shelves, and I didn't have any preparations in advance."

The audience sighed angrily.

Although he was not very optimistic about this young man at first, his performance on stage was really good.

The slightly jerky energy was like a catalyst, and with his cooperation, the emotions of Yu Qian and Guo Degang also reached an unprecedented peak.

"When there is a chance in the future, I will prepare well." Ji Yun looked at Guo Degang, "Is there still a chance?"

"Yes!" Guo Degang smiled kindly, "The door of Deyun Club is always open for you!"

There was a burst of cheers, and the three lined up and walked off the stage.

After stepping off the stage, Wan Qian was the first to greet her.


Her eyes were bent like crescent moons, and just the right compliment satisfied all of Ji Yun's vanity.

"Are you young couple going to the stage to listen to the next paragraph?" Yu Qian glanced at Wan Qian and asked tentatively.

Ji Yun's private life is blank now, if it is revealed that he is with other women, it may attract some unnecessary attention.

Before Ji Yun could speak, Wan Qian shook her head and said, "That's it, the angle is very good."

"Okay!" Yu Qian nodded.

"Then you take a break, I'll go up and talk for a while."

Guo De just wiped the sweat from his brow, and listened to the announcement on the stage while wiping.

Ji Yun's show was the finale, that is, the penultimate show in the audience. As for the main show, it was Guo Degang's stand-up.

He has been an artist since he was a child, and he is best at stand-up, which is storytelling.

Pingshu is different from cross talk, and the ancient storyteller is called Mr.

As the old saying goes: first-rate Buddha, second-rate immortals, third-rate emperors, fourth-rate officials, fifth-rate scholars who talk about ancient times, and sixth-rate scholars, seven merchants, eighth-rates and nine Zhuangtians.

Talking about ancient times is storytelling, and it has been a top-notch business since I started this business. I don’t know how much higher it is than Tianqiao’s cross talk.

A lover of cross talk dares to go on stage and gesture a few words, but a lover of storytelling will not steal the storyteller's job no matter what.

The bar for this line is too high.

Lao Guo talked one-sidedly, but of course he had to change his style.

The gown was replaced by a long robe, or that a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle. He changed into a long robe, and he faintly looked like an old pedant.

There is a rule in storytelling, and the stories in it all lead people to be good, such as Zhang Xiaoyi going to Nanjing, Zhang Shuangxi catching monsters, and the hero with white eyebrows, all of which are stories about the victory of justice over evil.

Persuading people to be kind, naturally has the posture of being a teacher by example.

Guo Degang didn't hold it, although he still had a kind of preaching style in his bones, but he was very kind on the surface.

Entering the arena, Guo Degang slapped the gavel, and the audience immediately silenced.

"Three emperors and five emperors of morality, fame and fame after Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, five tyrants and seven heroes in the Spring and Autumn Period, rose and fell in an instant, a few lines of names in the history, countless barren hills in Beimang, the predecessors sowed the seeds and the future harvested, it is said that dragons fight tigers!"

Wan Qian poked Ji Yun, "Teacher Guo's lines are pretty good."

"How long have you been in this business, of course you can."

It was also the first time for Ji Yun to listen to Guo Degang's stand-up from such a close distance, and his brows were full of anticipation.

Wan Qian looked at Ji Yun's side face, with a serious look, a bit silly.

Lao Guo opened his mouth, and did not cut into the story, but began to tease the audience in the audience.

"It's not early today, are you not sleepy? If you are sleepy, go back and rest."

"not sleepy!"

"Sleep here!"

"Oh!" Guo Degang's tone was tactful and humorous, "Sleeping here? Then leave!"

The previous paragraph was too hot, and the audience's emotions were still tense. Now directly cutting into the story will make the audience feel no empathy.

Veteran entertainers have thoroughly analyzed the hearts of the audience. In their line of business, no matter what they say, let's start with Duan Xianbai.

Draw the audience's attention to yourself and listen to the story quietly.

After interacting on the stage for a while, Lao Guo seemed to be almost done, "Stop the gossip, let's get back to the book!"


The audience was addicted to listening to Xianbai, but they didn't expect Lao Guo to stop abruptly, which whetted their appetite.

"Maybe there are new audiences. I saw it just now. People were still pouring in during the middle of the previous performance."

Lao Guo looked around and saw that most of the new audience were girls, and they couldn't be satisfied with extra seats. They were all sitting on the steps of the aisle with their chins in their hands, listening.

He was a little relieved that the decision to let Ji Yun take the stage today was really wise.

What is this called?

Yes, drainage!

It doesn't matter who they are coming for, as long as I open my mouth, I will definitely turn them into loyal listeners of Deyun Society.

He laughed, "I know everyone is here for me."


The market for new audiences is unclear, but Boo is a quick learner.

"I have a family!"

Guo Degang laughed happily, completely ignoring the boos from the audience.

"Teacher Guo, I love you!"

The little girl in the audience was very unrestrained, obviously infected by the atmosphere in this garden.

"Go in line!"

Guo Degang said with a smile.

He patted the gavel, "Stop gossip. There will be a lot of gossip."

He said dumbfoundedly: "New audiences may not remember what the book is supposed to say this time, but don't worry, old audiences don't know either."


The old audience didn't know what he meant, and it was specified that a new book was about to be published.

Ji Yun also felt the same way, Lao Guo really loved digging holes, and later he made a show called The King of the Pit. The previous holes were not filled, and a lot of new holes were dug.

This show is good, but it's a bit boring to listen to.

You will lose if you don’t listen, and you will lose a lot if you listen.

"The story I'm telling today is a section of Ji Gong's biography, called "Nine Degrees of the Yellow Lady"!"

"Crack!" The gavel fell to the ground, and the story got to the point.

"The story happened in"

Guo Degang spoke eloquently.

He just has the ability to draw a picture in your mind with just one mouth.

The people in the audience were fascinated by it, and Guo Degang's voice slowly echoed in the small garden.

"Just looking at Wang Yue'e's real body, there was a demonic aura in the room. Zhou Zhikui was dumbfounded when he saw this posture. What kind of thing did I do? Think about it again, I don't care about you, even if the lights are turned off. Sample!"

In the middle of the night, Guo Degang has no one to guard the door, commonly known as the Midnight Three Vulgar Fields.

Or it can be said that without Guo Degang, cross talk would be yellow, and with Guo Degang, it would be even more yellow.

But at this point, everyone is tired and confused.

A lot of in-depth baggage is useless, and at this time, the vulgar baggage can poke the hearts of the audience even more.

"Just listen to Mrs. Zhou's ouch!"

Guo Degang raised his tone suddenly, and a gavel fell, bringing the audience back to reality: "Let's listen to the next chapter to break it down!"

The audience was filled with mourning, just as the climax was being heard, it was a little unnatural for him to stop so abruptly.

This is also the rule that storytellers must follow. If you make it clear once, who will listen to your next paragraph?
Wan Qian felt as if a kitten was scratching her heart, "I was listening well, why did it end?"

She looked at Ji Yun, "Do you know what's going to happen next?"

Ji Yun smiled wryly and shook his head, "I don't know."

Guo Degang has said this for 20 years, and it has only reached the third time. Who knows what will happen next.

Not to mention Mrs. Huang, Ji Dian has been trained for almost ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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