The talent system of crossing the animation of the country

Chapter 200 A General Chapter Across Planes

Chapter 200 Communication across planes
"Wei Chen, we can go back, leave this place to the Xiongbing Company,"

Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard a familiar voice coming from ahead: "Boss! You're here,"

At this time, on a certain planet, a Taotie was standing in the hall, watching the woman on the throne talking.

"The operation in North America also failed. At that time, our spaceship was parked at the outer reaches of the solar system and was opening a wormhole to carry out a devastating blow to their cities. Then, a soldier wearing a red exoskeleton passed through the big wormhole with a nuclear bomb in his arms. , flew to the muzzle of our main ship, "

Taotie paused, and said awkwardly: "The main ship is right above New York. Just like that, it was martyred."

As soon as the voice fell, the door was pushed open in vain, and a tall and mighty demon slowly walked in from the outside.

I saw him step aside and quietly look at this Taotie.

Taotie was unmoved, and continued to look at the queen and said: "We miscalculated the firepower of the earth, and the huge amount of missile weapons pushed us very hard, and my god Karl does not allow the use of star weapons.
Demon Queen, you know, in the age of explosives, going up involves antimatter firepower, and antimatter firepower consumes more energy, so the gains outweigh the losses.
Driven by dark energy, our Gluttonous Legion does not have such an ability, so I come here to ask you to eliminate the Xiongbing Company, as well as that armed organization of the Hateful Alliance in North America,"

"Oh! Treat us as mercenaries, huh?" The queen frowned.

Taotie immediately raised his hands in fright: "No, no, no, no, absolutely not."

The queen looked down at Taotie and said, "You know what we want,"

"I know," Taotie hesitated for two breaths and continued: "Kill the Holy Kaisa, destroy the Angel Nebula,"

"Fart!" The queen looked away: "What are you doing destroying the Angel Nebula? There are all beautiful fellow angels. I just need to kill the Holy Kaisa."

"Ah, yes, yes, we will do our best to help,"

"Hmph, help me with all your strength, what do you use to help me, ask you Carl to come out and talk to me,"

After that, there was peace for a while, and Lin Xi often went out to wander around to see if he could trigger tasks or something.

But still as usual, nothing happened.

In the dense forest, a man in casual clothes and a peaked cap sat on a branch and sighed: "The seventh level, the seventh level, it is too difficult to go up, and the fifth level is not up. Although it can be absorbed, it is still difficult to improve, "

Owner: Lin Xi

Cultivation level: Tier [-] (Peak)

Cultivation method: Nine-turn Meihujue (two-turn)

Then Lin Xi clicked on the mall to see if there was anything that could improve her cultivation.

Tears of the Dragon (Tears of Dragon Sanyuan in the monster list, which has the effect of healing injuries) 400 gold coins
Rotten eggs (garbage from a certain plane.) 1 gold coin
Plastic bag (garbage from a certain plane.) 1 gold coin
A drop of Nongfu Spring (the water in the human body is replaced every 1 days, we do not produce water, we are just porters of nature! Natural weak alkaline water, Nongfu Spring.) [-] gold coin
Tianshan Liuyang Palm (studied by Guo Xiang in the previous life of Guo Shuang in the list of monsters), 700 gold coins
Seven-dimensional space Band-Aid (I, move as much as I want, I, sit or not, I say, only the body likes it is the best, just like the seven-dimensional space band-aid creates a comfortable pure cotton surface for me, my comfort I Come and decide, just take care of his days.) 2 gold coins
"What the hell?" Lin Xi's face darkened, and he closed the mall directly.

At this time, Lin Xi accidentally saw an advanced ability experience pill in the portable space.

He was very hesitant in his heart whether to use it, because at this time he urgently needed to improve his abilities. In the late stage of this world, the combat power was stronger than the other, and it was not easy for Lin Xi to protect others with his current strength.

"System, use advanced ability experience pill," Lin Ximo said.

Ding!Ask the master to choose an ability enhancement from the following.

Language (proficiency), the power of spells, the indestructible body of Vajra (beginner), summoning ninjas (mastery), the power of regeneration (mastery), acting skills (mastery), divine fire (beginner)

"Choose the indestructible body of King Kong,"

Ding!Used successfully.

As soon as the system sound fell, Lin Xi's body suddenly shone with dazzling light.

Ability: Vajra Indestructible Body (Master)

Explanation: 1. As long as the opponent's realm does not exceed the host's realm, the defense cannot be broken. 2. There is no boundary limit, with a 30% attack of anti-shock.

Lianfeng in the control room of the Juxia said solemnly: "It is detected that a powerful energy burst out from the sleeping forest,"

At this time Qiangwei was also on the side, she also saw it, and said: "Let me go,"

Ducao walked in slowly: "Let Liu Chuang and Rui Mengmeng go,"

"The energy is gone," Lianfeng looked closely at her eyes.

Ding!Video call is on!
As soon as the sound of the system fell, the world changed drastically, and the sky became darker. A depressive atmosphere instantly suppressed the hearts of all people on earth, and at the same time another energy enveloped Lin Xi instantly, covering up the cause and effect for him.

At this time, Lin Xi's location was synchronized with the time of another plane, and the call across the plane was opened for the first time.

At this time, a projection appeared in front of Lin Xi. The projection was filled with smoke and clouds, and it was a little girl with a delicate face that could be vaguely seen.

"Master, master," an excited voice came from the video.

"Ling'ao?" Lin Xi looked at the girl in front of her, feeling a little uncertain.

"Well," the girl nodded.

Lin Xi suppressed the surprise in her heart, and started to ask the business: "Ling Ao, how long have you been there?"

Ao Ling was taken aback, and then began to count his fingers: "Master! After you left, I have been in the heaven for more than a month."

"It seems that the time speed on your side is slower than mine," Lin Xi murmured.

"Master! The pills I saved for you are all here. It seems that there are four words for object transfer," Ling Ao clicked on object transfer while speaking.

At this moment, a universe bag was suspended in front of Lin Xi in vain.

Lin Xi raised his hand and took down the Qiankun bag in front of him, checked it, and was pleasantly surprised in his heart: "Lingao! This is of great help to me, thank you,"

Seeing this, Ling Ao was also happy, "It's good to be able to help the master,"

"Master, the two Taoist boys next to my master dared to steal the magic weapon and escape to the mortal world. The strange thing is that the master clearly saw it and didn't stop it. Master, don't you think it's weird, and there's that green bull"

In the end, Lin Xi and Ling Ao chatted a lot, and Lin Xi also told Ling Ao the stories that happened in his last world.

Finally, Lin Xi turned off the call and teleported to the desert.

"Should no one notice here," Lin Xi put down the formation to cover up his breath and figure.

From a distance, Lin Xi disappeared, only a piece of yellow sand and twisted air.

In the formation, a pill was taken out by Lin Xi, and a strong aura suddenly radiated out.

(End of this chapter)

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