Chapter 36 Entry
Cultivating the Tao to seek longevity, but a long lifespan is not enough. There are natural and man-made disasters everywhere, and one must have the ability to survive.

Shuliu's static and dynamic four-character side door is this kind of ability to settle down.

Different from Shuzimen's spells, Liuzimen's skills, and Dongzimen's martial arts, the static Zimen's method is more extreme, and can basically be summed up as "avoiding the world".

Jingzimen is full of the ability to meditate and practice Zen. No matter how well this ability is practiced, it will not be able to threaten others.There is no threat and no use value, so no one will touch him.

So Jingzimen is to avoid the world, to find a quiet place to nest, and to seek the way of longevity wholeheartedly.

This old-fashioned method is really not suitable for Xiaoxia Mi, so he has not paid much attention to it.

But what Mi Xiaoxia didn't expect was that some of the skills of the Jingzimen actually have the effect of assisting Dao practice!

For example, Master Xuan Jing wants to teach him the "Entering Meditation", first entering into the meditation and then practicing Qi, the speed of practice can be doubled!
"Sit in meditation first, and then enter meditation. The trick lies in the word 'letting go'."

There are two futons in the meditation room, Mi Xiaoxia sits opposite to Master Xuan Jing, practicing according to Master Xuan Jing's instruction.

According to Mrs. Xuanjing, Mi Xiaoxia speculated that 'Entering Meditation' should be an advanced skill of 'Zazen', which is a middle-grade skill.

But I have to say that with Mi Xiaoxia's comprehension of Jingzimen 17, it is not so easy to learn middle-grade skills, even with the guidance of Mrs. Xuanjing.

After two hours like this, it was already evening, and Mi Xiaoxia didn't feel the feeling of being in samadhi.

"Thank you Master."

Mrs. Xuan Jing didn't intend to keep Mi Xiaoxia for dinner at all, so Mi Xiaoxia tactfully got up and said goodbye.

"Come again tomorrow."

Master Xuan Jing nodded and said something cheerfully.

Leaving the Muni courtyard, Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help wondering on the way back, why did Mrs. Xuanjing help him?
During the fierce fight against the pig woman and the dragon king, Master Xuanjing made a move, which can also be said to eliminate harm for the people.But this time imparting meditation is clearly a rush to send skills, what is she trying to do?
Mi Xiaoxia believes that no one can be truly selfless, especially an old nun like Mrs. Xuan Jing who is open to money, so she must have plans!
"Never mind her."

If you can't figure it out, you simply don't think about it. Anyway, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

The current Mi Xiaoxia has nothing but a nobody, and there is really nothing worth plotting.He also said that there are cheap but not profitable bastards, Mi Xiaoxia thought about learning meditation first, and then I will talk about the rest.

Entering concentration can double the cultivation speed, the Baishou Taixuan Sutra is slow to condense true energy, and Mi Xiaoxia's spiritual root is poor, so the cultivation speed has always been too slow, he really can't refuse now!
I went back to the inn before dark and asked at the counter, but there was no letter from him.Mi Xiaoxia frowned again, Wang Ziteng should have seen his greeting card, why has there been no movement for so long?

"who cares!"

The most important thing right now is to learn to meditate, and Wang Ziteng will let nature take its course for the time being.

Next, Mi Xiaoxia went out every morning, went to the Muni Academy to learn meditation, and did not come back until evening.In order to solve the problem of lunch, Mi Xiaoxia had to donate [-] taels of sesame oil money, and then the host of the Muni Academy prepared a meal for him.

Only then did Mi Xiaoxia deeply understand the saying that like attracts like and divides into groups, the host of the Muni Academy deserves to be a friend of Mrs. Xuanjing.

When I return to the inn in the evening, Mi Xiaoxia will always ask if there is any letter, but every time the reply is no, although I feel strange, Mi Xiaoxia doesn't care.

Day after day, it lasted like this for ten days. During the ten days, Mi Xiaoxia has been studying meditation, and Mrs. Xuan Jing is also doing her best to teach him.Until noon that day, Mi Xiaoxia suddenly got a reminder.

"Reminder: Taught by a famous teacher, practice hard, and advance in meditation to enter meditation!"


Mi Xiaoxia was overjoyed, and quickly went to check the column of Jingzimen, only to see that the original "zazen" had disappeared, and it was replaced by "entering meditation".

"Entering Meditation: A middle-grade skill that requires a comprehension level of 10 in the Jingzimen. Concentrate on one realm, make your body and mind quiet, and you can increase your cultivation speed after you reach perfection."

Looking at the information introduction of the meditation, it really is a middle-grade skill!Moreover, it is very clear in the introduction that it can indeed speed up the speed of cultivation, so Mi Xiaoxia is completely relieved.

But there is one thing that makes Mi Xiaoxia very depressed. When Zen meditation is promoted to meditation, the original state of "perfection" has also become "acquisition".

As a middle-grade skill, concentration is divided into three layers, and each layer requires 100 points of merit to complete, which can speed up the cultivation speed by 1/3.

Looking at the points balance, merit is 60, and karma is 82.Mi Xiaoxia sighed, even one level of consummation is not enough, so he can only cultivate step by step by himself.

"Let's be here today."

In the evening, Mi Xiaoxia stood up and said goodbye as usual.

He has already mastered samadhi, but the comprehension of Jingzimen is too low. After practicing for an afternoon, the proficiency of samadhi has increased by less than 1%.

"If you have free time in the future, don't forget to come and see me."

Master Xuan Jing smiled too and said something.

"I'll come tomorrow to continue my meditation."

Mi Xiaoxia also smiled. Although he has already acquired concentration, he still needs to work hard to improve his proficiency.

Master Xuan Jing did not speak, her eyes were slightly sunken, and she had already entered a state of meditation.

Mi Xiaoxia was a little puzzled, but turned and left without asking further questions.

"Mr. Mi, you are back. Here is a letter from you."

As soon as Mi Xiaoxia returned to the inn, the shopkeeper greeted him and handed him a letter.

"Who's here?"

Mi Xiaoxia opened it without any hassle, and it turned out that it was sent by the palace, indicating that the prince will be free tomorrow afternoon, and Mi Xiaoxia can go to see him.

There was no news for ten days in a row, and Mi Xiaoxia was still thinking about whether to send another greeting card.It's important to see Wang Ziteng, so I can't go to the Muni Academy to practice meditation tomorrow.


Mi Xiaoxia suddenly remembered what Mrs. Jingxuan said before leaving, as if he knew that he would not go to the Muni Academy tomorrow, or even for a long time.

"Is she really proficient in innate numbers?"

Mi Xiaoxia thought about it, for example, when he went to Muni Academy for the first time, Mrs. Xuan Jing just made tea, and the time was neither early nor late.And this kind of coincidence didn't happen once, it happened almost every day, but Mi Xiaoxia didn't pay attention at that time.

Mi Xiaoxia remembered again that the original book of A Dream of Red Mansions did not clearly state who Miaoyu's master was.However, it was clearly mentioned that Miaoyu's master performed congenital alchemy and warned Miaoyu not to leave Jinling before his death. Sure enough, Miaoyu was invited to enter Jia's mansion the next year.

And Miaoyu herself also knows how to divination with Fushi.

"and many more!"

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaoxia suddenly remembered a big event.

In the original book, Miaoyu followed her master to Jinling at the age of 17, and her master passed away at the end of the year.In this world, Miaoyu entered Jinling at the age of 17, so would Master Xuanjing...

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaoxia frowned slightly, could it be that Master Xuan Jing's time is approaching?
"Everyone has a life."

After a while, Mi Xiaoxia sighed and stopped thinking about it.He is not much better than ordinary people now, so life, old age, sickness and death are at the mercy of him.

As usual, Mi Xiaoxia began to practice after dinner and continued until the next morning.After breakfast, Mi Xiaoxia did not go to the Muni Academy, but continued to practice.

After noon, Mi Xiaoxia left the inn and went to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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