Chapter 368
The scripture learning team was non-stop, and Mi Xiaoxia returned to the deep mountains to practice.At the same time, great changes were also taking place in Chang'an, the Tang Dynasty in the mortal world.

In June of the sixth year of Yonghui, there were rumors in the harem that the queen and her mother Liu were practicing the art of disgusting victory in the palace.Li Zhi was furious when he heard this, and drove Liu out of the palace.

At the same time, he wanted to promote Wu Mei from Zhaoyi to be a concubine of the first rank, but unfortunately, he was opposed by prime ministers Han Yuan, Lai Ji and other veterans, and finally failed.

At this time in the Tang court, elder ministers such as Changsun Wuji and Chu Suiliang were powerful, and most of them opposed the abolition of the empress.Li Zhi is an aspiring emperor who wants to revive the imperial power by "abolishing the king and establishing martial arts".Therefore, Wu Mei became Li Zhi's political 'comrade in arms'!
Not long after, Li Yi from Zhongshushe was the first to support 'abolishing Wang Liwu', and Mi Xiaoxia's previous effort to win over young officials with Wu Mei also had an effect, and a large number of middle-level officials also began to express their support.

In the end, Mi Xiaoxia suddenly appeared in the morning court hall and said, "Why ask outsiders about your Majesty's family affairs", completely turning the situation around!
On October [-]th of the same year, Li Zhi issued an imperial edict, degrading Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu to ordinary people and imprisoning them in the cold palace for the crime of "conspiracy to poison".Their parents and relatives were all dismissed from their posts and exiled to Lingnan.

Seven days later, Li Zhi issued another edict, making Wu Mei the queen!At the same time, Chu Suiliang, who had the strongest opposition, was exiled from Chang'an!
"Yafu, thanks to your presence this time, otherwise things would still be difficult."

She got her wish and became a queen. In the middle of the night, Wu Mei dismissed all the servants and eunuchs, and personally put wine to thank Mi Xiaoxia.

"To help you is to help me, why is the empress so polite."

Picking up the wine glass, he smiled and said something lightly.But at this time, Mi Xiaoxia and the people above the court are actually just training god avatars, and the Qi training deity and body training avatars are still cultivating in the mountains.

"Yafu, I want to support Buddhism, but I don't know what is the best way to do it."

Filling Mi Xiaoxia again, Wu Mei continued to ask.

With the improvement of her status, Wu Mei's primordial spirit has been nourished by the luck of the Tang Dynasty, and she has gradually shown signs of awakening.

"This issue……"

Mi Xiaoxia held the wine glass, took a sip, and muttered to himself.

Mi Xiaoxia is hostile to Buddhism, so of course he is unwilling to help them preach in Datang.

But the problem now is that he and Wu Mei are already tied together, and Wu Mei still owes him [-]% of her kindness, so she has no choice but to help her at this time.

In addition, and most importantly, Wu Mei proclaimed herself emperor and then vigorously developed Buddhism. This was already preordained, and with Mi Xiaoxia's current cultivation, there was no way to stop it.If you block it hard, you will only be smashed to pieces!

In this way, it is better to follow the general trend, continue to help Wu Mei, and at the same time seek benefits from it.

"The state religion of the Tang Dynasty is Taoism, and now Taoism and Buddhism are not in harmony. If you openly support Buddhism after you have just been sealed off, it will inevitably attract criticism and cause unnecessary trouble."

Mi Xiaoxia thought for a long time, and finally spoke, but then changed the topic again.

"But if you really want to do this, you can't be too explicit. How about this, while developing Buddhism, vigorously support the Changchun religion. One is to deceive people, and the other is to win over a helper so that we can deal with Taoism together in the future."

"Changchun teaches... Aunt Chun?"

Wu Mei thought for a while, then couldn't help but nodded again and again, then poured wine for Mi Xiaoxia, full of joy.

"What Yafu said is very true, besides, I grew up in Changchun, so I can be regarded as a family."

Mi Xiaoxia nodded and didn't say much.He was secretly proud that with the support of the Empress Wu Mei, the Changchun Sect would definitely develop rapidly again.

Wu Yin has already used Wu Yin to establish the Changchun Sect as the state religion of the Wu State. The stronger the Changchun Sect, the faster and more it can steal the luck of the Tang Dynasty and transfer it to Wu Yin!

"Father Ya, Mei Niang has one more matter."

After talking about the sect, Wu Mei looked at Mi Xiaoxia and suddenly asked a question.

"Yafu still remembers that Yuan Tiangang said about 'Wu Dai Li Xing'."

"Why, are you tempted?"

Mi Xiaoxia didn't play tricks, and looked at Wu Mei with a smile.Human ambition is like this, it will become bigger and bigger. Wu Mei has just become a queen, and her appetite has also become bigger.

"It's not tempting, it's just interesting."

Wu Mei did not admit it, but then said.

"But if it's true, is there any way to make this happen?"

"The Tang Dynasty has just been established and has experienced the prosperity of Zhenguan. It is the time when the national fortune is strong. It is not so easy to replace it."

Mi Xiaoxia sneered at the corner of his mouth, but what he said was straightforward.


Wu Mei frowned, and then, still unwilling, asked again.

"Is there really nothing to do?"

"If there is a way, it's not completely impossible..."

Mi Xiaoxia put down his wine glass, paused and said.

"At this time, Datang's national strength is strong, and it is basically impossible to break through from the outside. In this way, we can only start from the inside."

"How to start from the inside?"

"Actually, it's easy to say. This is a prosperous age, so we should make more changes. As long as we can shake the court, the fate of the country will naturally spread, and the foundation of the Tang Dynasty will naturally gradually loosen."

"Please ask Yafu to be more careful, what is the specific change?"

"From national policy to strategy, all kinds of changes are possible. The simplest one is the reign name, which is the symbol of the emperor, and the change of the reign name can easily affect the court."


Wu Mei pondered for a while, and a moment later, a light flashed in her eyes.

Mi Xiaoxia drank the wine unhurriedly, but Wu Mei's performance was all seen in his eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the next two months, the years changed, and at the beginning of the second year, an imperial edict suddenly announced to the world.From now on, the national title of Datang will be changed from 'Yonghui' to 'Xianqing'!In other words, this year is the first year of Xianqing!

The year name was changed, and Wei Yin, the national weapon of the Tang Dynasty, was shaken, and the luck in it could not help overflowing.

"Come on... come on... all of you!"

At the same time, outside Chang'an City, the four Changchun temples were arranged according to the four images, secretly setting up altars, Chun Niang, Chou Nu and two other masters presided over one each.

Four dharma altars cover Chang'an, and the luck overflowing from Wei Yin is sucked away in an instant before it can be integrated into the land of Tang Dynasty!

At this time, in the depths of Jilei Mountain, Mi Xiaoxia's three dharma bodies were cultivating. Wu Yin suddenly jumped out from the head of the training avatar, trembling with a buzzing sound, absorbing a large amount of luck.

Next, let's look at the title of the god training avatar, from LV20 to LV21!

"It's done!"

Lian Shen clone opened his eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Everything went well, according to Mi Xiaoxia's plan, the name of the country was changed to Wei Yin, and Wei Yin was shocked, and except for a small part of the overflowing Datang luck, [-]% of it was intercepted by Wu Yin!
After a while, Wu Yin regained his composure, Mi Xiaoxia took it back and continued to practice quietly.

Changing the year name shocked Wei Yin, and the overflowing luck was limited after all, but as the saying goes, a little makes a lot.As far as Mi Xiaoxia knows, Li Zhi had a total of 14 reign titles during his reign!In other words, there are 12 more such changes!
And in order to shake the foundation of Datang, Wu Mei will take various measures.In fact, in history, Wu Zetian was a very tossing person.

That is to say, there are still many opportunities for Mi Xiaoxia to intercept Datang's luck...

Winter ends and spring comes, and before you know it, it's another three months.It was a beautiful spring day, with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, Mi Xiaoxia suddenly opened his eyes, and then merged the three dharma bodies into one.


Take out the teleportation array, Mi Xiaoxia teleports away directly.

At this time, the body training avatar is still an LV27 high-grade earth immortal, and the qi training deity is still an LV28 top-grade earth immortal.But the Qi-practicing deity has already felt the door open when he hits the realm of the Four Brahma Golden Immortals.

Originally, he should continue to practice hard, but at this time, there was an incident, and he had to leave the customs temporarily.

It is said that the sutra-learning team passed Zhu Ziguo, Guanyin Bodhisattva accepted the Golden Retriever, and had not encountered any powerful monsters for more than half a year.

On this day, I suddenly came to a beautiful mountain, and I saw a villa in the distance. Tang Seng was also on a whim, so he insisted on going to have a meal in person.Who knows what kind of good family this is, but Pansi Cave!
Next, as in the original plot, Tang Seng was tied up in the Pansi Cave by the spider essence, and then went to Zhuogou Spring to take a bath.The six-eared macaque came and wanted to stir it into the pool with a stick, but remembered that Mi Xiaoxia had taken care of it in advance, so he didn't kill them, but just took their clothes away.

The seven spiders were naked and couldn't get out of the water. Zhu Bajie came again.Turning into a fat catfish, it crawled back and forth between its legs in the water, making the spider spirits gasp for a while.And when Zhu Bajie got out of the pond and went ashore, he raised the rake to beat him again, scaring the spider to run away naked.

In short, after a lot of trouble, the six-eared macaque and the others rescued Tang Seng, but the spider spirit and the others disappeared.

The scripture learning team thought they were all right, so they continued on their way. Unexpectedly, they passed the Huanghua Temple, which was the place where the centipede spirits and the spider spirits were hiding here.

The centipede poisoned the tea, and poisoned Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting Monk.Only the six-eared macaque didn't drink it, and fought against the centipede spirit, but in the end it still lost to his golden light.

After receiving advice from Guanyin Bodhisattva, I went to Qianhua Cave in Ziyun Mountain and asked Pilanpo Bodhisattva for help.

This Pilanpo Bodhisattva is the mother of Angri Xingguan. She has a needle, made from Angri Xingguan's eyes, which can restrain the golden light of centipede spirits.

"This needle really works! That's why you're pretending to be blind here!"

Above the Yellow Flower Temple, Pilanpo Bodhisattva threw down the needle, which directly broke the golden light of the centipede essence, and at the same time severely injured it, closing his eyes and sticking there without moving.

In addition, there were seven huge spiders on the ground, which were the seven spider spirits who were beaten by the six-eared macaque to reveal their original shapes, but they did not kill them either.

"Thank you both for your help!"

At this moment, a young man suddenly walked out of the Taoist temple, cupped his hands at the six-eared macaque and Pilanpo Bodhisattva, then waved his sleeves, and directly took away the spider essence and centipede essence.

"Who are you!"

Pilanpo Bodhisattva's face darkened, and he was about to step forward to question him.

"Bodhisattva! My master and the others are still poisoned, don't worry about that, come and see with me!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, the six-eared macaque suddenly grabbed her hand, but pulled it in another direction.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man who suddenly appeared has already left again.

"Great Sage, you... oh! It's time for you!"

Seeing that it was too late, Pilanpo Bodhisattva couldn't help sighing.There is no one in her mountain, and she took a fancy to this centipede's ability, and originally wanted to subdue him to be a guard, but now she was taken away by others.

But things have come to this point, there is no other way, Pilanpo Bodhisattva is also open-minded.Then stop thinking about it and go with the six-eared macaque to save Tang Seng and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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