Changsheng opens treasure chests everywhere

Chapter 374 Stealing the Golden Lotus

Chapter 374 Stealing the Golden Lotus

The nine-headed primordial saint and the three rhinoceros spirits Pihan, Pishu, and Pichen all have extraordinary abilities and are not so easy to deal with.

But they didn't wait in their respective territories, how could they dispatch ahead of time, and they all gathered in Shituoling?
The Tathagata Buddha became suspicious, and then calculated again.But for some reason, the whole story is intermittent, some places cannot be figured out, and some places are hoodwinked, and it is difficult for him to know what happened.

"Buddha, what's the trouble?"

Seeing Tathagata Buddha frowning from time to time, the six-eared macaque couldn't help asking.I also wondered in my heart, could it be that this monster is so powerful that even the Tathagata Buddha is difficult to deal with?

How did he know that in these few battles, the three major demon kings of Shituoling fought against them.In addition, there are powerful people who are hiding in Shituoling and have not shown up.

"It's okay, everything has its source, just go find a few people."

Tathagata Buddha smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and then instructed Anuo and Kasyapa who were waiting beside him.

"The two of you used the teleportation array to go to Wutai Mountain and Emei Mountain respectively, and Xuan Manjusri and Samantabhadra Bodhisattvas. The green lion and white elephant are their mounts, and they have to tame them."

"Accept the Buddha's decree!"

Anuo and Kasyapa clasped their hands together and left Lingshan.

"Come on."

Immediately afterwards, the Tathagata Buddha summoned two attendants and said.

"One of you goes to the Heavenly Palace and asks the Jade Emperor to send four wooden birds and stars to capture the three rhinoceros spirits. One of you goes to Miaoyan Palace to ask Taiyi to rescue Ku Tianzun and ask him to subdue the nine-headed Yuansheng."

After finishing the order, the Tathagata Buddha still sat on the lotus platform, waiting for these reinforcements to come.

After such a short time, Anuo and Kasyapa came back first.

"Where are Puxian and Manjusri?"

But the two Bodhisattvas were not seen. The Tathagata Buddha frowned and asked.

"Reporting to the Buddha, Mount Wutai and Mount Emei have been invaded by Asura, and they cannot escape for the time being."

Anuo and Kasyapa reported the truth, and then retreated to one side.

"Asura clan..."

The Tathagata Buddha frowned, the Buddhism and the sea of ​​blood were feuding, and frequent wars broke out between them.But why is it so unfortunate that today is the day.

While thinking about it, the other two also came back, but they didn't see Simu Qinxing and Taiyi Save Ku Tianzun.

"Reporting to the Buddha, Si Mu Qin Xing said he was sick and asked for leave, and the Jade Emperor told them not to move. The gate of Miaoyan Palace was locked, and it was said that Taiyi Saved the Suffering God was in meditation, and no outsiders were seen."

After the two finished their reports, they also stepped aside.

"There is such a coincidence..."

Tathagata Buddha thought in his heart, and sneered secretly at the corner of his mouth.

Simu Qinxing and Taiyi Save Ku Tianzun are both Taoists, and they have obviously received the news, so they deliberately did not help this favor!
"Buddha, what should I do?"

Seeing that the reinforcements did not arrive, the six-eared macaque was anxious for a while, and asked the Tathagata Buddha.

"It doesn't matter, my Buddhist sect has vast magic power, and there are only a few demons in the area, so what's the problem?"

The Tathagata Buddha snorted softly, there was no other way, at this time, he had to force himself to do it.

Not only is it a small loss of face, but if Tang Seng is really eaten by those monsters, it will be troublesome.Tathagata Buddha knew that his cheap uncle, Dapeng, was the master who dared to do anything.

"All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats, come with me to subdue demons!"

But the opponent's strength is very strong, and there is no way to restrain it at this time, and it will definitely not work if there are fewer people with ordinary cultivation.

Immediately afterwards, the Tathagata Buddha gathered all the Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and monks in Lingshan, and invited the Buddhas of the past and other Buddhas. He also led three thousand Jiedi gods, descended from the lotus platform, and flew out of Lingshan in a mighty manner.

At this time, only the future Buddha, that is, Maitreya Buddha, was left in the Lingshan Mountain, and there were a few useless warriors to watch the house.

"It's done!"

Hiding underground and watching from a distance, Mi Xiaoxia was overjoyed when he saw the large piece of auspicious clouds leaving, and the Buddha's light above them.Immediately ordered the mouse spirit to lead him into Lingshan through the leylines.

"I... suffer."

The mouse spirit was full of mourning, but he had no choice but to use his supernatural powers.With Mi Xiaoxia, through the tortuous leylines, quietly passed through the Lingshan Restriction.

At this time, he had already entered the range of Lingshan, and Mi Xiaoxia checked the mini-map.Unfortunately, no treasure chest was found.In a place like Lingshan, there must be treasure chests condensed, so it must be a special treasure chest that is not displayed.

"I don't know if I have this luck."

Time is running out this time, Mi Xiaoxia must have no time to investigate around.He couldn't help thinking in his heart, wondering how lucky he was, if he happened to come across a special treasure box on the road.

Everyone is busy with their own business, Tathagata Buddha and others have come to Shituoling, and Mi Xiaoxia has also sneaked into Lingshan.Looking up, the Leiyin Temple in Nuoda is very quiet at this moment.Then Tu Xingdun evaded the guards and went straight to the Daxiong Palace.


Mi Xiaoxia saw at a glance, above the main hall, a golden lotus platform was shining brightly, it was the Ninth Grade Merit Golden Lotus!

Mi Xiaoxia was overjoyed and hurried over.

At the same time, deep in the nether world.

Patriarch Styx held two sharp weapons, Abi and Yuantu, and led four demon kings, four demon generals, and one hundred thousand asuras under his command.He is fighting fiercely with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and [-] Buddhist soldiers.

At the beginning, Patriarch Styx transformed one hundred thousand blood god sons into one hundred thousand blood-winged black mosquitoes, and walked in the prehistoric world in the form of mosquito priests.After escaping from Zhunti Taoist Budou, he first inhaled the Holy Mother of Guiling, and then ate the twelfth-rank golden lotus of Buddhism, leaving only nine ranks.

From then on, they turned against Buddhism, and later because of different teachings, there were naturally various struggles, which made the grievances deepen.

Later, Taoist Zhunti, in a rage, turned the corpse into Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and led the Buddhist soldiers to stand beside the Nether Blood Sea.And made a great wish, vowing not to become a Buddha if the hell is not empty, and vowing to save the Asura clan.

As a result, units like Asura often appeared in Buddhism, while the strength of Blood Sea was greatly reduced, making Patriarch Styx furious.

But there is no way, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is actually Zhunti's evil corpse, and he is only a little worse than the saint, and his strength is not inferior to him at all.

"Ksitigarbha! You are still pestering me here, look at your lair in Lingshan, the thief has already entered!"

Fighting with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Patriarch Minghe suddenly shouted.

"What did you say!"

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has a solemn treasure appearance, he let out a cold snort and at the same time opened his wisdom eyes, his eyes pierced through Jiuyou and went straight to Lingshan.

It doesn't matter at this point, I can't help being shocked.I saw a kid from nowhere, hiding his head and showing his tail, sneaking around, and now he is going to the Ninth Grade Golden Lotus!

"how so!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was quite surprised. How could there be no one guarding the Great Leiyin Temple?And with his supernatural power, it took only an instant to understand what was going on.

"Styx! This is your plan!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva shouted angrily, Patriarch Minghe suddenly attacked at this time, it really wasn't a whim.

"Haha! You don't have to go back quickly, if the golden lotus is stolen, then your Buddhist face will be lost."

Patriarch Styx neither admitted nor denied, he raised his head and laughed carefreely.At the same time, the twelve karmic fire red lotuses rose up after sitting down, stopping all the attacks of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Having reached an agreement with Mi Xiaoxia before, Patriarch Styx actually came up with a double block.While Mi Xiaoxia was stealing the golden lotus, he led people to attack the Buddhist camp on the sea of ​​blood.

In this way, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is in a dilemma.If he doesn't go back, Jinlian will lose face if he steals from Buddhism.If he goes back, Patriarch Styx will take the opportunity to open his lair.

That is to say, no matter what the result is, it is good for Patriarch Styx, just how much it benefits.

Of course, he wanted Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to go back, so he could take the opportunity to destroy this Buddhist camp, so how can the sea of ​​blood be quiet for thousands of years.

As for Mi Xiaoxia's life and death, he didn't care at all.At this time, he leaked the news to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and he did not violate his previous agreement with Mi Xiaoxia.

If Mi Xiaoxia died in the hands of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva because of this, he can only blame him for his incompetence!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva gave a cold shout, then activated the portable teleportation array, and teleported straight back to Lingshan.

For Patriarch Styx, the Blood Sea base camp is more important.But for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Ninth Grade Golden Lotus is more important, and the face of Buddhism is more important!
So after thinking for a while and making a decisive decision, he rushed back immediately.

"Haha! Little ones, the Ksitigarbha has already been beaten away by my ancestor, I killed all his disciples and grandchildren, and burned his camp!"

Seeing that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva retreated as expected, Patriarch Minghe raised his head and laughed.Then he shouted loudly, brandished Ahbi and Yuantu, and rushed straight into the Buddhist army formation.

At this time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is not there, and these ordinary soldiers will be useless at all.The Buddhist camp that has threatened the sea of ​​blood for so long can finally be eradicated in one fell swoop!
Thinking of this, Patriarch Styx couldn't help feeling proud. His idea had a flash of inspiration, but he didn't expect such a good effect.

But speaking of it, this is because Mi Xiaoxia's ability to handle affairs is really strong, and he can really call all the Buddhist masters out of Lingshan.At this time, Mi Xiaoxia might be dead, Patriarch Minghe suddenly felt a little pity, after all, he was also his apprentice.

"Hey! Kill!"

But then, seeing that the Buddhist camp was about to be destroyed, Patriarch Minghe raised his head and laughed, not caring about Xiaoxia Mi's life or death.


"It's finally here!"

At this time, in the Daxiong Palace, Mi Xiaoxia picked up the ninth-grade golden lotus, and couldn't help but groan, it was really heavy.If he didn't have the power to overwhelm the sea, he might not be able to move it.

At the same time, there was another burst of excitement. This famous Ninth-Rank Merit Golden Lotus will be named Mi from now on!
Got the baby, Mi Xiaoxia was about to run away with the mouse Jing, suddenly there was a buzzing sound, and the Buddha's light bloomed on the hall!

"not good!"

Mi Xiaoxia put away the golden lotus, his eyes widened, how did the other party come back so quickly!


But he couldn't think about it anymore, the other party yelled and slapped him directly.

hold head high!
A high-pitched dragon chant sounded, and Mi Xiaoxia turned into a dragon, so he had no time to resist, so he could only use his indestructible body to resist it.

The next moment, only a loud noise was heard, and Mi Xiaoxia was blasted into the ground.


The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who hurried over couldn't help but be a little surprised at this time. He was a mere Earth Immortal. He thought that a slap would be enough to turn him into dust, but he never expected that the other party didn't die!

But even so, there is absolutely no escape from the second blow.Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva gave a cold shout, and raised his palm again.

"Amitabha, why is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva so angry?"

But at this moment, a Buddha's name sounded, and a figure suddenly stood in front of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

(End of this chapter)

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