Chapter 412 The Dragon Coup
Back at Jilei Mountain, Mi Xiaoxia continued to practice in closed doors.

Two years later, Li Xian was recalled to Chang'an by Wu Zhao, and he was still established as the crown prince.

By this time, Wu Zhao had been in power for nine years, and the struggle between Taoism and Buddhism became more and more fierce.

Taoism has a profound background, and there are many masters in the mortal world, especially Zhang Tongxuan, whose style is decisive and ruthless.After several fights, Buddhism suffered a lot and had to send the reincarnation of Arhat Bodhisattva to reverse the situation.

The strength of the Buddhist sect increased greatly in an instant, and among them, the subduing dragon Arhat and the subduing tiger Arhat were the most powerful.Arhat subduing the dragon was registered at Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou. He usually showed his insane image to others, and within two or three years he gained the title of Jigong Living Buddha.At this time, Fuhu Arhat was called Pumiao, pretending to be deaf and dumb, acting in secret.

These Arhat Bodhisattvas are so powerful that no mortal monk can resist them.But for the same reason, Taoism also began to send people down to earth, the most famous of which is Lu Dongbin, Taoist of Chunyang!

In addition, there are Tieguai Li, Han Zhongli and other fairy families who use the excuse of saving the world to walk in the mortal world and secretly attack Buddhism.

At this time, the Eight Immortals have not yet assembled, but several masters are already there, and their strength should not be underestimated.

In short, Buddhism and Taoism compete, Buddhism relies on Wu Zhao's support, and Taoism relies on its profound foundation, both sides have their own strengths, and there are constant battles.

Seeing that the fight was getting more and more intense, Mi Xiaoxia had no choice but to go out of the mountain once, and went to Jiangnan Road to explain to Chunniang and others.No matter how Taoism and Buddhism fight, Jiangnan Dao cannot be chaotic!

That's the way things are in the world, and in the next two years, Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help smiling when his heart moved.

"It's finally done."

Mi Xiaoxia's three avatars, the god-training avatar and the killing avatar are all in Jilei Mountain, but the body-training avatar is in Youming, sharpening himself with the help of the sea of ​​blood.

After decades of time, there is finally some progress, Immortal Immortal has a glimpse of the door!
Although it's just getting started, it means that the sea of ​​​​blood training is really effective.Mi Xiaoxia reckoned that after another hundred years of suppression with the sea of ​​blood, although it is impossible to fully practice it, it should be able to practice half of it.

Half of them are immortal, and of course they will die and die, but the physical strength will be greatly improved again.

At the same time, the cultivation of the body training avatar has also made some progress, reaching LV28 top-grade earth immortal, which is only one level away from golden immortal.

If half of the immortality is practiced, it is estimated that you can enter the golden fairy realm.At that time, you can practice the second volume of the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu, and learn the supernatural power of changing in the wind.

And when the time comes, Mi Xiaoxia himself and his avatar will have the fighting power of the four golden immortals!


Upon receiving this news, Mi Xiaoxia smiled and nodded for a while, then closed his eyes slightly, and retreated again.

There is no time in the mountains, time flies, and it is another four years in a blink of an eye.

This is the first year of Shenlong, counting the time, it has been 15 years since Wu Zhao proclaimed himself emperor!According to the number of days, she should only be in power for 15 years.In other words, the mortal world will change dynasties again.

"Two friends, let's go."

Mi Xiaoxia himself got up and greeted the God-training clone and the Killing clone.The two avatars retracted into the body, and then opened the portal and went to the mortal world.

According to the history Mi Xiaoxia knows, the Tang Dynasty is about to be restored.And only when the Tang Dynasty was restored, Li Longji had the chance to be emperor.

But many things have changed in this world, and Mi Xiaoxia is worried that something will go wrong.

Once Wu Zhao abdicated and the Tang Dynasty was restored, the support of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty fell instantly.Although the number of days is so long, Buddhism is definitely not willing to give up so easily.In order to prevent accidents, Mi Xiaoxia took the two clones and went to the mortal world in person.

On the twentieth day of the first lunar month, there was a secret room in Princess Taiping's mansion. Apart from Princess Taiping and Li Longji, who was just 20 years old, there were five other people, namely Zhang Jianzhi, Minister of Fengge, Cui Xuanwei, Minister of Luantai, and General Jinghui of Zuo Yulin. , You Yulin General Yan Yanfan, and Si Xing Shaoqing Yuan Shuji.

"I have already contacted the two generals Li Duozuo and Li Xingzong. When we enter through the Xuanwu Gate, it will be unimpeded!"

"Let's use Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Zongchang's rebellion as an excuse to lead troops to force the palace to force His Majesty to abdicate!"

"That's right, when the time comes, His Highness the Crown Prince will be crowned emperor, the Tang Dynasty will be restored, and the world will return to the Li family!"


Several people have already discussed in detail, and the last plan at this time can be said to be foolproof!
"By the way, I heard that His Majesty is protected by an immortal Buddha behind him. If this is true, what should they do if they intervene in the middle?"

After going through the plan again, Zhang Jianzhi suddenly spoke with a worried tone.

"Don't worry about this matter, the world's affairs are resolved by the world's people, whoever gets the immortal Buddha to come forward!"

Although Li Longji was only 20 years old, his calm demeanor was not inferior to the others, he said with a smile.

"If they don't know the number of days and really want to act against the sky, someone will deal with them!"

"Okay! If that's the case, let's start the incident the day after tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

There is no need to worry about it anymore, besides, it has reached this point, and the arrow has to be fired.The seven discussed it properly, and they quietly dispersed in the middle of the night.

In the next two days, the whole Tang Dynasty was calm and calm, and everything seemed to be as usual.But in the calm, there is actually an undercurrent surging!
On the 22nd day of the first lunar month, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, many high-ranking people sneaked into Chang'an and rushed to the palace through the night.

"Bold monk! Really dare to go against the sky!"

In the dark night, suddenly there was a yell, and several figures rushed out, blocking the previous black shadow.Next, battles broke out in the sky above Chang'an City, or in various places outside Chang'an City.

"Amitabha, the enemy has been drawn away, let's go quickly."

"Hey, don't worry, it won't be too fast, and it won't be too slow."

At this moment, two figures appeared again.One is neatly dressed and has a dignified appearance, while the other is in rags and is insane.The two avoided the guards and had already arrived under the palace wall.

"You two, stop here."

A voice suddenly sounded, and a young man walked out from the shadow of the corner.

"It's you!"

Seeing this man, both of them had serious expressions, and even the crazy monk frowned.

This man is none other than Mi Xiaoxia!And these two people are the reincarnated Jigong and Pu Miao's Subduing Dragon Arhat and Subduing Tiger Arhat.

There are many arhats in the Lingshan Mountain of Western Heaven, but the eighteen arhats are the most respected, and among the eighteen arhats, subduing dragons and subduing tigers are the strongest!Mi Xiaoxia glanced at the two of them, and they were both LV29 low-grade golden immortals.

Speaking of which, their fruit status is not high, but as the main force of Buddhism, their cultivation base is really not low.

"You two, Wu Zhao's energy is exhausted, do you want to go against the sky?"

Looking at the two, Mi Xiaoxia's expression darkened and he snorted coldly.

"Hey, Wu Zhao still has one year to live, so why is he exhausted?"

Jigong waved his broken fan and replied with a smile.

"Strong words make sense."

Mi Xiaoxia sneered, too lazy to argue with them.

"Look at the fist!"

At this time, Pu Miao shouted loudly, strode forward, and punched Mi Xiaoxia directly.

This punch was unusually strong and fierce, worthy of being the reincarnation of Subduing Tiger Arhat.Mi Xiaoxia didn't bring a body training avatar, and he didn't dare to resist.Raising his hand, he summoned the Demon Slayer Sword, and slashed directly at Pu Miao's arm.This move is extremely effective, Pu Miao's eyes widened, and she quickly withdrew her fist.

"Hey, pick me up and try."

At this time, Ji Gong was smiling, and he had already waved his fan.

Then there was a gust of wind, mixed with countless sharp blades, as long as it touched it, there would be no bones left in an instant!
"Tips for carving insects."

Mi Xiaoxia stood where he was, still steadfast.While fighting with Pu Miao, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and then the strong wind rolled back.

"Amazing! It really lives up to its reputation!"

Jigong was taken aback, and with another wave of his fan, he broke the gang wind, and at the same time couldn't help a burst of admiration.

"The most powerful is yet to come."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled at the corner of his mouth, and with a wave of his sleeves, he suddenly enlarged, covering Jigong and Pumiao like covering the sky and the sun.

The two quickly used their means to tear Mi Xiaoxia's sleeves open.But when I look at it at this time, it is already thousands of miles away from Chang'an City!
Just now, Mi Xiaoxia moved the three of them here by using many magical powers such as 'size as you wish', 'moving the scene', 'reversing yin and yang' and so on.

Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger are no better than other arhats, and Mi Xiaoxia has to use his true skills.If it is too close to the palace, it will inevitably affect the innocent, so I changed the place.

"bring it on."

After a few years of retreat, the Great Dao of Killing has made progress, and Mi Xiaoxia just wanted to find a whetstone.At this time, the avatar is not summoned, and other magical powers are not displayed.With only one person and one sword, they fought fiercely against two great arhats.

Outside the palace, masters from Taoism and Buddhism came out and fought everywhere...

At the same time, in the palace, Zhang Jianzhi, Cui Xuanwei and others led [-] forest soldiers and entered the Xuanwu Gate.Before going to the Hall of Eternal Life, go to the East Palace to meet Prince Li Xian.

Li Xian had been the emperor for half a year before he was deposed by Wu Zhao and demoted to the king of Luling.Under Wu Zhao's despotic power for a long time, he became timid and fearful, far inferior to his sister and nephew.

After some persuasion by Zhang Jianzhi and others, he finally agreed. Wang Tongjiao carried Li Xian onto the horse and went to the Palace of Longevity together to force the palace.

"Cruel Zhongliang, harm the country and the people, behead!"

On the way, he happened to meet Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Zongchang, Zhang Jianzhi snorted coldly, and immediately ordered someone to behead him in the corridor.

When these two brothers approached the Empress, they thought they could enjoy endless glory and wealth.But he never expected that he would become a ghost under the knife at this time.

Immediately afterwards, everyone rushed into the Hall of Eternal Life.

"Who is making trouble!"

Wu Zhao was ill, when he suddenly saw soldiers surrounding him, he sat up immediately, and then shouted loudly.

"Escort! Who will come to escort you!"

"Your Majesty, we are here to escort you!"

At this time, Zhang Jianzhi and others stepped forward, saluted and said together.

"Your Majesty, please return the power to the crown prince and restore Li Tang Jiangshan!"


Wu Zhao looked at the few people in front of him, including the one she pulled out with one hand, and couldn't help trembling all over.She thought she treated these people well, but she didn't expect that Li Tang was the one they missed in the end.

"That's it, that's it!"

At this time, Wu Zhao was already 82 years old, and he had already lost the spirit of the past.Hanging down his arms, heaving a heavy sigh, Qiangu Baye turned his head empty, let's let it go...

"Two, what, can't you do it?"

Outside Chang'an City, Mi Xiaoxia has been fighting with one against two for nearly two hours.Ji Gong and Pu Miao suddenly took a step back, as if they would stop fighting.Mi Xiaoxia smiled at the corner of his mouth, he wasn't enjoying himself yet.

"It's settled, what else is there to fight?"

Jigong smiled, but he was not as open-minded as before, and felt somewhat helpless.

"Besides, we brothers can't beat you either."


Putting his palms together, Pu Miao called out the Buddha's name and sighed heavily.

Next, where did the two come from, and where did they go back.Mi Xiaoxia stood where he was, put away the Demon Slayer Sword and did not chase after him.

At the same time, the fighting in other places has also stopped, and everyone still fades away quietly.


The matter came to a successful conclusion, Mi Xiaoxia also heaved a sigh of relief.Then he walked into Chang'an City to look for Li Longji.

The time is ripe, it's time to have a good talk with this kid.

(End of this chapter)

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