Changsheng opens treasure chests everywhere

Chapter 454 The End of the Anshi Rebellion

Chapter 454 The End of the Anshi Rebellion
"It's over, that's all."

The two capitals were subdued, and the orthodox Datang returned. Looking at the sky over Chang'an, the luck of the Tang Dynasty rose a lot again. The three great men sighed helplessly and went straight back to Lingshan.

So far, the rebels are no longer able to destroy Datang, and according to the number of days, Datang will have another 100 years of national fortune.Since there is nothing to be done, it doesn't make sense for the three great masters to stay in the mortal world.

"Haha, I'll go back and reply later."

Immediately afterwards, Guang Chengzi waited for the Daoist Golden Immortal, laughed twice and returned to the Immortal Realm.


At the same time, in Qingqiu, Mi Xiaoxia's training avatar improved a lot again.

At this time, the National Equipment of the Tang Dynasty has been replaced by Wu Yin, and Wu Yin has already been refined by Mi Xiaoxia.The luck of the Tang Dynasty has improved, the luck of Wu Yin has increased, and Mi Xiaoxia's spiritual practice has also increased.

Before cultivating the avatar, he was already an LV30 middle-grade golden immortal. Although his cultivation base has risen this time, although he has not broken through to the top-grade, it is not far behind.

When the war is completely settled, the fortunes of the Tang Dynasty will be greatly improved. Mi Xiaoxia estimates that by then, he will be able to break through the top-ranked Golden Immortal.

However, in the so-called "Anshi Rebellion", An Lushan had already been killed, and now An Qingxu is in charge of the rebels, and it is not yet the turn of historians.Although the overall situation has been decided, this war will have to continue for some time.

Mi Xiaoxia practiced in Qingqiu with peace of mind while quietly watching the development of the mortal world.

An Qingxu fled back to Yecheng to regroup, recruit new soldiers, and soon gathered another [-] people.While worrying about Datang's next attack, he had to guard against the increasingly powerful Shi Siming.

In December, An Qingxu sent an envoy to transfer troops from Shi Siming.But unexpectedly, Shi Siming imprisoned the envoy, and immediately led an army of [-] under his command to surrender to Tang.

As soon as Shi Siming surrendered, the rebel army was reduced by half in an instant. Li Heng was overjoyed and immediately appointed Shi Siming Fan Yang Jiedu.

But it is a pity that Shi Siming's surrender was just a tactic to delay the army, and he rebelled again in just half a year.

The wars in the next few years will always be a mess.

The Tang Dynasty attacked An Qingxu, but did not set up a marshal, and the various envoys fought on their own, so that nothing could be done.Another treacherous minister falsely accused Guo Ziyi, Li Heng listened to the slander and dismissed him.

Shi Siming helped An Qingxu resist the Tang army, then killed An Qingxu, snatched the Abi sword, and called himself Emperor Dayan.But just two years after becoming emperor, he followed in the footsteps of Anlu Mountain and was killed by his son Shi Chaoyi.

But by this time, the rebels were at the end of their strength, and their destruction was just around the corner.


According to the history Mi Xiaoxia knows and the current war, the Anshi Rebellion will soon be put down.In the past few years, Mi Xiaoxia didn't worry much about the war, and occasionally came to the mortal world, mostly to see Li Yu.

Similar to Li Longji, Li Heng also became fatuous after securing the throne.Not only did the progress of the war drag on again and again, but he also favored concubines and eunuchs. First, he almost abolished the prince Li Yu, and later the eunuchs took power and were controlled by the government.

Since Wu Zetian's time, Mi Xiaoxia has seen this kind of thing a lot, and his current power is far from comparable to before.First, take back the jade pendant given to Li Heng, and then give it to Li Yu for body protection.Then at the critical moment, he raised some points to help Li Yu get rid of the traitor.

In October of the third year of Shangyuan, Li Heng died of illness in Chang'an. With the support of Mi Xiaoxia, the crown prince Li Yu finally got his wish and ascended to the throne.

It is also worth mentioning that, also this year, in May, Li Longji died of illness.Li Heng, the emperor, died less than half a year later than Li Longji, the Supreme Emperor.

Li Yu succeeds to the throne, just like before, Mi Xiaoxia also takes his emperor's merits.A large group of bright golden merits descended, Mi Xiaoxia set up a tower of 24 pearls in the green hill, and sucked them all into the tower.

"Change Yuan Baoying!"

"Confess Li Shi, the king of Fengjie County, as the general of the world's soldiers and horses, and put down the rebellion!"

After Li Yu ascended the throne, he put counter-insurgency first.And Li Shi, who was named marshal, is his eldest son and the next Tang emperor that Mi Xiaoxia fancyes.

Maybe Mi Xiaoxia himself forgot, but Li Yu remembered it clearly.The first time he saw Mi Xiaoxia was in the East Palace, when Li Heng was still the prince.

That time, Li Heng summoned him, but it was actually Mi Xiaoxia who wanted to see him, and specifically asked him to bring Li Shi, who was just five years old.

At that time, apart from Mi Xiaoxia, there were only three of them, their grandfather, grandson, father and son.

Looking back now, Li Heng later became the emperor, and after Li Heng died, Li Yu, with the help of Mi Xiaoxia, is also the emperor now.Li Yu couldn't help thinking, is Li Shi the next one?

For Mi Xiaoxia, Li Yu is completely convinced.It was because of this thought in his heart that he reused Li Shi. The purpose of appointing him as Grand Marshal this time was to accumulate military merits so that he could become a prince in the future.

It has to be said that among the emperors supported by Mi Xiaoxia, Li Yu is the most well-behaved and sensible.

"Sure enough, there are a lot more."

In Qingqiu, the 24 Pearl Tower was retracted, and Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help nodding.

Compared with Li Heng, the emperor Li Yu is obviously more qualified, so he has conferred more imperial merits.Seeing the pagoda wrapped in the golden light of merit, Mi Xiaoxia burst into joy.

At this time, the merits and virtues increased suddenly, but the 24 Pearl Towers were originally only the acquired spiritual treasures, so they seemed disproportionate and somewhat wasteful.So Mi Xiaoxia thought about it and refined this pagoda again.

"Just do it."

This pagoda was originally the two magic treasures of Wanmin Pagoda and 24 Bridges of Bright Moon, which were remade by the old mother of Lishan.

At this moment, it seems that these two materials are a bit low-end, so Mi Xiaoxia exchanged a large amount of precious materials through the system, and then began to refine the pagoda.

Mi Xiaoxia has a complete inheritance of Jiejiao, which naturally includes the method of refining magic weapons.Although he is not very proficient, but now he has a high level of cultivation and supernatural powers, he can master all kinds of techniques with one method, and it is not a problem to refine the pagoda again.

Of course, it is inevitable that the refining process will be a little slow.

At the same time, the counter-insurgency in the mortal world has been victorious one after another, and it will soon come to an end.

In the spring of the next year, the rebel general Tian Chengsi surrendered to Mozhou, and kidnapped Shi Chaoyi's wife and children to the Tang camp.Shi Chaoyi led five thousand riders to flee to Fanyang, and his subordinate Li Huaixian offered Fanyang to surrender.

At this time, Shi Chaoyi was desperate, and finally committed suicide in the forest!

After Shi Chaoyi died, the rest of the rebel generals surrendered one after another.So far, the Anshi Rebellion lasted seven years and two months, and after sacrificing countless loyal ministers and generals, it finally came to an end!
The war was pacified, just as Mi Xiaoxia predicted, the fortunes of the Tang Dynasty improved a lot again.Wu Yinzhong's luck has risen, and the avatar of the training god has been induced, and his cultivation base has also risen accordingly.

After three days like this, the training god avatar successfully broke through the limit, the title became LV31, and the cultivation base reached the top-rank Golden Immortal, which was on par with the deity.

It has to be said again that since Wu Yin was first refined, the cultivation of the god avatar is the easiest.

The Anshi Rebellion ended, Datang's agriculture and economy began to recover, and there were still more than 100 years of national fortune, and efforts were made to develop towards ZTE.But the consequences of the war were far-reaching.

After the war, in order to appease the surrendered generals with heavy soldiers in their hands.Most of the imperial court granted them Jiedu envoys, such as Tian Chengsi was appointed Wei Bo Jiedu envoy, Li Huaixian was granted Lulong Jiedu envoy.

The Jiedushi combined the local government and military power in one body, and the Tang Dynasty also entered the situation of separatist regimes, and the imperial power was greatly weakened, laying the groundwork for the troubled times more than 100 years later.

"Haha, it's done!"

But these things are determined by God, Mi Xiaoxia doesn't care.A few days later, he suddenly laughed triumphantly, and finally finished refining the pagoda.

Although the pagoda at this time was the same in shape as before, it incorporated a lot of precious materials.In terms of its essence, it is not inferior to ordinary innate spirit treasures.

Not only that, the reason why this re-refinement took so long is because Mi Xiaoxia also put something into the tower, which is the real fire of the sun!

Mi Xiaoxia practices Sixiang Kung Fu, gathers various treasures such as earth, geomantic omen, water, fire, etc., and also exchanges the real fire of the sun from Taoism.Later, from the four images into yin and yang, the breath soil, the wind, the weak water, and the Liuding divine fire merged into the two qi of yin and yang.But only the real fire of the sun, because its level is higher than the other four images, it cannot be merged and preserved alone.

What he got at the beginning was just a ball of fire, and he used it up once later, but after so many years of nurturing, especially Mi Xiaoxia's own improvement, now he has accumulated a lot.

And these real sun fires were all stuffed into the pagoda for re-refining by Mi Xiaoxia.

In this way, anyone who is suppressed by the pagoda will be wiped out if they cannot hold the real fire of the sun!Just imagine, apart from experts in the holy realm, how many people can resist the real fire of the sun?
Integrating a large number of materials, containing the real fire of the sun, and a lot of merit blessings, the power of the pagoda at this time has been increased by more than several times!Compared with Xiantian Lingbao, except for a few top-notch ones, they are much stronger!
"Got to get a new name."

It can be said that it is a facelift, and it is no longer appropriate to call it the 24 Pearl Tower.

"... Forget it, let's call it the Sun Pagoda."

For naming, Mi Xiaoxia really doesn't have much talent.Since it has merged with the real fire of the sun, I simply chose such a name. Although it is not powerful and domineering, it is easy to remember.

At the same time, an old man in red robes suddenly appeared in the mortal world, sneaked into the palace, and took away a sword.This sword is nothing but the Abi sword left by Shi Chaoyi after his death.

"Quack, after being tempered by the flames of war, I have finally completed 'Slaying All Beings'."

The old man in the red robe wiped the Abi sword, and the seal on it was instantly released, and the fierce soldier returned to his true colors.And the Abi sword that completed the last step was even more violent than before. If it weren't for the red-robed old man's control, there would be no living things in the palace at this time.

"Just wait for Li Guangbi's death, then Yuantu can be taken back."

Looking at the Abi sword with satisfaction, the red-robed old man was excited again, and then turned into a bloody light and fled away.

The Anshi Rebellion is over, counting the achievements of the past seven years, Li Guangbi was promoted as No.1!Therefore, together with Li Shi, Guo Ziyi and other eight people, they were given iron coupons to enter Lingyan Pavilion.

At this time, Li Guangbi was only in his 50s, and it is said that he should be proud of his ambitions.But unfortunately, compared with Guo Ziyi, he is a bit less elegant and stable, and he still has clear water chestnuts, so he attracts hatred.

The greater the credit, the more hated he will be. Unknowingly, he has provoked many enemies in the court.Later, even when Li Yu summoned him, he dared not enter the court for fear of being harmed.

Various changes followed. In the second year after the end of the Anshi Rebellion, Li Guangbi suffered a serious illness and finally died in Xuzhou on July [-]th.

After Li Guangbi's death, a true spirit overflowed and went straight to Jilei Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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