Chapter 503
"Hey, the number of days is like this."

After Li Chen, Datang no longer had the master of ZTE, and it was the way of heaven that the fortunes of the Tang Dynasty plummeted as the sun set.Even if Mi Xiaoxia didn't take back Wu Yin, other things would happen.

Seeing that the fortunes of the Tang Dynasty had declined so far, although Yun Zhongzi sighed a little, he was helpless.

"Hehe, if I knew this earlier, why would I fight?"

One-third of Tang's luck remained in Wu Yin, Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help smiling, this had already met his previous inner requirements.

"Two, farewell!"

Taking back Wu Yin, Mi Xiaoxia bowed to Nanji Xianweng and Yun Zhongzi, and then flew away.

"Hey, if I offended this person today, I'm afraid it will cause endless troubles in the future."

Watching Mi Xiaoxia leave, Nanji Xianweng couldn't help sighing, with a sad expression on his face.

According to Mi Xiaoxia's previous actions and his reputation, although he is already the leader of a sect, he is definitely not a magnanimous person.If they hadn't joined forces today, if they hadn't had two innate treasures, they would definitely not be rivals.If we meet alone in the future, what should we do?
"If it wasn't for the Taoist patriarch's decree, he would just stay behind closed doors in the future."

Yun Zhongzi smiled, and his tone was quite helpless.If it wasn't for the Taishang Laojun's will, he would definitely not be in this muddy water today.

The world is about to change drastically, and things are unpredictable in the future.The two sighed again, and then drove away on the cloud, and went back to hand over the order to return the two treasures.

Chi Jingzi was ordered to guard the national equipment. Although he had returned to Wei Yin at this time, he still could not leave.Until the fall of the Tang Dynasty, Wei Yin met the Ming Lord.

After leaving Chang'an, Mi Xiaoxia returned to Qingqiu and continued to practice in seclusion.

In the mortal world, the disciples of the New Sect are accepting disciples and preaching everywhere, and with the help of luck, everything goes smoothly.There is no need to control the Tang royal family anymore, and everything in Jiangnan Road is safe, there is really no Mi Xiaoxia to worry about.

At this time, Tang Emperor Li Wei, without the intervention of immortals and Buddhas, acted in line with the history known to Mi Xiaoxia.Consuming the achievements of Li Chen's great and middle-level governance, feasting all day long, absurdly enjoying himself.

Not only that, although Li Wei's body is thick and magnificent, but in fact he is an embroidered pillow, and he really has no talent.And as an emperor, he didn't have the basic knowledge of people.

During Li Yu's reign, a total of 21 prime ministers were appointed.Li Yu ignored political affairs, so the prime minister had great power.If there is a good look at this time, one or two can be maintained.But it's a pity that these prime ministers are either inactive, or love money like their lives, and are miserable.

In this way, it made the Tang Dynasty more chaotic.

For Datang and the common people, Li Wei is undoubtedly a fool.But for sects, it's not bad.Changing from Wu Zong Li Yan's behavior of exterminating Buddhism, Li Wei was extremely supportive of the sect.

Although he didn't control Li Kui, at this time, the new sect already had quite a reputation and influence in the mortal world.Li Wei supported the sect, and the new sect also benefited a lot, especially with the help of luck, it developed extremely rapidly.

Li Wei has been in power for a total of 14 years, and the new teaching has grown nearly ten times compared to before!

In Qingqiu, Mi Xiaoxia checked the development of the new teaching and couldn't help nodding.

I got one-third of the luck of Buddhism before, which is extremely huge for the new religion.With the support of luck, you are not afraid of the foundation being unstable, so after this, the new teaching can be described as expanding.

Up to now, there are over [-] disciples of the New Sect!Although the three generations of disciples are still not allowed to accept apprentices, the recruitment of registered disciples and the establishment of Guanyu in various places to recruit disciples have led to a rapid increase in the number of disciples.

In addition, believers of the New Sect, apart from Jiangnan Road, have already spread all over the Tang Dynasty.At this time, from the top to the high officials and dignitaries, and down to the common people, there are followers of the New Sect.

At this time in the Tang Dynasty, Taoism is the first, Buddhism is the second, and the new religion has firmly ranked the third!

The scale is developing rapidly, and the gap with Qiyun is also rapidly narrowing.Mi Xiaoxia reckons that if the scale of Xinjiao is doubled, it will be able to match the luck at this time.

With the current development momentum of New Education, it will only take more than ten years to double the scale.


Thinking of this, Mi Xiaoxia was relieved again.

Only when the new religion has developed to this extent can it compete with Taoism and Buddhism.There are only [-] years left until Xiaoshajie, so it seems that he can catch up completely.

Everything went well, Mi Xiaoxia continued to retreat.

In the 14th year of Xiantong, Li Wei died at the age of 41.

With the support of the eunuch, Li Yan's fifth son, Li Xuan, succeeded to the throne, and Li Xuan was only 12 years old at this time.Throughout the history of the Tang Dynasty, Li Xuan was the youngest emperor to succeed to the throne.

Like his father Li Yan, Li Xuan is also a fun-loving person, and he is still a child, so he has no political ability at all.Therefore, after Li Xuan succeeded to the throne, the power basically fell into the hands of the eunuchs around him.

As a result, Datang became more and more precarious.

At this time in Datang, there was a man from Puzhou named Wang Xianzhi, who was a peddler of smuggled salt.In order to resist the government's inspection, he learned martial arts from his teachers everywhere, so some people gradually gathered around him.

At the beginning of the second year of Qianfu, it was the third year of Li Xuan's succession to the throne.Wang Xianzhi issued an appeal in Puyang, Puzhou, denouncing Tang Dynasty officials for corruption, heavy taxes, and unclear rewards and punishments.Claiming to be the average general of Tianbu, who is also the commander of all the heroes in the country, led the rebel army to revolt!
Immediately afterwards, Wang Xianzhi's rebel army conquered Caozhou and Puzhou.

In June of the second year of Qianfu, Huang Chao, a man of injustice, responded to the uprising and led thousands of people to join forces with Wang Xianzhi in Caozhou.As a result, the momentum of the rebel army is growing day by day.

Next, the common people, who were suffering from exorbitant taxes, defected to the rebel army one after another, growing to tens of thousands in a short period of time!Attacked Yunzhou and attacked Yizhou. By November, the rebel army had plundered more than ten states!

And it wasn't until this time that the imperial court reacted.

In fact, this is not to blame Li Xuan, after all, he is only 15 years old at this time.And most importantly, state and county officials lied to their superiors and did not report in time.In order to preserve their strength, the Jiedu envoys who support soldiers in various places also let them go.So in the beginning, the imperial court didn't even know about it!
It was not until December of the same year that the imperial court realized the seriousness of the problem. Li Xuan ordered Song Wei, the envoy of the Pinglu Festival, to recruit grass bandit envoys for the Zhudao camp. Send troops under the command of Song Wei.

Unfortunately, the conquest did not go well.The rebel army fought south and north, and captured many places in just two years.The Tang army lost sight of the other, and the rebel army quickly grew to 30 people!

It wasn't until the imperial court surrendered that Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao divided their troops and weakened their strength because of differences of opinion, which gave Datang an opportunity to take advantage of.

In the fifth year of Qianfu, Wang Xianzhi captured Luocheng, and Li Fu, the governor of Shannan Dongdao, led his troops to help, and defeated the rebel army in Jingmen.Wang Xianzhi escaped from the siege, and was defeated by Zeng Yuanyu, the deputy envoy of the conquest in the east of Shenzhou. The rebel army lost [-] yuan.

Next, Datang mobilized personnel and concentrated superior forces to encircle and suppress Wang Xianzhi.In February of the fifth year of Qianfu, Wang Xianzhi's rebel army was trapped in Huangmei.After several fierce battles, the rebel army lost [-] troops, and Wang Xianzhi died in battle when he broke through!

So far, Wang Xianzhi's uprising ended.But in the meantime, another, bigger crisis is looming.

Wang Xianzhi's remnants of the rebel army, some fought in the south of the Yangtze River, and some defected to Huangchao.

The rebel army elected Huang Chao as king. Huang Chao claimed to be the Great General Chongtian, and moved to the Huanghuai River Basin. After Wang Xianzhi, the Huang Chao Uprising officially broke out!

(End of this chapter)

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