Chapter 545 Flat Push
The six treasures are shining with various colors of light, and the people who illuminate them can hardly open their eyes.

These six treasures are indeed not extraordinary items. The blessing pestle, the wonderful tree of seven treasures, and the six pure bamboos are the personal treasures of the Zhunti sage, and the other three are the personal treasures of the guiding sage.

For this competition, Maitreya Buddha borrowed almost all of the sage's family background, which is hard enough to say the least.

"What about the Chaos Clock, and what about the Zhoutian Xingdou formation! Whatever ability you have, just use it!"

Holding two magic weapons, Maitreya Buddha's golden body looked evil, raised his head and roared.

"Just use it? Okay, then you continue!"

Mi Xiaoxia sneered at the corner of his mouth, and hit the Chaos Clock with his palm.

As the bell rang, the originally viscous star power in the formation went berserk instantly, and slammed towards Maitreya Buddha like a stormy sea.


Maitreya Buddha shouted loudly, and immediately unfolded the green lotus color flag.

Qinglian Baose Banner is one of the innate five-party flags, transformed from the lotus leaves of the creation Qinglian, the top innate spiritual treasure.The five-square flag is infinitely powerful, and it is used to protect the body. It has the magical effect of avoiding all evils and preventing all dharmas from invading.

At this time, the Qinglian Baose Banner was unfolded, and Maitreya Buddha was about to be protected tightly.Propelled by the Chaos Clock, the surging star power surged up, but it only suppressed it, but could not break through immediately.

However, this level has already reached the limit of the Qinglian Baose Banner. If Mi Xiaoxia urges the formation again, the protection will be broken.Although the Xiantian Wufang Banner is powerful, after all, this is only one of them.

"Something interesting."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he is far from the limit, in fact, this is just the beginning.

Then he raised his hand, and hit the Chaos Clock again.The sound of the bell mobilized the star power and flocked to Maitreya Buddha again.

"Break me!"

The green lotus color flag has reached its limit, Maitreya Buddha frowned and waved the seven treasure tree in his hand vigorously.

The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree claims to brush everything, and anything under its precious light will be instantly smashed to pieces.Star power is just energy, but it is no exception, and was immediately smashed by Baoguang.

But the difference is that the star power in the formation seems to be endless.Although these are smashed, others will be added immediately.

"Hehe, try this again."

The corner of Mi Xiaoxia's mouth chuckled, and he struck the Chaos Clock for a few times!

The congenital treasure is different from other magic weapons, needless to mention its power, but if you want to drive it, unless it is completely refined, even a saint will have to work very hard.

Nanji Xianweng, Yun Zhongzi and others have invited the innate treasure, at most they only urged a few times.But Mi Xiaoxia is different, he has completely refined the Chaos Clock, without any restrictions!

Seeing Mi Xiaoxia urging the Chaos Clock effortlessly, Maitreya Buddha couldn't help opening his eyes wide.Mi Xiaoxia is only a quasi-sage, and it took him decades at most. Could it be that he has completely refined the Chaos Clock?How can this be!

How did he know that refining the Chaos Clock was based on his understanding of the stars.Mi Xiaoxia learned the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array in advance, which not only added a lot of time.And turning the intangible into tangible, like going from shallow to deep, this is how to complete the sacrifice so quickly.


No matter what, in fact, he didn't care about it at this time, Mi Xiaoxia hit several times, and the surrounding Xingli had already gone crazy.Maitreya Buddha's face was full of seriousness, all six magic weapons were sacrificed, and he tried his best to resist.

These six magic weapons, and the other four also have a lot of origin and knowledge.

Bless the divine pestle, beat people and gods, and put them all down.The six pure bamboos seal off the six senses of a person and allow them to be slaughtered.Swinging the magic pestle, beating people and subduing demons, it is extremely sharp.There is no special comment on the rosary, but during the Conferred God War, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit was pressed out of her original form!

The six top-level magic weapons swung together with three heads and six arms, and immediately blocked all the surging star power around them like an iron pass!
"It's so far..."

Ordinary people would not be able to clearly see the situation in the formation, but Taishang Laojun and Jade Emperor are not ordinary people.

Watching with discerning eyes at this time, one can only see the precious light flickering in the big formation, and the star power is vertical and horizontal.The resulting collision, every hit is enough to destroy the world.For a while, everyone was amazed, this duel was really exciting!

Just looking at the competition, I even forgot for a moment that this is actually the third duel between the New Sect and Buddhism. The result of this competition will directly determine the outcome of the two religions!
"Haha, it's fun, let the stormy waves be more violent!"

Maitreya Buddha tried his best to cope with it.At this time, Mi Xiaoxia suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly, shouting loudly.

Hearing this, Maitreya Buddha almost vomited blood out of breath, and it was not he who was emotionally coping with the turbulent waves.At most, other people can stand and talk without feeling back pain, but he makes others stand and talk without feeling back pain.

dong dong dong...

When Maitreya Buddha was full of resentment, the next thing that really made him vomit blood.Mi Xiaoxia raised his hand and rang the bell with a bang bang, this series didn't stop at all.


Seeing this, Maitreya Buddha's eyes widened, and he yelled in his heart that it was not good.He was just skeptical before, but now he is completely sure that Mi Xiaoxia has indeed completed the sacrifice of the Chaos Clock!
"There is such a thing..."

Not only Maitreya Buddha, Taishang Laojun and others were also surprised.Taishang Laojun frowned tightly, in the midst of a small killing, this is really not good news for Taoism.

Compared with Taishang Laojun, Maitreya Buddha has no time to think about it for the time being.As the Chaos Bell rang, the star power formed huge waves, which hit continuously.

Maitreya Buddha urged the six magic weapons with all his strength, but just blocked the next wave of attacks, followed by three waves.After finally blocking the three waves, there are still three hundred waves to come!
Mi Xiaoxia strikes the Chaos Clock, the frequency is not very fast, but it has a certain rhythm.It happened to be stuck at one point, and Maitreya Buddha had to deal with it with all his strength, and a slight negligence would lead to an abyss.


Maitreya Buddha concentrated his attention and resisted with all his strength. He couldn't help calling the Buddha's name softly, and secretly groaned in his heart.

He borrowed the Six Treasures of the Sage, but he didn't know that Mi Xiaoxia had finished refining the Chaos Clock.In this way, the other party is simply tireless, and how long Maitreya Buddha can support.

At this point, it can be said that the defeat has been sealed.

"No! I can't lose!"

Once the game is lost, the competition is lost.Maitreya Buddha immediately gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist.

Although he knew that victory was hopeless, he refused to let go.He is clearly a Buddha, but he still can't let go of his obsession.

dong dong dong...

The bell was still ringing, and Maitreya Buddha kept gritting his teeth.Such a flash lasted for an hour, and even the saint's evil corpse with the strength of the sub-sage could not help but sweat on his forehead at this time.

dong dong!

It was completely endless. When Maitreya Buddha was getting desperate, Mi Xiaoxia suddenly tapped twice quickly.

As a result, the original rhythm was instantly broken.Maitreya Buddha, who was already tired of dealing with it, suddenly had another attack, and it was too late to deal with it for a while.


Then there was only a loud noise, and star power poured in from all directions, engulfing Maitreya Buddha completely in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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