Chapter 57 The First New Year

Returning home is like an arrow without stopping, and after three days of driving, Mi Xiaoxia finally returned to Linjiang County.When he opened the door and walked into the yard, he saw Shen Xiniang was sewing a cotton coat.

"Xiaoxia, come back... Oops!"

Seeing Mi Xiaoxia suddenly, Shen Xiniang was startled for a while, and then her face was full of surprise.Unexpectedly, he was so happy that the needle accidentally pricked his finger.

"How about it! Let me see!"

Mi Xiaoxia hurried forward, looking nervous, and saw that Shen Xiniang's index finger was punctured, and a drop of blood the size of a grain of rice flowed out.

Mi Xiaoxia felt distressed again, put Shen Xiniang's finger into her mouth, and helped her suck the wound.

With Mi Xiaoxia's fingers in his mouth, Shen Xiniang blushed instantly when she felt the slight heat in Mi Xiaoxia's mouth.But he couldn't bear to pull out his fingers, so he just stood there with his head down.

"Okay, no more blood."

After a while, he took out Shen Xiniang's finger, seeing that the bleeding was gone, Mi Xiaoxia smiled in relief.

"... By the way, try on the clothes."

Shen Xiniang lowered her head, didn't know what to say for a while, but suddenly remembered, then picked up the padded coat that was about to be made, and said while putting it on Mi Xiaoxia.

"It's getting cold, and I made you a new cotton padded coat. I originally wanted to send it to Jinling, but you came back."

"Fit and warm."

After putting it on, the size was just right. Looking at the precise and meticulous stitching, Mi Xiaoxia was moved again.

"It just fits well. I'm still worried that if you lose weight, the clothes you make will be too big."

As Shen Xiniang said, she helped Mi Xiaoxia take off the padded jacket, as long as she sewed a few more stitches on the sleeves, the padded jacket was ready.

"By the way, Xi Niang, why don't you cut some more fabric and make yourself a new dress? It's almost New Year's Eve."

Seeing no other women's fabrics, Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help asking.

"I have plenty of clothes there, so I don't need to make new ones. What are you spending the money on?"

Shen Xiniang lowered her head and sewed the padded coat, and said casually.

Looking at Shen Xiniang, Mi Xiaoxia sighed slightly, she is really a good woman.

Mi Xiaoxia suddenly thought, such a good woman, why is he so pretentious, just marry her when she should.As for Shen Xiniang who likes the old Mi Xiaoxia, so what, anyway, he is Mi Xiaoxia now.

"Yes! Marry!"

Mi Xiaoxia secretly made up his mind that when he completes the third ring task of settling down, and really establishes a foothold in this world, he will marry Shen Xiniang!
"Where to?"

Suddenly hearing Mi Xiaoxia say 'go', Shen Xiniang's expression changed, thinking that Mi Xiaoxia was about to leave as soon as he arrived.

"Hehe, I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay with you at home."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled happily, then hugged Shen Xiniang's shoulders.

Suddenly being hugged by Mi Xiaoxia, Shen Xiniang panicked and almost stabbed her hand again.Although I was too shy, I really couldn't bear to break free.I thought to myself that there was no one at home anyway, and I was ashamed that others could not see me.

"Master Mi! Is Master Mi back!"

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, Shen Xiniang hurriedly pushed Mi Xiaoxia away, and stroked her somewhat messy temples.

"Who is it!"

Who is in such a hurry, Mi Xiaoxia yelled angrily.

"Sure enough, Master Mi is back!"

The courtyard door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man walked in. It was Song Fengshi, the current Linjiang county magistrate.

"It turned out to be Lord Song."

After all, Song Fengshi was the county magistrate of Qipin, and thanks to him taking care of Shen Xiniang during this time, basic etiquette is still required, Mi Xiaoxia greeted him with a smile.

"I was in the yamen before, and I heard from the yamen servant that I saw Master Mi on the road, so I hurried over here. You are back, Master Mi."

Song Fengshi walked a few steps quickly with a happy face.

Song Fengshi has already become a regular, and his grade is the same as that of Mi Xiaoxia.Moreover, he is a local parent official, and his actual position is higher than that of Mi Xiaoxia, the head of the Imperial College.

But Song Fengshi knew in his heart that the reason why he became the county magistrate of Linjiang was entirely thanks to Mi Xiaoxia's help.Moreover, Mi Xiaoxia has the background of Chen Guangrui and Yin Kaishan, and now he is highly valued by Wang Ziteng, how can he not flatter him?
"I've booked a private room in the Hongbin Building, and I've specially prepared it for Mrs. Mi."

After narrating a few old words, Song Fengshi said enthusiastically.

Hearing this, Shen Xiniang's expression at the door darkened. Mi Xiaoxia just came back, and they were about to be snatched away before they had a good conversation.

"I'm sorry Master Song, I just came back today and I want to accompany my wife. Wait until tomorrow, I will invite you tomorrow."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled and said.

Hearing Mi Xiaoxia's refusal, Shen Xiniang couldn't help showing joy.But before they got married, hearing Mi Xiaoxia call her his wife, they couldn't help being shy again, and blushed instantly.

"Haha, the official was rude, so let's change it to tomorrow."

Song Fengshi smiled heartily, and didn't care, but said quickly.

"But let the lower officials be the masters, how can you make Master Mi spend money!"

"Okay, all according to Lord Song."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled and nodded.

Song Fengshi's official position was higher, and his eyesight improved a lot.Seeing that Mi Xiaoxia was going to accompany Shen Xiniang, he said a few more words before leaving.

"Finally gone."

Seeing that it was getting late when Song Feng was sent away, Mi Xiaoxia looked at Shen Xiniang in the room and couldn't help rubbing his palms.

Now that she has decided to marry Shen Xiniang, should she be executed tonight...

Of course, Mi Xiaoxia just thinks about it, unless he uses force.Otherwise, with Shen Xiniang's thinking, it would be impossible for him to have a relationship with him before getting married.

In the following days, except for a banquet hosted by Song Fengshi, Mi Xiaoxia rejected all other visits and entertainments from the country gentry.

Even the training time, Mi Xiaoxia has greatly shortened, leaving a lot of time to spend with Shen Xiniang.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, Mi Xiaoxia accompanied Shen Xiniang to prepare a lot of New Year's goods, and bought her beautiful fabrics, jewelry and gouache.Shen Xiniang likes it very much, but she keeps saying that this is not good, it will spoil her.

The two are happy every day, time flies by, and the New Year arrives in a blink of an eye.Although there were only two people, they cooked a large table of dishes, including chicken, duck and fish.Shen Xiniang is actually a carnivore, and Mi Xiaoxia will let her eat as much as she can in one sitting.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Mi Xiaoxia had a whim and carried Shen Xiniang up to the roof.Although Shen Xiniang tried her best to refute it, but she couldn't screw Mi Xiaoxia in any way.

"Look, isn't the scenery here much better?"

Sitting on the roof, Mi Xiaoxia held Shen Xiniang in his arms, pointed to the lights of Wanjia, and then pointed to the starry sky, and said with a smile.

"Sitting so high, being seen by others, I was thrown to death."

Being hugged by Mi Xiaoxia, Shen Xiniang was extremely ashamed.She huddled in her arms, afraid that people in the distance would see her face.

"It seems to be doing well..."

Just hugging Shen Xiniang quietly, looking at the bright yellow incense and wish power pouring in from the sky, Mi Xiaoxia smiled.

In just a few days, the power of the incense burner has greatly increased.Chun Niang should have eliminated the influence caused by Mi Xiaoxia and re-engaged the believers.

Absorbing the steady stream of incense and vows, Mi Xiaoxia estimated that he should soon be able to break through the third heaven of training gods!

After the Spring Festival, the festive atmosphere was still strong, Mi Xiaoxia did not return to Jinling immediately, and planned to stay with Shen Xiniang for a while.

"Tutor, disciple..."

That night, Mi Xiaoxia was sleeping when he heard someone calling him.Opening his eyes, he saw Master Jingxuan floating in the air, his face was pale, and his eyes were empty looking at him.

"Why don't you come to see me as a teacher, you are unfilial, you should be punished!"

(End of this chapter)

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