Changsheng opens treasure chests everywhere

Chapter 573 The general trend of the world

Chapter 573 The general trend of the world
Blood Fiend belongs to Lengtouqing, if Mi Xiaoxia threatens his life, instead of being able to subdue him, it will arouse his fierceness.I'm afraid that Xue Fiend will fight to the death, so he won't bow his head.

If Xue Fiend is killed, not only will it not be of any benefit to Mi Xiaoxia, but it will also be of great help to Buddhism.There is no other way, Mi Xiaoxia can only back down, and promises to use the blood demon to fight against Buddhism in the small killing.

As a result, Xue Fiend really agreed.

For a while, Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help but sigh, if the opponent is a stunned young man, sometimes it is really a headache.

But no matter what, in this small killing, apart from Mi Xiaoxia and Kunpeng, the New Sect has a quasi-jihad power!

"You take good care of your wounds, and I will naturally call you when you need it."

Return Yehuo Honglian and Xiaoxuehai to Xuesha, and help him recover from his injuries, Mi Xiaoxia ordered.

"After the small killing calamity, when I destroy Buddhism, I will kill you!"

Xuesha's face was gloomy, he glared at Mi Xiaoxia and snorted coldly, then turned around and flew away.

"whispering sound."

Seeing the disappearance of Xuesha's figure, Mi Xiaoxia curled his lips in disdain.

I don't know what day it is today. Buddhism said that he will be killed, and Ashura will also kill him.But Mi Xiaoxia didn't take it seriously, he was just a quasi-sage, and wanting to kill him was just a dream!
Everything was in place, and nothing else happened, Mi Xiaoxia also returned to Qingqiu.

Speaking of which, this time I originally wanted to destroy Buddhism and accept Liu Zhiyuan, but I didn't expect to subdue Xuesha by accident.


But there is one thing that makes Mi Xiaoxia feel puzzled.

This time, Buddhism used Liu Zhiyuan as bait in order to lure blood into the urn.Mi Xiaoxia could see clearly before that Liu Zhiyuan was indeed turned into ashes when Xue Fiend hacked the cassock into pieces.

In this way, what about the Mingjun prepared by Buddhism for the Kingdom of Shu?
For the Three Sects, the most important thing right now is the Little Killing Tribulation.Although Buddhism wants to destroy Asura, it will definitely not affect this small killing.In fact, this time the ambush of Xuesha was incidental.


In this way, the Mingjun of the Kingdom of Shu must have another candidate, and Buddhism will use Liu Zhiyuan as a bait to abandon his son.But in the chaotic world, dragons and snakes are mixed, who is this person, Mi Xiaoxia is also difficult to determine for a while.

However, it can be seen from this that Buddhism has found a wise king who satisfies them, which is really not good news for the New Sect.

Moreover, both Buddhism and New Sect have taken action, and Taoism cannot remain indifferent, but Mi Xiaoxia didn't get the slightest word.From this point of view, Taoism must have found a suitable Mingjun.

"The world is really not so good."

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help sighing slightly.As a time traveler, even if he strives to be the first everywhere, facing the two behemoths of Taoism and Buddhism, it will be very difficult.

This time looking for Mingjun, Mi Xiaoxia found Zhao Kuangyin, which is only slightly better than Taoism and Buddhism.


Mi Xiaoxia returned to Qingqiu to watch the luck of the world.The Jin Dynasty became more vain, the Khitan tiger and wolf power was established, and the Three Kingdoms became more solid.Seeing all these changes, Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help shrinking his pupils slightly.

The disciples of the three religions have also joined the WTO, and the three kingdoms have each won a wise emperor, and there is about to be a great chaos in the Central Plains.All this shows that Xiao Shajie is ready to go.And once it erupts completely, it will be the time when members of the three sects respond to the disaster one after another!
"bring it on!"

After waiting and watching for a long time, Mi Xiaoxia's eyes suddenly became firm, the arrow was already on the string, and he had to shoot!Since you can't hide, then you have to fight.

Of course, you can't be reckless and reckless. Mi Xiaoxia sits in Qingqiu and remotely controls the whole religion and Shu Kingdom.While secretly accumulating energy, he was making various preparations.

The Xinjiao and Shu kingdoms are nervous but not flustered, as are Taoism and Buddhism.And while the Three Teachings were fully preparing, the general situation of the world was constantly changing.

"The son emperor? The son emperor is also an emperor!"

Shi Jingtang betrayed his country for glory and recognized a thief as his father, but he was not ashamed.Every year, he pays a large amount of property to Khitan, and bribes Khitan's important ministers.

Whenever Khitan envoys came to visit, Shi Jingtang would welcome them.The Khitan envoys were slightly unsatisfactory, and sometimes they made rude remarks, but Shi Jingtang could bear it.

On the contrary, some ministers in the court were quite upright, and many ministers refused to go to Khitan as an envoy.For example, the Minister of the Ministry of War, Wang Quan, would rather lose his official position than go to Khitan as an envoy.

But no matter what, Shi Jingtang's actions stabilized the Jin Dynasty.Although there were rebellions from time to time in various places, they did not cause a major impact.

Until the sixth year of Tianfu, Shi Jingtang was so seriously ill that he could not speak, and the Jin Dynasty fell into chaos.

"Meet Your Majesty."

At noon that day, Prime Minister Feng Dao went to the palace to visit Shi Jingtang.

Shi Jingtang was lying on the bed, unable to speak, and could only rely on gestures and eyes to order someone to bring his youngest son, Shi Chongrui.

Shi Jingtang had seven sons in total, but the first six did not live long, and Shi Jingtang died first.Now only the youngest son Shi Chongrui is left, and he looks a lot like Shi Jingtang, so he is very favored.

Shi Jingtang ordered Shi Chongrui to worship Feng Dao.Everyone around understands that this is Tuogu.

"His Majesty!"

Feng Dao cried out and knelt down in front of the bed, expressing that he would support Shi Chongrui well.

With Feng Dao's promise, Shi Jingtang felt relieved.Three days later, Shi Jingtang passed away at the age of 51.

"The prince is young, An Neng will inherit the throne!"

After Shi Jingtang died, Shi Chongrui was supposed to succeed him.But suddenly a person stood up, looked at the court with disdain, and said.

"In my opinion, it is not as valuable as standing stones!"

This man's name is Jing Yanguang, and he is the commander of the guards and the army. At this time, the power of the court is in his hands.When he spoke at this time, even if Feng Dao supported Shi Chongrui, there was nothing he could do.

In the end, Shi Chonggui succeeded to the throne!
Shi Chonggui was Shi Jingtang's nephew, but the throne was always passed from father to son, and no son passed to his nephew.Shi Jingtang had a son, but his nephew succeeded him, and the Jin Dynasty's general rule had shifted.

On the day Shi Chonggui succeeded to the throne, there was a muffled thunder in the clear sky, and the luck of the Jin Dynasty collapsed by half in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, there was another muffled sound, and the luck of the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu was stimulated, directly dividing and devouring the collapsed luck of the Jin Dynasty, and instantly became a little thicker.

At the same time, Khitan established the Liao Kingdom in the north, and the wolf spirit became stronger, and they had already stretched out their minions to the Central Plains.


Looking at the changes in luck, the three religions couldn't help becoming nervous.

The Jin Dynasty is about to perish, and the one who perishes must be the Khitan and Liao Kingdom, and the world will change dynasties again.For the people, this is suffering, but for the Three Kingdoms, this is an opportunity!
In fact, after the Jin Dynasty's luck collapsed, the Three Kingdoms had already begun to carve up their luck.

The Three Kingdoms are ready to wait for the opportunity, and the situation in the world is also developing rapidly as expected.

"It's just a foreign country!"

After Shi Chonggui succeeded to the throne, Jing Yanguang has been in power.Jing Yanguang was arrogant and arrogant, which directly changed his attitude towards Khitan.Not only detained Khitan envoys, but also robbed Khitan goods.

Just imagine, how could the Khitan swallow this breath and send troops to the Central Plains immediately!

After Shi Jingtang established the Jin Dynasty, after a lapse of seven years, a big war started again.

Khitan sent troops to the border, and at this time the interior of the Jin Dynasty was also extremely unstable.Many warlords' important towns, instead of doing their best to defend against the enemy, feared that the world would not be chaotic, and wanted to take the opportunity to seize the throne.

"get ready……"

Looking at the Three Kingdoms again, they have never surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, but they are not in a hurry to act at this time.The army is ready to go, looking around like three tigers.

(End of this chapter)

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