Chapter 98
Although they are also known as the five major sects in Bizhou, the other four are far inferior to Wanfu Sect.Moreover, Wanfu Sect has attracted a large number of believers, and a large amount of money is offered every month.After years of accumulation, Wei Hongtong only saved a huge amount of 50 taels.

Fuhu Temple, Shangxi Sect, Qingteng School, and Wuliuguan, each of which has its own property under its own name, but even if it is to sell iron, it can at most collect 20 taels, how can there be 30 taels.

After hearing this number, the four of them all looked distressed. If they insisted on 30 taels, it would be no different from killing them directly.

"My lord, 30 taels is too much."

"Yeah, even if we sell ourselves, it's not worth 30 taels."

The four looked at each other and had to turn to Mi Xiaoxia to plead.

"Is that so..."

Mi Xiaoxia frowned and fell silent, looking very embarrassed.

Seeing that Mi Xiaoxia didn't speak, the hearts of the four of them rose to their throats, for fear that if they didn't agree with each other, the army would encircle and suppress them.

"Well, I'm not an unreasonable person."

After a while, Mi Xiaoxia seemed to have made up his mind and said to the four of them.

"You try your best to find a way for the money. If it is really not enough, then use something to pay for it."

"Pay it with something?"

The four were startled, not quite understanding what Mi Xiaoxia meant.

"Hehe, the four of you are all smart people, why are you so dull now?"

Mi Xiaoxia shook his head with a smile, and simply put it more bluntly.

"For those of us who have cultivated, money is something outside of the body. In comparison, magic weapons and elixir are more precious. Everyone can bring some magic elixir, and I can exempt some money at my discretion."

"A magic weapon...the elixir..."

The four of them now understood that co-authoring Mi Xiaoxia was asking for bribes from them!

As the saying goes, three points are fat, they have already thought of this section.But what they didn't expect was that Mi Xiaoxia was so greedy.Don't ask for money, but even ask for magic medicine.

The four of them frowned secretly, feeling uneasy in their hearts, but now that people use knives and me as fish and meat, what can they do.

"Give you two days to draw up two booklets for the donated property and the compensation."

Mi Xiaoxia stopped talking, shook his two fingers, then got up and led the people away.

After a while, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Mi Xiaoxia leave Tianxiang Tower from the window.

"Master! This kid is too dark!"

Li Qingteng sat there, blowing his beard and staring angrily, and opened his mouth to curse.

"Everyone, what are you going to do?"

Wei Mingguang looked at the other three with a bitter face and asked.

"What else can I do, my small arms can't twist my thighs."

Taoist Wuliu sighed and hummed helplessly.

"Amitabha, the Buddha will accept that evil obstacle."

Monk Wu'an clasped his hands together, now all he had to do was pray to the Buddha.

Although there is resentment in my heart, everyone knows that this time it cannot be avoided.Moreover, as the suzerain of one party, no one is more stupid than the other. Not only will he bleed a lot this time, but he can't be less than the other three.

After all, if Mi Xiaoxia is not satisfied then, if he has to pick one for surgery, it must be the one who pays the least.

The four of them had their own ghosts, and they got together and complained, and then they went back to prepare the money to be donated and the magical medicine pill for Mi Xiaoxia.

Two days passed quickly, and when the date came, Wei Mingguang and the others came to see Mi Xiaoxia again with two brochures in their pockets.

"that's it?"

Flipping the two booklets aside, Mi Xiaoxia sneered slightly.

The situation of the four families is similar, they donated 15 taels of silver, and also presented Mi Xiaoxia with two low-grade magical artifacts and some elixirs.

Seeing Mi Xiaoxia's gloomy face, the four people standing below couldn't help panicking, for fear of becoming the chicken that scares the monkey.

"I don't want your magical medicine pill, send the Silverscale Horse King and other dragon horses!"

After a while, Mi Xiaoxia snorted coldly and threw back a booklet of Wuliu Temple.

"Yes yes yes! I will order someone to bring it here, the Silverscale Horse King, and two other dragon horses!"

Taoist Wuliu was so frightened that his face turned pale, he nodded quickly and said, while secretly bleeding from his heart.

The Silverscale Horse King is a dragon horse from the second heaven, and its value is no less than two low-grade magic weapons, not to mention there are two other dragon horses from the first heaven.

And most importantly, the Silverscale Horse King can control the wild horses in the Horse King Valley.As long as there is a horse king in hand, it is equivalent to sitting in the horse king valley, and the potential value is inestimable.

But Mi Xiaoxia called their names, how dare he say nothing.

"So be it."

Then he glanced at the other three, and Mi Xiaoxia said with a soft snort.Hearing this, the four of them were relieved, and let out a long breath.

In the afternoon of that day, the four major sects brought their belongings and the things Mi Xiaoxia wanted together.After checking and checking, he left with peace of mind.

"60 taels! More than 60 taels!"

After registering the property, Feiyu looked excited.Adding the previous five hundred thousand taels, it was nearly 100 taels! 20 million fee, more than half has been raised!
At the same time, Feiyu admires Mi Xiaoxia more and more.Compared to attacking Wanfu Sect, this time it didn't cost a single soldier, which is really brilliant!

"There is something, can I trouble General Flying Fish?"

"This time you are in charge, I am in charge, just give orders if you have something to do!"

"Oh, that's good."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled, in fact it is very simple, just go to Horse King Valley to catch wild horses.

The major sects in Bizhou have been deterred, and the army is basically useless, and idle is idle.It just so happens that the Silverscale Horse King is here, so he can go to the Horse King Valley to catch wild horses.

With the Silverscale Horse King here, not to mention ordinary wild horses, even dragon horses have a chance.Wuliuguan captured two ordinary dragon horses precisely by relying on the silver-scaled horse king.


Hearing that there are thousands of wild horses in Horse King Valley, at least [-] war horses can be selected, Fei Yu's face flushed with excitement.

"I'm going right now!"

And when Mi Xiaoxia said that she could choose an ordinary dragon horse afterward, Fei Yu's eyes lit up with excitement, he folded his fists and took orders, turned around and left.

In addition to the Silverscale Horse King, Wuliuguan also sent two ordinary dragon horses, Mi Xiaoxia originally planned to give Feiyu one.As for the Silverscale Horse King, of course it was dedicated to Princess Pingyang.

At the same time, the news of the four major sects' bankruptcy and avoidance of disasters spread throughout Bizhou again.The other sects couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, at least their lives were saved.

But then there was another burst of pain. After inquiring, Mi Xiaoxia, who was in charge this time, had a strong appetite for tricks, and in short, he was very dark-hearted.Even the four major sects have been skinned, let alone them?
Just when the various sects in Bizhou were planning how much money to give and what treasures to offer.Mi Xiaoxia did not follow up with other sects, but led the army to Xuejiazhuang, and summoned the heads of the Liang and Wang families.

In the living room of Xuejiazhuang, besides the three owners, the two sisters Xue Su and Xue Ying, there was also a trembling Han Mingyi.

At the beginning, he reported to Wanfujiao, although Mi Xiaoxia was not caught, but Han Mingyi also hugged Wanfujiao's thigh.Really proud of it for a while, even Xue Zhendong didn't pay attention to it.If it wasn't for Xue Su's covetousness, he might have taken the Xue family village as his own.

But unexpectedly, the world is impermanent, and the Wanfu Sect was destroyed overnight.Immediately afterwards, the army marched to Xuejiazhuang to monitor all of them.

Before Mi Xiaoxia showed up, they didn't know exactly what was going on.When he saw Mi Xiaoxia and figured out what was going on, Han Mingyi was scared out of his wits on the spot.

"My lord, our Liang family doesn't have much money, but we are willing to do our part to build the Great Wall and donate 2 taels of silver."

The owner of the Liang family took a step forward and spoke first.Then he took out a booklet from his pocket, put it on the table on Mi Xiaoxia's right, and said.

"This is the rotten song formula handed down by our Liang family ancestors, and I will give it to adults for fun."

Mi Xiaoxia sat upright in the hall and nodded slightly.

"My lord, our Wang family is also willing to donate 2 taels of silver."

Immediately afterwards, the owner of the Wang family's villa stepped forward, and then also presented the Wang family's Lan Ke Ge Jue.

Mi Xiaoxia nodded and accepted the same.

"Grandfather, our Xue family donated 3 taels of silver!"

In the end, Xue Zhendong stepped forward and also handed over the Xue family Lanke Ge Jue.

But this time, Mi Xiaoxia confiscated it, his face darkened, and he pushed Lan Ke Ge Jue back.

"Grandfather, Han Mingyi really deserves to die, but he is my nephew after all, please forgive him and spare his life!"

Xue Zhendong fell to his knees, pleading for Han Mingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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