I want a big treasure chest

Chapter 1 Mutant mini-game

Chapter 1 Mutant mini-game
A parallel world to Earth.

It was August, and the sun was burning like fire, scorching the earth, and even in the middle of the night, it was still unbearably hot.

In a rental house in Nancheng New Development Zone, Xu Yang was sitting on the bed, blowing the cool breeze from a small fan on the desk.

In the hot weather for several consecutive days, even at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, in a rental room without air conditioning, relying on a small fan to cool off, you can still feel a little stuffy.

In the narrow rental house, the air circulation is poor, which makes it even more stuffy. Xu Yang couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, so he played small games with his old domestic smartphone to pass the time.

Xu Yang is an orphan. He was abandoned on the side of the road not long after he was born. He was a passing grandfather who took him home and raised him.

It was only in the third year of junior high that his grandfather passed away suddenly, and the family was already poor. There were only two old mud-brick houses left with a dilapidated small yard, which made Xu Yang's studies once difficult.

Fortunately, with the help of an unknown enthusiastic person, he finished high school and successfully entered university.

After finishing high school, Xu Yang has also reached the age of adulthood. His future path depends on his self-reliance, so he works part-time and part-time.

During the summer vacation, Xu Yang had no leisure time every day. He went to the construction site to do hard work during the day. Although he was hard and tired, he earned two to three hundred yuan a day.

After working on the construction site, Xu Yang set up a stall on the street at night, selling trinkets, small items, or barbecue.

I was busy until midnight every day, and finally earned enough tuition fees before school started, and I was tanned, looking more like a migrant worker than a college student.

Because of his background and environment, Xu Yang has almost no friends, and his personality is a little isolated, with a sense of distance from others.

It is also because of his background that he has created a resolute and unyielding character. No matter how hard it is, he will grit his teeth and face it.

When the students around him are playing popular games, forming groups to play hacks, and recharging how many game coins, Xu Yang can't always blend into this enthusiastic atmosphere.

He can't afford to play games, and he has to count every penny carefully. He will never spend it on games, nor will he spend his spare time on games.

Only when he has nothing to do and needs to relax, Xu Yang will play some small games, which are simple, relaxing and free of money.

Recently, Xu Yang occasionally plays a small game called jumping, to relax and pass the boring time.

What's more, the domestic smart phone that he has used for two years and costs a few hundred dollars can only play this kind of small game.

Sitting on the bed, facing the cool breeze blowing from the small fan, Xu Yang started the little jump game, concentrating on controlling the villain in the game.

Xu Yang has no game skills, and the highest score in a jump is only [-] points. He controls the villain to jump from grid to grid, and a convenience store grid that can add points appears.

With a beep, the villain successfully jumped onto the convenience store, Xu Yang asked the villain to pause for a while, and jump to the next grid after adding points.

It's just that when the villain jumped onto the convenience store, Xu Yang felt his palms go numb for a while, as if he had been electrocuted, and the phone screen went black all of a sudden.

Phone is broken?

Xu Yang suddenly became nervous. Although he had used it for two years, he was reluctant to change his mobile phone, which would cost hundreds of dollars.

A few hundred yuan is enough for him to live frugally, covering more than a month's living expenses.

Fiddled with the phone, tapped the screen a few times, but there was no response, and then pressed the power button, still no response.

Xu Yang pressed the power button for a long time, trying to see if he could turn it on again. After a while, the screen lit up, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, as long as it is not broken and can be used, it is acceptable to freeze or something.

Xu Yang's requirements for mobile phones are not high, and asking him to spend thousands of dollars to buy high-end mobile phones is definitely like cutting meat for him.

The screen of the phone turned on, but it was not the startup screen, but the screen of a jumping mini game, Xu Yang couldn't help being puzzled.

Don't think too much, as long as the phone is not broken, continue playing the game.

Entering the game screen, Xu Yang found that the game had changed slightly, but he didn't take it seriously, maybe the mini-game was updated?

Continuing to control the villains in the game, he jumped over one grid after another, and hit the bull's-eye several times in a row, and his points doubled continuously. Xu Yang stared at the game screen with more concentration, maybe this time, he could break his own highest record.

With a beep, the next grid turned out to be a convenience store that could add points.

Xu Yang controlled the villain and jumped onto the convenience store smoothly, making the villain stop there for a while to wait for the bonus points.

"Treasure chest +1."

Xu Yang saw on the screen of the mobile phone, a pattern of a treasure chest floated out from the grid of the convenience store, landed at the bottom of the screen, and lit up a treasure chest icon.

Only then did Xu Yang see that there was a treasure chest icon in the lower left corner of the mini-game. It was gray before, but it was lit up after harvesting a treasure chest.

Mini game updated?

Jumping to a specific grid will not add points, but a treasure box will come out?
There was no extra points, Xu Yang regretted it for a moment, and then continued to jump to the next grid. Because the pause was a bit long, the feeling was gone, so he didn't jump successfully.

After the game fails, a barrage appears.

"Points 198, treasure chest +1."

Xu Yang was curious, what is the treasure chest? Could it be that opening a treasure chest will give you extra points?
After closing the barrage, Xu Yang found that the page of the mini game was different from the previous one. In addition to the "Play Again" button, in the lower left corner, there was a treasure chest icon, and a finger appeared, indicating that the treasure chest could be opened.

And in the lower right corner, is the accumulated points.

Click on the treasure chest icon, and a row of bookshelf grids will appear on the screen. There is a treasure chest in one of the grids, and the rest of the grids are gray.

Xu Yang opened the treasure box, a burst of fireworks flashed on the screen, and the treasure box opened.

A barrage appeared, above the barrage was a picture of jerky wrapped in transparent plastic paper, and below was a list of small text descriptions.

At the bottom of the bullet screen, there are the receive button and the no word button.

Xu Yang looked dazed, and jumped into a small game. When did it update like this?

I saw the text below the picture of jerky:
"Strengthening beef jerky, after eating, can strengthen the body, increase strength, and enhance the quality of all aspects of the body."

Strong beef jerky?
Even though Xu Yang seldom played games, he now understood a little bit. After getting a treasure chest, he opened a piece of beef jerky for strengthening his body. After receiving it, he would add attributes to the villain in the game, making it easier to pass the level in the game?
Without hesitation, Xu Yang clicked directly on the claim.

After clicking to collect, a piece of fireworks popped up on the screen of the mobile phone, and four large colorful characters appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

"Successfully received."

With a bang, a black object suddenly fell down, right in front of Xu Yang's eyes.

Things seemed to appear out of nowhere and fell on the bed.

Even if it was a hot day, Xu Yang only felt cold all over, his back was chilly, and cold sweat broke out.

Haunted... Haunted?

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(End of this chapter)

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