I want a big treasure chest

Chapter 11 Qiyuan Technique (recommended for collection)

Chapter 11 Qiyuan Technique (recommended for collection)

Xu Yang looked at the big treasure chest that appeared on the screen of his phone. He felt that he needed to calm down, so he carefully put the phone on the bed and went to the bathroom.

Turn on the faucet, rinse your face, take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down.

Back on the bed, picked up the phone, and saw this big treasure box, which was not directly claimed like the big system treasure box.

Instead, there are two choices: "open the treasure chest" and "no".

The big treasure chest opened this time, isn't it a system?
Xu Yang opened the treasure chest, a burst of fireworks shone on the screen, and then a Tai Chi ball appeared on the screen. Below the Tai Chi ball was a line of introduction.

"Qi (qi) origin technique, absorbing all elements and substances of the universe, including poison, lightning, aura, and even radiation, etc., everything can be used as the source of cultivation..."

Xu Yang was stunned, it turned out to be a method of cultivation?
Moreover, this method of cultivation seems to be very powerful. According to the above introduction, can even smog be absorbed as the source of cultivation?
As expected of a big treasure chest, the things that come out are all extraordinary.

Looking at the Tai Chi ball on his phone, Xu Yang clicked to collect it without any hesitation.

The Tai Chi ball flew out and got into Xu Yang's body. At this moment, Xu Yang found that he could feel the Tai Chi ball circulating in his body.

With Xu Yang's superficial knowledge of meridians, it can be known that the Tai Chi ball circulates for a small circle, starting from the "Tanzhong Point", passing down Hui Point, entering the Du Meridian, and then going up to the top of the head. Baihui acupoint, then go down into Renmai, and finally stay in Dantian.

This cycle of Ren Du's second vein is a small Zhou Tian.

After the Taiji ball entered the dantian, Xu Yang was shocked to find that he could actually see the "inner world".

He could see his dantian, as if it were a small space, surrounded by chaos and hazy, and the Tai Chi ball landed in the center, where there seemed to be a puddle, with shallow water stains in the puddle?

After the Taiji ball entered the dantian, it began to squirm, stretched out its limbs, and then its head... turned into a toad!
Xu Yang watched in bewilderment, the Tai Chi ball turned into a fat, chubby toad, squatting in the dantian, spitting out bubbles, circles of bubbles came out of the dantian, and circulated all over the body The meridian returns to the dantian.

As Bubble returned to the dantian, the small puddle where the fat toad was squatting seemed to have a little more water.

Is this Qiyuan Technique?

Xu Yang was stunned for a while, but he seemed to feel something in his heart. He closed his eyes, and the method about Qiyuan Technique and his physical feelings at this time appeared in his mind.

That fat toad is the foundation of the Qiyuan technique. Xu Yang had it when he received it. To strengthen the Qiyuan technique and strengthen himself, Xu Yang needs to practice hard by himself, and the fat toad spit bubbles is actually a skill. in operation.

At this moment, Xu Yang found that his senses had become different, more sensitive than before.

He could clearly feel that some elements or energy substances, following the fat toad's bubbling, were continuously absorbed into the body, entered the dantian, and were slowly transforming his body.

Including electromagnetic radiation, it was actually absorbed into the body as the source of cultivation. The Qiyuan technique is too terrifying.

And even if Xu Yang doesn't cultivate on purpose, the Qiyuan Technique will work automatically, which means that he is automatically cultivating all the time.

After a while, Xu Yang opened his eyes and let out a breath.

I ate beef jerky to strengthen my body before, my strength increased dramatically, and my physical fitness has been greatly improved, but now after practicing the Qiyuan technique, it seems to have entered a stage of transformation.

Not just power surges.

It seems that as long as the Qiyuan technique is cultivated to a certain level, it can display various extraordinary abilities.

The things that were opened out of the big treasure chest were really extraordinary. One can imagine the preciousness of a cultivation method, not to mention an inscrutable and terrifying cultivation method.

Xu Yang didn't know if there were other people in this world who possessed cultivation techniques, but he knew that even if other people possessed cultivation techniques, they definitely couldn't compare to his Qiyuan technique.

With all elemental substances as the source of cultivation, what kind of exercises can be done?
Taking a deep breath and calming down his excitement, Xu Yang checked the time. It was not yet one o'clock in the morning, and the mini-mutation game was not over yet.

It's just that the anger value has been used up.

In the middle of the night, it is not easy to collect anger points.

Xu Yang refused to admit defeat in his heart. Could it be that the treasure chest can only be opened by opening it?

Pick up your phone and continue the game.

After half an hour.

Xu Yang was in despair, this broken game couldn't be played without opening it.

Either throwing knives or crows, or even fireballs rolling over, or even the grid to open the treasure chest does not appear.

Therefore, if you want to open the treasure chest, you still need to open it.

It was only in the middle of the night, and there was nowhere to collect anger points, and I was hungry.

Xu Yang took out two pieces of beef jerky from the treasure box, and ate them all in a short while. The fat toad in the dantian opened its mouth slightly, and spit out bubbles.

The energy of the beef jerky was absorbed and refined by the fat toad. The water in the small puddle where he was squatting increased a little bit, and the fat toad seemed to be a little bigger.

Xu Yang knew that in the dantian, the puddle where the fat toad squatted, the water in it was not real water, but the source of all energy and matter, called the source of energy.

The more qi sources, the stronger Xu Yang's strength, and the more terrifying the power he can display, and it is also the source of power for various abilities.

After eating two pieces of beef jerky, he still didn't feel full, so Xu Yang took out another piece of beef jerky and ate it.

13 yuan for beef jerky, and the remaining ten pieces are left in the treasure box.

Since he couldn't open the treasure chest, Xu Yang could only reluctantly quit the game, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to practice according to the cultivation method of Qiyuanshu.

Xu Yang's lips opened and closed slightly, making a slight popping sound, entering the cultivation state, and the fat toad in the dantian also opened and closed his mouth at this moment, just like Xu Yang.

Why do you have to open and close your mouth during cultivation?

Xu Yang complained in his heart, as if he was hungry and wanted to eat...

After practicing for more than two hours, Xu Yang opened his eyes, and the source of Qi in his dantian had increased a little, and he couldn't detect it unless he looked carefully.

According to this cultivation speed, one does not know when the energy source will be able to fill a puddle from a shallow water beach.

Qiyuanshu can absorb any element for cultivation, even radiation can absorb for cultivation, so electricity should also be able to do it, right?

Xu Yang didn't know why he had the idea of ​​dying, but his gaze was aimed at the socket, his heart was about to move, as if he wanted to insert two wires into it...

Shake your head, let yourself calm down, don't try to die, or you will be electrocuted to death.

I don't know whether the leakage switch of the rental house is qualified, so I must not have this idea.

 The word "Qi" is pronounced qi, with four tones, which is the same pronunciation as "Qi". Some book friends don't know how to pronounce it, so let me explain it here.

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(End of this chapter)

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