I want a big treasure chest

Chapter 408 Climb to the top of the tower

Chapter 408 Climb to the top of the tower
Every organization charged the information sharing fee, so Xu Yang was satisfied and walked towards the stairs of the tower.

Walking halfway, he suddenly turned back and came to the dog-headed king.

Seeing this scene, Kitano Okada and the others were stunned. Nima, wouldn't this guy ask the dog head king for an information sharing fee?
Sure enough, Xu Yang stretched out his hand.

"King of the dog head, I'm going to investigate the tower, do you want to show something?"

The dog-headed king looked at him dumbfounded.

"What does it mean?"

"Information sharing fee, if you don't pay, why should I share the detected information with you?"

Xu Yang frowned.

The dog head king is a little bit pained, this guy is too thick-skinned.

"Here, enough."

For that bit of information, the Kotou King could only take out two spirit mines and pass them to Xu Yang.

"It's only two yuan, who do you think you are? Others are human beings like me, and I charge two yuan. You, a non-human, must double it."

Xu Yang said with contempt.

"Give it, give it, let's go."

The dog-headed king had a dark dog face, took out several pieces of spirit mines one after another, and stuffed them into Xu Yang's hands.

"It's almost there."

Xu Yang nodded.

Put away the spiritual mine, walked to the kobold team, and reached out to grab the artifact in the hands of a kobold.

"Borrow a weapon and use it."

The kobold stared at the dog and refused to let go.

Xu Yang was not polite at all, and directly threw a bolt of lightning, causing the opponent to tremble, and then kicked him to the ground, snatching the artifact from his hand.

This is a two-star artifact.

It shows that the status and strength of this kobold are relatively high.

All the kobolds got angry and glared at him angrily. They only waited for the dog-head king to give an order, and then stepped forward to besiege him.

"What are you looking at, a group of cheapskate, I have helped you to find the way, borrowing an artifact?"

Xu Yang didn't hesitate at all.

The dog head king's face turned black, this guy is not only thick-skinned, but also a shameless thief.

"I've given you the information deposit, and you have the weapons, so it's time to go?"

The dog head king suppressed his anger and said.

Rage value +666+666.
"That's it, I'm going to explore the way."

Xu Yang waved the artifact in his hand and swaggered towards the stairs of the tower.

Kitano Okada, Felt and others were stunned, damn, this guy's series of operations are too flamboyant.

Stand in front of the Cursed Staircase.

Xu Yang squinted his eyes and looked up. Jie Wa squatted on his shoulders, also squinted his small eyes and looked up.

"Frog, if you are in danger, run away quickly."

Xu Yang patted the frog on the head and said.

"Master, don't worry, I know how to do it."

Jiewa behaved very positively.

It also has no choice, its own core of one realm fell into Xu Yang's hands, forming a certain constraint on it.

Moreover, if something happened to Xu Yang, it would be tragic.

In addition, it is also thinking about Qi fruit.

Xu Yang walked up step by step on the cursed ladder, the source of energy circulated around his body, defending against the possible curse power.

Jie Frog's face was filled with astonishment, as the source of energy circulated in Xu Yang's body, it sensed a very powerful and majestic force appearing in Xu Yang's body.

Climbing up the cursed ladder step by step, Xu Yang always sensed the changes around him and was alert to the movement around him.

Stepping into the cloud-shrouded area, the power of the curse did not appear, and there was nothing strange about him.

It seems that the power of the curse has disappeared.

The platform in the video appeared. Xu Yang stepped on the platform and saw dozens of skeletons piled up on the left and right sides of the platform.

After looking at it for a while, I found that these bones were not human bones.

But there are some signs of human bones, which seem to be the bones of kobolds?

However, it is slightly different from today's kobolds.

Could it be that these bones were left by the ancestors of the kobolds.

The skeleton was pitch black, as if there was an energy lingering within it.

Walking to one of the piles of bones, Xu Yang looked it over and found that the head of the skeleton was that of some kind of animal, and the body parts had the characteristics of human bones.

It is very possible that these bones are left over from the ancestors of the kobolds.

In the pile of bones, it can be seen that some of the bones are damaged, such as broken bones, as if they were violently shattered.

Nothing of value was found in the pile of bones, but Xu Yang still picked out a few intact bones with relatively strong energy fluctuations and put them away.

The skeleton can be handed over to Skynet's research institute for research.

Maybe, some research results can be obtained.

A few lightning balls were condensed, hidden in the pile of bones, and the color of the lightning balls was changed to black.

Walk across the platform until you come to the stairs that continue up.

In the video, when the kobold steps on the stairs, a gray light will appear.

Xu Yang stood in front of the steps, raised one foot, and gently placed it on the steps, a circle of gray light appeared.

Not a curse.

Nor is there any force that can cause harm to a person.

It seems that when you step on it, the gray light is just a special effect?
Continue up the ladder step by step.

After a while, the entrance on the top of the tower appeared in front of me, and the two pillars were particularly eye-catching.

The black pillars are carved with complicated runes. The closer you get to the entrance and the two pillars, the more you find the complicated runes on the pillars. They are similar to the huge pillar in the second space of Mount Mang.

There is energy flow on the pillar.

After stepping into the top of the tower and standing in front of one of the pillars, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

The moment he saw these two pillars, he remembered the scene of gnawing down that pillar in the second space of Mang Mountain.

After absorbing the unknown energy of that pillar, the material of the artifact on the Dantian Qichi rockery has been greatly improved.

The three-star lightning hammer is not weaker than the four-star or even five-star artifact material in terms of material alone.

It can be seen that the unknown energy has a powerful effect on improving the material of the artifact.

Do the two pillars in front of you also have any special effects?
Xu Yang was moved.

Smacking his lips, his heart was about to move, wanting to gnaw off the two pillars.

Glancing at the spherical building in the center of the top of the tower, he didn't approach it rashly.

Xu Yang is not sure whether the spherical building has other unknown dangers besides the force of repulsion.

Therefore, he didn't approach rashly, and decided to gnaw the pillar first.

In the huge square at the top of the tower, there are no other buildings except for the entrance of the stairs, two pillars erected, and the spherical building in the center.

He reached out and patted the pillar, and it was certain that the pillar contained some kind of energy.

The only thing that is uncertain is what changes or new abilities will be brought to him after absorbing the energy in the pillar.

Xu Yang bent down, mobilized the energy source to the mouth, and took a bite at the bottom of the pillar.

A click.

Bite a small gap directly at the bottom of the pillar and come out.

An unknown energy entered the dantian qi pool, merged into the qi source, seemed to be absorbed by the rockery?
Xu Yang was puzzled for a moment, but he didn't find any special changes, and the source of energy in the energy pool didn't increase because of it.

(End of this chapter)

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