I want a big treasure chest

Chapter 647 Here Comes, Brother?

Chapter 647 Here Comes, Brother?

Xu Yang was about to let Jiewa swallow the black house when he suddenly saw a figure appearing under the mountain.

The figure of the ancestor warrior.

Finally met the warriors of the ancestors.

There is only one person on the other side.

Either after entering, the ancestor warriors separated and acted independently, or after entering, each of them appeared in a different position.

Xu Yang tends to the latter possibility.

The other party also seemed to have noticed the building on the mountain peak and was heading towards the mountain peak.

Immediately dodged into the black room.

Close the door.

Sitting cross-legged on the stone platform in the dark room, the muscles on his face twitched for a while, and instantly turned into horizontal and vertical eyes.

And the ears changed for a while, becoming exactly the same as those of the ancestors.

It's been a long time since I've used Thousand Shapes.

The stronger the strength, the more you can change your appearance and body shape as you like.

He felt that he should be able to pretend to be a warrior of the ancestors.

Jie Frog squatted on his shoulder and reminded: "Master, changing your appearance is nothing. It can be done when your strength reaches a certain level. Why doesn't anyone pretend to be someone else? Or, it's very easy to pretend to be someone else." To be seen through mainly lies in the breath."

"Especially cultivators, who can detect the breath of the other party, don't necessarily have to rely on their appearance to identify them, especially cultivators above the spiritual realm, can even judge a person's authenticity through the spiritual pattern."

Xu Yang also knew the problem. Now that he has reached the six-star level, he can already detect that the difference in the breath of other people does not necessarily depend on their appearance.

He can even detect the difference in the energy in the other person's body to identify a person.

Therefore, it is impossible to pretend to be a familiar person in front of him.

At this time, Xu Yang also discovered the drawbacks of the Thousand Shapes Technique.

Of course, you can change your appearance and body shape, and you can pretend to be someone else, but what about your breath?

What about ability?

If it were someone else, there would definitely be no way to pretend to be someone else.

Xu Yang is an exception.

The source of energy can derive all powers, but Xu Yang's control over the source of energy is not strong enough.

Once you step into the extraordinary, you can calmly mobilize the energy source, and it is actually not difficult to develop abilities.

Since it is possible to evolve various abilities, it is naturally not a problem to evolve breath.

The aura of the warriors of the ancestors, or the energy in their bodies, is different from that of humans on earth.

It is actually not difficult to evolve.

Compared to deriving various energies, deriving breath is actually much simpler.

"I know, just watch, it's okay."

As Xu Yang said, the aura on his body began to change slowly.

Gradually, it became similar to the aura of the ancestor warriors.

After thinking about it, if I pretended to be an ancient strong man from the ancestors, the aura on my body should be similar to that of an undead corpse.

Having been in contact with undead corpses more than once, it is not difficult to evolve the breath of undead corpses.

Xu Yang thought so, the aura on his body gradually turned to one side, and the aura of simplicity and vicissitudes appeared on his body.

Jiewa was speechless for a long time.

It suddenly discovered a problem, since Xu Yang can pretend to be someone else, then he will definitely use this ability to do things in the future.

Now, the strength is weak, and perhaps the use of this ability is limited. Once the strength becomes stronger, it will be different.

"Frog, do you think you can hide it now?"


"Don't talk nonsense, otherwise..."

"Master, don't worry, I don't know anything."

All this began to threaten himself, not to let himself leak out.

I must be thinking in my heart, how to do things in the future.


Looking at the buildings on the mountain peak, Lian Yu became nervous and full of anticipation.

As soon as they entered the ruins, everyone who was originally together separated.

As soon as he entered, he discovered that the ruins were not as small as they appeared from the outside.

The ancestors made a mistake in judgment!

In his inherited memory, there are records related to some relics.

The stronger the strength and talent of the new human beings of the ancestors, the more comprehensive and powerful their inheritance will be.

Lian Yu's strength is not weak.

Talent is not bad either.

Otherwise, they will not be included in the list of 50 people.

As soon as he entered the ruins, he knew that something was wrong. Once there were treasures in the ruins, or treasures related to the extraordinary, spiritual realm, etc., were obtained by Huaxia, which would make Huaxia's strength even higher.

If not done well, it will break the existing balance.

He was a little impatient, he had to find the core of the ruins, and take away the important treasures in advance, so as not to give Huaxia an opportunity.

These new humans were born among the resurrected species and belonged to a new ethnic group.

However, how did the resurrected species come from?

Didn't they collect the blood and genes of the original group of superior talents and cultivate them through special secret techniques?
Although they don't have the memory of the previous life, they are almost reborn.

Or, is it a continuation?
Roughly like this, right?
The ancestors are powerful, and they left behind at the beginning, so after the resurrection, they have the memory of the previous life, which is a real resurrection.

They are not resurrected, they should belong to newborns.

Starting a new life, the memories and life of the previous life are all in the past.

Because of this, they have feelings, missions, and responsibilities for their own clan.

Thinking so, Lian Yu went up to the mountain peak and saw a small black room among the ruins at a glance.

He was excited.

The small black room means that there was once a strong person in this clan who was seriously injured. He entered the small black room to linger on his last breath, entered the stage of deep sleep, and wanted to rely on a long time to recover from his injuries.

Among the ruins, a lonely small dark room.

Lian Yu was so excited that he didn't look around carefully, and went straight to the small black room.

Around the small black house, on the original ruins, there were traces of being turned over, Lian Yu's heart tightened, could it be that Chinese warriors came here in advance?
Upon closer inspection, it seems to be traces left by some kind of beast rummaging through the ruins.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, there are still some beasts in the ruins.

Excitedly, he came to the small black room, took a deep breath, and was about to greet him respectfully. If the senior of his clan inside was still alive, the other party would definitely open the door to see him.

If he died... I should take his corpse out, maybe the ancestors of Kaihong knew this senior of the clan?
These are all for the protection of the martyrs of the clan. If these martyrs hadn't fought the enemy to the death, how could the clan continue?
Lian Yu's expression was extremely respectful, and he bent down, as if he was meeting the emperor.

Taking a deep breath, he pinched a seal formula with both hands, a rune appeared in the palm of his hand, the energy was shining in the rune, and he was about to slap on the door of the small black room, and respectfully invited the seniors inside, in the unique way of his clan, Send the message of the arrival of the younger generation.

Right now.

"Coming, brother?"

A voice came from inside.

Lian Yu was stunned, and the runes in his hands scattered.


The seniors inside call me brother?

In my last life, I knew him and was very close?

Since it is a continuation of the previous life, the body is somewhat contaminated with the breath of the previous life, so the senior inside recognized him?
(End of this chapter)

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