Douluo God of Wealth Douluo

Chapter 49 The Last Auction

Chapter 49 The Last Auction

Not surprisingly, the jug fell into Sister Wen's hands.Seeing Sister Wen holding the flagon and smiling like a child, she really is completely different from her normal state.

The next two auction items are a bit special, they are both human beings, two people with mutated spirits.

One is the result of the mutation of the bird's martial spirit. It is said that this woman can imitate various voices, and the singing that she sings has the effect of calming the mind.

After the song, even Sister Wen, who had been holding the flagon, looked at the stage.

"Sister Wen, what the hell is going on!" Jin Bao asked in a low voice.Although in his memory, such a thing did happen in the original book, he still didn't understand the reason.

"There are three ways to mutate a martial soul. The first is that the mutation failed. It was originally a good martial soul, but it mutated into a low-level martial soul. The second is that the mutation is good, as long as it is not worse than the original All are considered good. The third is the most unlucky situation, this is it. They cannot practice, and will only increase their cultivation base with the time they live. The most important thing is that their intelligence develops very slowly. A soul beast with a human appearance will do.”

Jin Bao: "But they are still human beings!"

Sister Wen: "It's true that they can combine with humans to produce offspring. But the offspring are likely to be the same as them, so some nobles like to treat them as playthings. But if you really raise them for decades, you will have a soul ring .”

Two half-orcs, the bird half-orc bought by a male, the bull half-orc bought by a woman.

At this moment, the auction is halfway through.

Immediately afterwards, the item for auction was herbal medicine.Either it is for healing or for cultivating the body. The former is effective for people whose strength is below the soul king, and the latter is effective for people below the strength of the soul master.

The tenth auction item is a special soul guide.

"We call this soul guide magic clothes. Although it looks like a mask, it can change the appearance of the whole body after wearing it. But the only disadvantage is that it can't hide the effect of the martial soul." The auctioneer While saying that, she turned into a woman on one side, and said in her voice.

"Interesting." Sister Wen smiled and took the auction item.

"Is this thing useful?" Jin Bao asked suspiciously.

Sister Wen, "It depends on how you use it, and it just can't cover up the effect of the martial soul. The fluctuation of the soul power can still be controlled."

The No.11 auction item is a certificate, a certificate of title deed.

According to the auctioneer, the house value represented by this land deed has reached the reserve price of 20 gold soul coins.

However, Sister Wen was not interested at all.

She didn't sit up again until the next auction item came out.

Auctioneer "Now, our auction has reached No. 12 auction item! What is it? It is the eaux-de-vie! It is a 50-year-old eaux-de-vie!"

At first, Jin Bao thought that the water of life was a precious life-saving potion, but when he saw Sister Wen's crazy look like before, he remembered something.

It seems that what is called the water of life on earth is a kind of strong wine!

Since it was wine, Sister Wen naturally didn't intend to let it go.The few bidders gave up after just thinking about it. It was obvious that they meant to give it to Sister Wen.

Seeing Sister Wen leaning on the sofa with a pot in her left hand and a jar in her right, laughing, Jin Bao really wanted to capture this scene with something that could record images.

"Okay everyone, after the wine, it's time for our finale product to appear! Everyone knows that if a soul master wants to increase his strength, besides normal cultivation and absorption of soul bones, he can only rely on geniuses and earth treasures. And the ones that will be auctioned today , is a treasure that is rare to see in a hundred years!"

The red cloth was lifted, and the golden light shone.

"This piece of golden soul stone was produced in 9000-year-old cultured pearl shells. After absorbing it, the soul power of the metallic soul master will increase by at least five levels! Of course, you must be a soul master below the soul sect level. But , this still does not hinder its value. Because it can help you break through the bottleneck of level [-]!"

Jin Bao was refreshed, Momowei didn't say such details back then!

Although it is not right to use external force to enhance one's soul power, as long as it does not damage the foundation, it is actually no problem.

In fact, some big forces, when cultivating internal disciples, will use some suitable herbal formulas to promote the cultivation of the disciples' soul power.

And since the other party dares to take out this kind of thing, it means there is no problem.

Although it is a bit wasteful to use it now, it will still be in time when I break through level 45.He remembered the main lineup of the Spirit Master Elite Tournament of Wuhundian, without a spirit power of level [-], so don't even think about making it to the final stage easily.

Although he has confidence in himself, don't take such a good thing for nothing!
Looking at Sister Wen to the side, Sister Wen showed a slight smile, "It's no problem, I said it will be a greeting gift for you!"

Auctioneer: "Then, the starting bid is 20 gold soul coins, and each increase must not be less than [-] gold soul coins!"

"25!" Sister Wen raised her hand directly.

The other people who originally wanted to bid were stunned, they didn't expect the city lord to make a move!They all knew that the city lord of the first two wine auction items was bound to be won, and she also bought the previous mask-like soul tool.She can't use this last thing, so she probably won't make a move!

At this moment, the president of the commercial bank in the background looked at his daughter, "I really have you, my precious daughter!"

Momowei breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't think it would be possible, but this is considered to be on the line with the city lord. When the time comes, father, please ask her to help deal with the shallow bay, she should not refuse .”

With Sister Wen taking action, the others didn't really have to, so they naturally gave up the competition.

It was only at this time that Jin Bao realized, "Sister Wen, 25 gold soul coins! Isn't that too much?" You must know that although the family he grew up in is not considered a rich family, it is also a family of small riches.Not to mention 25 gold soul coins, even taking out 15 gold soul coins in one breath will cause problems for the family.

"It's a trivial matter, besides, the boss of this business firm must have asked me to do something. Otherwise, his daughter asked you to reveal what this finale is for? Besides, I have money, and as long as I am not too incompetent, the head of one of our Wuhun Palace will Some people are willing to make friends with you. What's more, here I catch both sides, and the income is very rich." Sister Wen stood up immediately after speaking.

After taking Jinbao to the backstage to collect the things, Jinbao followed Sister Wen back to the City Lord's Mansion.

Just as sister Wen guessed, the boss of the firm did have something to do with her.

In addition, besides the golden soul stone, the mask was also given to Jin Bao by Sister Wen.according to her words
"This thing is just a toy. It's useless if you really fight."

Finally, she gave Jin Bao a sip of monkey wine.

drink monkey wine
"Some sweet..."

 Today, the single "Broken Cocoon" is repeated, and I feel that my thoughts are much smoother. I recommend everyone to listen to it.

  Cough cough, push a book.

  "Starting from Douluo to beat the heavens"

  Available today.

  It is said that he sent an extremely perfunctory photo because he was waiting for the first order.

  Favorites, recommended tickets, it's better not to stop!


(End of this chapter)

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