Chapter 374

Liang Qingling looked up, and found that Leng Jun nodded in agreement with his words, and smiled a little embarrassedly, but his tone was very firm.

"If it's just strength, you only need to test your and my cultivation. Why do you need to walk these steps? The same is true for the spirit clan in front. He is a first-class fairy master, so he can be selected directly. And as long as the geniuses are given time, they Becoming strong is not a problem, what they want to test is not strength. It's..."

In the middle of speaking, Liang Qingling was stunned suddenly, and looked at Leng Jun in front of him in disbelief. He just had an idea, but this idea was a little ridiculous, which made him not sure, and his tone was a little trembling.

"No way?"

He didn't say anything, Ji Li on the side couldn't sit still, but he couldn't urge him, so he could only look back and forth between the two of them, not understanding what kind of riddle they were playing.

Leng Jun nodded resolutely, turned his eyes, glanced around, and sent a sharp look to Xue Shan who was tilting his head, making the other side turn around awkwardly, but his attention, Still on the three of them.

"What they want to test is not whether we are strong or weak, but whether we are geniuses or not!"

One word awakened the dreamer, and Ji Li's face showed a look of sudden realization. The monks who came here thought they were geniuses, so they didn't consider that these tests would check this.

But who is the person Tiandi Mountain has seen the most?They are all kinds of geniuses, but these self-proclaimed genius monks can't stop even a single divine sense connected to Shen Tianjun, so for Tiandi Mountain, there is no such thing as a genius or not, they are just some ordinary monks That's all.

You say you are a genius, then prove it to me!

The reputation of Tiandi Mountain has been earned for thousands of years. It can be said that everyone on this Lingshan Island knows everyone.Especially with the two groups of Spirit Race and Human Race, they can get along very harmoniously, at least there has never been a fight for so many years.

They have seen more geniuses than ordinary monks have heard of. Even the monks they don't want can at least rank among the top among other sects.Of course, it can only be some ordinary Zongmen mountains, so don't think about the Xuelei Mountain.

If you want to prove that you are a genius, your cultivation is very important, but it is not enough.This endless stair corridor was prepared for these monks to prove their genius.

As Leng Jun speculated, there is indeed a difference here.But being able to see the mystery is only the first step. What they have to do next is to walk out of this staircase corridor. This is the key point and the most difficult part!

"That is, they're going to let us show here why we're geniuses?"

Ji Li frowned, thought carefully, and said with some uncertainty.This speculation is really a bit too exaggerated. It is very likely that these monks will be disgusted by what the ordinary Zongmen Dashan does, but this is Tiandi Mountain, and it is not an "ordinary" Zongmen Dashan!
Leng Jun and Liang Qingling glanced at each other, and they both saw affirmation in each other's eyes.Seeing that the two nodded together, confirming his thoughts, Ji Li took a deep breath. Naturally, if he wanted to show his genius here, he would not let them compete, so there was only one thing left. It is possible, that is enlightenment.

But monks pay attention to chance when they realize the Tao. The only chance here is probably the heavy pressure around them. , is simply impossible.

"Shouldn't let us have an epiphany. Even a genius, to be able to achieve an epiphany in this situation, the talent required is beyond your imagination. Such a talent does not need to come to Tiandi Mountain."

Liang Qingling guessed what Ji Li might be thinking, and shook his head.It's just that following their previous thinking, the reason why they are called geniuses is because their understanding is far superior to ordinary people, and it seems that the only way to show their understanding is enlightenment.

Seeing how the two of them were frowning, Leng Jun also had some sadness in his eyes. He raised his head and glanced at the back of Xia Zhantu in front of him, and a spiritual light suddenly appeared in his mind.

"We are thinking a little too extreme, and we should return to the most important thing at the moment."

What is the most important thing for them at this time?Of course it was to show off his identity as a genius, but in the final analysis, the purpose of doing this was to worship Tiandi Mountain, and to worship Tiandi Mountain, he had to go out from here.

"Break this magic circle?" With Leng Jun's reminder, Ji Li felt suddenly enlightened, the fog that had been shrouding his mind disappeared in an instant, and he thought of what they should do.

Cutting the mess with a sharp knife will only add to the chaos, and straightening it out one by one is the key point.Leng Jun's words seemed to provide them with a thread, strung the whole mess and organized it into a thread.

With so many steps, going up a hundred steps will increase the pressure. Of course, it can't be born, there must be a magic circle around here.And breaking this magic circle is also the best way to show their understanding, and it is also much easier than epiphany.

The three nodded, all of them closed their eyes, exuded their own consciousness, felt the pressure around their bodies, and wanted to follow these pressures to find the source of their appearance. Once they found the source, they found the formation Eyes, if you want to break the formation, it will be much easier.

It's just that these pressures are not strands of silk, but like invisible bricks, piled on their shoulders, making them sore all over, but they can't find the source of the pressure at all.

Although Leng Jun's spiritual consciousness is strong, the competition at this time is not the level of spiritual consciousness, but their own understanding.The result he got was the same as that of Liang Qingling, Ji Li couldn't find any way to break the magic circle.

Xue Shan, who was behind the three of them, also heard their conversation, and pretended to close his eyes to feel the changes around him carefully.But even the three of Leng Jun couldn't see anything, how could a mediocre person like him find something different.

But even if he didn't find anything, he still deliberately said "Ouch!" "Found another one!" to attract everyone's attention to himself, which attracted several spirit clans to applaud .

(End of this chapter)

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