i lived 2000 years

Chapter 399 Uncomfortable

Chapter 399 Uncomfortable

It seems that this person does not know the relationship between himself and Xue Pian'er, he only came here because of his status as an elder.Although Tiandi Mountain is just a sect mountain on Lingshan Island, it is not easy to find two people here.

The strength of the Lord of Tiandi Mountain is very superb, not to mention that the other party's dragon can't see the end, even if he can find it, it is difficult to defeat him, so the best candidate is Elder Xu.

Afterwards, things were simple. Elder Xu brought the mysterious man to the hall, and the man shook the layer of ice away with a light wave without making any sound.

Before Elder Xu had time to sigh, he was knocked out again when the other party raised his hand, and he didn't know what happened after that.It was only in the early morning of the second day that a disciple came to report the incident to him, and he saw the bodies of the two men and the blood writing on the wall.

Out of worry and selfishness, he did not report to the Lord of Tiandi Mountain that he had met the mysterious man, and fortunately he did not do so.Because when he returned to his room, he suddenly found that the mysterious person had appeared in his room again.

It's just that this time Elder Xu's performance was very flat. Knowing that he couldn't escape even if he ran, he simply closed the door, turned his head to look at the other party, and offered him a cup of tea.

The mysterious man didn't take his tea, but just snorted coldly. After the sound appeared, the temperature of the whole room seemed to drop a bit.Then he turned and left.

After the opponent left, Elder Xu was surprised to find that there was an extra white jade bottle where the opponent was standing before.He uncorked the bottle tremblingly, and inside were round pills, no more, no less, exactly ten pills.The rich aroma indicated its grade, it was the sixth grade Huiyuan pill.

Under the bottle, there was a piece of paper with only a short line of small words on it, but it made Elder Xu's heart skip a beat, the blood on his face disappeared instantly, and he turned his head nervously, confirming that no one was there. Only recovered after this near.

"I know everything about you. Since you don't say anything, I don't intend to say it, and I won't let you do things for nothing. This elixir is the reward, and there will be more benefits in the future."

The handwriting looks very neat, and there are some blurred marks around each word. This is not written, but printed with a tablet, making it impossible for people to identify the origin of the other party through the handwriting.

This mysterious person is not only strange in status, but also generous in his shots. Tiandi Mountain only gives him ten sixth-rank Yuan Yuan Pills every year.

Another point is what the other party said. Although the other party didn't do anything this time, the meaning of this note is very obvious.It means that the other party has been observing Elder Xu. If he tells the owner of Tiandi Mountain about this mysterious person, he may be killed by the other party before he can meet the owner.

Then there is the threat from the other party. Elder Xu thought that the other party didn't know about himself and Xue Pian'er, but on the back of this note, there was a mark of cherry blossoms.He is very familiar with this cherry blossom, it is the carving on the hairpin on Xue Pian'er's head.

No wonder when I saw that corpse before, I always felt that something was missing. Now that I think about it, the hairpin on her head was missing.This mysterious person obviously knew the relationship between the two, otherwise he wouldn't use this mark.Although the cherry blossom mark didn't say anything, it was more effective than anything else.

It means that Xue Pian'er is in the hands of the other party now, if he dares to betray the other party, not only will he die, Xue Pian'er and even their son, Xue Shan will be beheaded by the other party.


With a flick of Elder Xu's finger, the note became a ball and landed on the oil lamp in the room, where it was burned to ashes by the crimson flames.Just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a voice came from behind him, sending a chill down his spine and turning around in horror.


It was the mysterious person who had just left. After the other party said these two words, his figure flashed and disappeared in front of his eyes in a cloud of black smoke.But the cold sweat on Elder Xu's face did not decrease at all, but increased.

The other party didn't leave before, but was watching him. If he didn't burn the note but stayed behind, he might not be in this world anymore.Unexpectedly, this person would be so cautious that he would not even allow anything that could be used as evidence to be left behind.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

After about a stick of incense, Elder Xu regained his composure. Just as he was about to adjust his breath, there was another knock on the door.He, who had already become a frightened bird, trembled in fright, and he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was only his door that rang.

With a wave of his hand, a wave of mana rushed out, and opened the door angrily, so startled that the disciple at the door backed away, thinking that he was about to attack him.He also noticed that Elder Xu's face was a little pale, and he asked if he was feeling unwell.

"It's okay, it's just that I was just practicing. What's the matter with you here?"

"Back to the elders, senior brother Tongshen has sent news that there is another strong man at the level of Changsheng Tianjun in Tiandi Mountain. I want to contact some elders to celebrate and ask if you are willing to go?"

"Isn't he a heavenly monarch? If there is anything to celebrate, tell him not to go!"

Elder Xu frowned, he was just a Longevity Heavenly Monarch, he might be regarded as a treasure in other sects and mountains, there were not many disciples in this Tiandi Mountain who were not Longevity Heavenly Monarchs, why should we celebrate.

After hearing this, the disciple said yes again and again, bowed and bowed to leave.But just as he turned around, Elder Xu's voice came from behind him again.

"Did he say which disciple it was?"

"It is said that it is a junior named Leng Jun."

Elder Xu, who was just about to take a sip of tea to slow down God, let go of his palm after hearing the name, and the good teacup slipped from his hand, and fell to the ground with a "click", turning into crumbs all over the floor .

He is not an elder for nothing, there are tens of thousands of disciples up and down in this Tiandi Mountain, and he can remember every name clearly.Others may have the same name and surname, but this Leng Jun is the only one from a month ago.

But I clearly remember that although this person's cultivation base is high, it is only equivalent to the realm of the first-class fairy master, and there is still a big gap from the limit of the fairy master. It has just passed a month, how can he improve? so fast?

I snatched the invitation card from the disciple, and there was nothing wrong with saying "Longevity Heavenly Monarch" on it.

(End of this chapter)

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