Chapter 51

As Xue Changfeng's daughter, Su Keke naturally inherited Xue Changfeng's martial arts.Moreover, Su Keke's comprehension ability is much higher than that of his brother Xue Qingfeng, and her Yuanli has already awakened.

Facing the siege of more than a dozen people, Su Keke did not abandon the horse like Xu Mu, but sat on the rouge horse, shook the whip in his hand, and a golden halo immediately covered the entire whip above.

With a flick of Su Keke's whip, a golden halo immediately formed around her.She and the rouge horse are enveloped in it.The imperial guards of the Eastern Shrine.None of them could get into her body.Because as long as someone does not believe in evil and dares to take a step into that halo, his bones will be broken immediately.

Those imperial guards couldn't do it even if they wanted to encircle but not attack, because Su Keke wasn't just passively not know when.She also took out a whip in her left hand.The halo controlled by the leather whip in his right hand makes it impossible to get close.The whip in her left hand struck out, and it didn't take long for all the imperial guards to be whipped off their horses one by one.Rolling and whining all over the floor.

Le Wen and Le Wu are not good at horse fighting, and the one-handed hooks in their hands are not suitable weapons for horse fighting.They originally wanted their men to force Su Keke off the horse, and then they made a move.But I didn't expect these men to be so useless.Su Keke almost sat on the horse without moving, and he had already defeated them all.

Le Wen and Le Wu saw this situation.I know I can't do it anymore.The two share the same mind.They didn't even need to turn their eyes back, they urged their horses to rush towards Su Keke together.

The strength of the two is not bad, just like Ye Chang and Xu Yuanba.The golden hooks of the two people were also filled with golden light spots for an instant. When the two people waved their golden hooks, those light spots spread all over the sky, which looked very spectacular.

Su Ke could see that there were only two people left in the opponent, so he was not defending, and took the initiative to attack the two people with a double whip.However, Su Keke miscalculated this time.

Hooks are not like swords, swords are mostly used for slashing, but Su Keke's leather whip has a special texture, and ordinary swords will not even produce a mark on it.But meeting Le Wen and Le Wu's double hooks, Su Keke suffered a disadvantage.

Le Wen saw that Su Keke's leather whip seemed to be drawn by him, and immediately swept the hook horizontally, and swept towards Su Keke's leather whip.After Le Wen's hook hit Su Keke's whip, he immediately wrapped it around with his backhand, and then threw it into his arms.It would be fine if Su Keke's leather whip was of ordinary texture, this hook would at most break the leather whip.However, Su Keke's leather whip was extremely strong. As a result, Su Keke was struggling and almost fell off the horse.

Su Keke hurriedly flicked the other hand, intending to use another whip to force Le Wen to release the hook in his hand.However, at this time Le Wu appeared.Like Le Wen, he raised his hook and slashed at Su Keke's whip.

It was too late for Su Keke to realize that something was wrong, and Le Wu, like Le Wen, hooked Su Keke's whip with a hook, and then slammed it into his arms.

With Le Wen alone, Su Keke couldn't take it anymore.What's more, facing Le Wen and Le Wu at the same time, although her Yuan strength is better than both of them, her strength is far behind them.Su Keke knew in her heart that if she insisted on comparing strength with the other party, the result would be very sad.So, Su Keke made a decisive decision, and suddenly let go of his hands.

Le Wen and Le Wu didn't expect Su Keke to let go suddenly. The two of them exerted too much force, and they stepped back more than a dozen steps together, and then with a "plop", they both fell to the ground at the same time.

Le Wen and Le Wu hurriedly turned over and jumped up from the ground. As soon as they stood still, they suddenly felt a red shadow flashing in front of them, and then they felt that they were slapped heavily on the top of their heads.Neither of them could figure out what happened, their heads had already exploded.

The brains were scattered all over the ground, and the two corpses without heads fell to the ground at the same time just like when they fell, and only made a sound.

Le Wen and Le Wu, the twins were different from others when they were born, because they were born together because they were connected together.And fate is sometimes such a coincidence that two people even die at the same time.However, the heads of both of them were blown apart by the vitality of Su Keke's palms, and their entire heads were gone.When people came to collect the bodies of the two of them, it might be difficult to tell which of them was Le Wen and which was Le Wu.

Seeing the tragic deaths of Le Wen and Le Wu, the "dry and skinny" Gu Jiazi, who had been watching the battle, couldn't stand it anymore. He bit his teeth that were almost completely exposed, and said harshly: "Miss Xue, you The method is so poisonous!"

Su Keke just rode the rouge horse, killed Le Wen and Le Wu with both palms, and left the scene quickly, although the brains did not get on her.But at some point, her two leather whips returned to her hands at some point.

Hearing what Gu Jiazi said, Su Keke looked at Gu Jiazi with a very strange look and said, "Is it vicious? This is strange. It's just killing people. Haven't you killed them before?"

Gu Jiazi said, "Of course I did, it's just..."

Su Keke smiled and said, "That's all right. It's all about killing people. Does it matter what method you use to kill people? It's really strange to say that they are vicious or not."

Gu Jiazi was left speechless by what she said, and after a while he let out his creepy laugh and said: "Miss Xue is right, it's just killing people, it's the same in any way."

As he said that, Gu Jiazi suddenly raised his arms, and a black breath radiated from his body.

When Su Keke saw it, he was taken aback, and exclaimed, "Aura of the underworld!"

Gu Jiazi giggled strangely, and said: "As expected of being the daughter of the Nantian King, she is really well-informed! I didn't want to make a move at first, but I blame your Miss Xue for being so ignorant, and I have nothing else to do." It's over. I hope your corpse can play some role."

Following Gu Jiazi's words, his body has been enveloped by the black "Qi of the Underworld", and his whole body has turned into a black mist.

Su Keke was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She had only heard her father mention this "air of the underworld", but it was the first time she had actually seen it. "Qi of the underworld", as the name suggests, is the air of death from the underworld.

In the world of the Tianshen Continent, there are not only two kinds of energy, the heavenly yang and the earthly yin.And this "air of the underworld" is another mysterious elemental force besides the heavenly yang and the earthly yin.Legend has it that this kind of power is only owned by one family, and it is passed on in a single line. Only one descendant of each generation can inherit it, so most people already know that this kind of power only exists in legends, and does not really exist in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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