Pirate Valkyrie Poten

Chapter 12 Ripping Bars

Chapter 12 Ripping Bars

Oka was very happy to find so many medicinal materials. After all, this was the time when Oka obtained the most medicinal materials since he learned alchemy, and he was one step closer to his plan.

Then I have to go to the "Pluto" Leili. If you want to find Leili, it's very simple, that is, you can definitely find it in the rip-off bar. In the anime, Oka knows that Leili and the rip-off proprietress Xia Qi are a bit ambiguous.

When Oka opened the door and entered the bar, he saw many people sitting there drinking. Orka didn't look for a place, so he just sat down by the bar counter, and said to Xia Qi who was wiping the glass: "Madam, let's have a glass of wine."

The proprietress of the ripping off bar looked at Oka with an immature face, and said, "Little devil, are you sure you want to drink fruit juice? Does your family know?"
Oka thought silently, I was 50 or [-] years old in both lives, okay, the appearance in this life is a bit deceptive, but I can’t tell others about this, so I can only helplessly say to Xia Qi: Don’t worry, Madam, I can drink, and my family knows it.

Before Xia Qi could speak, someone next to him said to Oka: "Little devil, are you sure you won't be spanked by your adults after drinking?"
The people next to him also booed and said with a smile: Yes, the brat can forget about drinking juice, and do you still have enough money to drink?

Oka also listened to them and made fun of himself. After all, the bars are only lively like this, and there is an atmosphere when drinking. As long as they don't make troubles, they can say whatever they want, but ask Xia Qi: "Madam, are you Don't you think you have no money?

"Guest, don't misunderstand. I didn't think you had no money. You misunderstood. What kind of wine do you want?" Xia Qi asked Oka.

Oka looked at Xia Qi and said so, but from the eyes, tone and movements, she knew that Xia Qi also believed what other people said, thinking that she had no money, but as the proprietress of the bar, she couldn't say it clearly, so she immediately I took out two bundles of money from my pocket, both of which were Baileys worth 1000 yuan, estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands, and said to Xia Qi: "Ma'am, it’s the first time I come to your place, and I don’t know any good wine. According to my money, I want the best wine.

The people who were drinking next to him were stunned when they saw Oka take out hundreds of thousands of Baileys, and they looked very relaxed, including Xia Qi, who also looked at Oka in shock, and said to Oka: "Okay, I see, I'll serve you a drink right now.

Oka didn't care about Xia Qi's friendly words, and felt refreshed for a while. It turned out that taking money to pretend to be B is so cool.

Some people beside him didn't care how happy Oka was, they had already changed their minds, and when they saw that Oka took Bailey so easily, they were ready to give him a vote.Discuss carefully with the tablemate: Hey, we have bonded this little devil, how about asking his family to send money?
"This is not good. Seeing this kid take out Bailey so easily, will there be someone with a strong relationship in the family?" The humanity next to him asked.

"So what if the relationship is hard? We are pirates. We trade at sea. When Bailey gets it, we immediately turn around and leave. Who can take the black pirates at sea?" Another person helped.

"Well, you have all decided, and I can only obey the majority."

"You are too timid, the world is full only if you are too timid, and you will starve to death if you are timid"

But they didn't know that Oka had heard their conversation, and was leisurely drinking the wine served by the proprietress Xia Qi.

The people next to them obviously heard what they said. Some people can't say anything to Oka about the power of the Black Pirates. After all, it's not good to kill someone they don't know. He looked at Oka.

Oka didn't care about them, he continued to drink and said to the proprietress Qi: "Madam proprietress, your wine is strong enough, what's the name of this wine?"
"Guest, this wine is called hero drunk," Xia Qi said.

"Hero Drunk, good, good name, but looking at the way you get the money, proprietress, this wine is really expensive." Oka said.

"Of course good wine has a good price, guest." Xia Qi said.

The people next to him saw that Oka was still drinking and chatting with the proprietress one after another, they all thought that Oka was dead, and looked at Oka with sympathetic eyes.

Of course Oka saw everyone’s expressions and eyes, so he picked up the wine glass and made a toast to everyone. Knowing what he looked like, he also sympathetically raised his glass to toast Oka.

Even Xia Qi next to him couldn't bear to look at it any longer, and even made eye contact with Oka, but Oka pretended not to see it, and asked Xia Qi, "Ma'am, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you blinking? Did you enter?" There is sand, come, let me blow it for you.

When the people around saw Xia Qi blinking at Oka, they knew that it was Xia Qi who hinted at Oka, but when Oka asked such words, everyone including Xia Qi fell for him, even the members of the Black Pirates When Xia Qi winked at Oka, she was very angry. If she couldn't fight and didn't want to make trouble, and let Oka know their actions, she would have stopped Xia Qi long ago.

But when Oka said such a thing, everyone thought that Oka was a kid who just stole from home to play, and would smile inwardly, ignore Xia Qi's actions just now, and continue drinking.

Seeing Oka say this, Xia Qi also thought that Oka was a kid who just stole from home to play, and couldn't help but looked at Oka worriedly, and didn't say anything, and sighed in her heart: Oh, it's another one who is spoiled by the family. Bad kid.

Oka drank too much, and as soon as he drank the rest of the wine in the glass, he was about to pick up the rest of the money and leave. At this time, he saw a middle-aged man pushing the door in. Oka took a look and knew that he wanted to Looking for "Pluto" Rayleigh, seeing Rayleigh walking in, Oka put the money in the back pocket and sat down, staring at Rayleigh.

When Rayleigh walked into the bar, he saw a kid staring at him. He felt a little baffled. He thought he had just finished work and there was dirt on his face. He even wiped his face and saw that there was no dirt on his hands. , looking at Xia Qi with a questioning face.

Xia Qi saw Lei Li's movements and looked at her with doubts on his face, poof. . .With a laugh, he shook his head at Rayleigh.

The members of the Black Pirates next to him just saw that Oka was about to leave, and ignored Raleigh's question, they all got up and walked towards Oka.

When the people around saw this situation, they all thought that Oka was over, and those who were close to Oka also moved to the side, so as not to tire themselves.

Oka obviously also saw the members of the Black Pirates approaching him, ignored them, and still stared at Lei Li as before, as if there was a flower on Lei Li's face.

Lei Li was inexplicably annoyed by Oka, and walked towards Xia Qi and asked: "What's going on? Why does this brat keep staring at me?"
"I don't know either. I only know that you look rich. Did you owe someone money outside, so they stared at you?" Xia Qi teased Lei Li.

"Nonsense, don't you know what kind of person I am?" Raleigh said angrily.

"I still really don't know what kind of person you are," Xia Qi continued to tease Lei Li.

Lei Li heard Xia Qi say this, and looked at Xia Qi helplessly. Xia Qi looked at Lei Li's appearance, smiled, and told what the Black Pirates were going to do.

Lei Li also took a sympathetic look at Oka after hearing this, and ignored the matter. After all, he encountered many such things when he and Luo Jie went abroad, and he took it for granted. Life and death are fate.

The members of the Black Pirates next to him didn't care what Rayleigh thought. A dozen or so people surrounded Oka and said, "Little devil, it seems that you were very quick to pay the money just now. You must be a child of a rich family, right?"
When Oka saw them asking questions around him, he knew that these people were going to attack, but there were only a dozen scumbags, and Oka didn't pay attention to them. He cooperated with them and said innocently, "Yes, how did you know, we Have you seen it?

"I haven't seen it before, but brothers are short of money recently, can you borrow some flowers?" A man who looked like a leading brother raised his gun and said.

"Then I haven't seen it and I'm not familiar with it. Why should I lend you money? What will you do if you don't pay me back?" Oka said, ignoring the man who was shaking the gun in front of him.

Those who watched the excitement and the Black Pirates didn't think that Oka would say such an idiot question, and they didn't know if he really didn't know or if he didn't know what the leading brother said, but the leading brother said: Yo, brat, you don’t know if you really don’t know or if you don’t know what the buddy said, and the buddy doesn’t talk nonsense to you, just take out everything on you, and ask your family to redeem you with [-] million Baileys, otherwise you may die again Not even your parents.

"Whether you want money or not, you have a life. It depends on whether you can get it, or your life will end here." Oka said angrily when he saw the leader brother threaten him with his parents.

"Little devil, do you see what I have in my hand? As long as I lightly press it, bang, you will say goodbye to this beautiful world." The leader brother opened the safety of the gun in his hand and said.

Oka saw the lead brother put the safety of the gun on, so he didn't bother to waste words with them, and he did it directly, shaving it to match the dragon palm, and rewarding each person with a palm. The speed was so fast that he returned to his seat in the blink of an eye, holding the palm of his hand. Leading the big brother's gun, said: "Fall."

As soon as Oka's words fell, the people next to him saw all the members of the Black Pirates lying on the ground covering their chests and howling: Ouch, it hurts to death.

Everyone did not expect this expressionless kid to be so powerful, but in Rayleigh's eyes, he was even more shocked. What others saw was only the surface, but what was seen was something deeper. In his eyes, Leo only saw a shadow One move and the person falls down.

The elder brother who took the lead threatened and scolded Oka and said: "Little bastard, you wait, wait until our captain comes, I want you to look good."

Oka walked up to the big brother who took the lead, and said: "Why, you still don't know what's going on, then I will tell you mercifully, I just talked to you scumbags for a while because I was bored." , Now start looting and bring all valuable things.

(End of this chapter)

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